History of Photoshop

This time we will discuss papers on the history of photoshop which includes understanding, inventor, dan pengembangannya lengkap Sejarah Dan Penjelasan Adobe Photoshop, or also called Photoshop, is a software that is used to modify images or photos professionally, including changing simple or complex objects. Program ini banyak juga digunakan

Pastel color

This time we will discuss papers about pastel colors which include understanding,combination,collection,color code and sample images complete Understanding Is a component of life that can be seen every day. There are many kinds of colors. Because of the variety of colors available, our eyes can distinguish objects from each other because of differences in color. one flower which…

Kinematics Material With Vector Analysis With Sample Problems

Bab Kinematika dan analisis vektor Kinematika merupakan Ilmu gerak yang membahas gerak suatu benda tanpa memandang gaya yang bekerja pada benda tersebut (mass of objects is ignored). So the distance traveled by an object during its motion can only be determined by velocity v and or acceleration a. Irregular Straight Motion (GLB) Straight Motion…

Isomer : Definition, Structure , Formula and Isomer c7h16

Isomer chapters that cover the meaning of isomers, division and examples of isomers Definition of isomers "in chemistry, isomers are molecules with the same chemical formula and with the same type of bond, but having a different arrangement of atoms can be likened to an anagram” Most isomers have similar chemical properties…

Complete Human Digestive System

Bab pencernaan manusia 1.Organ-Organ Pencernaan Terdapat 12 human digestive organs that play a role in the process of digestion of food in the body. These organs are integrated with each other to form a digestive system. The human digestive system starts from the mouth and ends in the anus. The following is an illustration of the digestive system in the human body: system…


This time we will discuss papers about nirmana which include understanding, element, type, functions and examples of complete and clear images Understanding Nirmana Nirmana is the arrangement of visual elements, like shape, line, color and texture, which becomes a unity that looks beautiful or has the desired effect. Nirmana comes from two words,…

Chemical elements : Gas Mulia, Halogen, Alkail Metals, Alkaline Soil and Periodic Elements

Bab Unsur-Unsur Kimia Lebih dari 100 chemical elements that are already known and identified. Each element has characteristics. These elements generally exist in nature, although there are some elements that are artificial. A small part of the element was found in the form of free elements, like for example argon, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. Definition…

Redox and Electrochemical Reactions : Definition and Examples of Questions

Reaksi Redoks dan Elektrokimia Pengertian Reaksi kimia bisa digolongkan menjadi berbagai macam reaksi. One of them is a reaction related to changes in the oxidation number of atoms before or after the reaction. From the review of the oxidation number the reaction can be divided into 2 type ie : Reaction at which the atoms are not affected…

Colligative Properties of Solution : Molaritas, Molality and Mole Fraction

The Colligative Properties of the solution includes an explanation of molality, Molarity and mole fraction Definition of Colligative Properties Solutions' Colligative properties of solutions are the properties of solutions that do not depend on the type of solute but depend on the concentration of the solute particles” The colligative nature of the solution consists of two types, namely the colligative nature of the electrolyte solution and also the colligative nature…

Geometry Series Formulas and Geometry Series Problem Examples

Bab deret geometri dan contoh soal deret geometri Pengertian Deret Geometri Definisi barisan Geometri adalah barisan yang setiap sukunya didapat dari hasil perkalian suku sebelumnya dengan sebuah konstanta. Geometry series are sequences that fulfill the quotient of a term with consecutive terms that have a constant value. Example : geometry line…