Prayer Poem Abu Nawas

This time we will discuss material or papers about the Ashes of Ashes of Nawas covering i'tirof ( recognition ) the short and clear Abu Nawas was an Arab poet and one of the greatest poets of classical Arabic literature. Experienced Sufi poets and leaders also adopted the full name of Abu Ali Al…

Mad Badal

Mad badal – How to read, Alphabet, Understanding and examples of mad badal complete with Arabic script and the meaning aka we will discuss below One of the meanings of mad reading that we need to know when learning the science of recitation is mad badal. Ya, maybe a few words before I have explained one by one…


Suhupendendakan Virus chapter that discusses the understanding of the virus, virus structure, classification, various viruses, history of viruses and viruses, For more details, the discussion below Understanding Viruses "Viruses are microscopic parasites that infect cells of biological organisms” Viruses have obligate parasitic properties, that is because the virus can only reproduce deep…

Magnetic field : Character, Understanding and Formulas

The Magnetic Field chapter explains the meaning of magnetism, Magnetic Properties and Magnetic Formulas Understanding Magnetic Fields "A magnetic field is a field formed by moving an electric current that causes the force on other moving electric charges.” The quantum mechanical spin of one particle will form a magnetic field and spin it…

Examples of Tafkhim and Tarqiq along with the Definition and Number of Qalqalah Letters

At this time we will discuss about tafkhim and tarqiq The meaning of Tafkhim and Tarqiq What is called Tafkhim is thickening the sound of letters. And the so-called Tarqiq is thinning out the letter sounds. وَاَحْرُفُ التَّفْخِيْمِ سَبْعٌ تُحْصَرُ * فِى خُصَّ ضَغْطٍ قِظْ بِغُلْوٍ تُشْهَرُ The number of Tafkhim letters is there 7, is summarized as lafadh: خُصَّ…

End of Year Prayer

This time we will discuss the material or prayer that is obligatory, namely end-of-year prayer which includes Arabic and Latin as well as meaning End of Year End of year is a state when approaching the end of the year and move on to the new year. At the end of this year, The calendar makes many adjustments for reference. There are several types…

Hukum Lam Ta’rif dan Lam Fi’il Beserta Contoh

In this discussion, we will share about Lam Ta 'rif and Lam Fi & rsquo il Laws. for more details see the discussion below Understanding Lam Ta'rif Lam Ta'rif is two letters "al” added to the base of the Arabic name. There are two types of lam ta'rif namely qamariah and syamsiah. Hukum Lam Ta’rif…

Examples of Idgham Mutajanisain and Idgham Mutamatsilain

This time we will share about examples of Idgham reading laws, namely Mitslii and Jinsii or better known as Idgham Mutajanisain and Idgham Mutamatsilain Examples of Idgham Mutajanisain and Idgham Mutamatsilain Examples of Idgham Mutamatsilain When there are two letters that are the same and the first letter dies, then it must be read Idhghom mitslii. Well…

Examples of the Islamic Brotherhood, Izhar syafawi

this time will share about examples of mim and nun tasydid along with izhar syafawi and ikhfa syafawi. Here is the explanation Mim and Nun Tasydid Ghunnah read in drone that must be applied to mim and nun in tasydid. The law is based on consensus of recitation scholars, like lafadh: اِنَّ, مِمَّ When there is…

Tajwid example

this time will discuss about the example of the Tajweed law that is the Law of Nunmati and Tanwin which includes the example of Ihar, idgham bigunnah, idgham bilagunnah, iqlab and ikhfa. For more details, see the discussion below How to Read the law of death and tanwin 1. Izhar is the Unleashing of the letter from his throne without the drone 2.…