Species Examples

What is that species ? Well, it's still confusing, right, for those of you who already understand, let's explore what a species is and those who don't know it, you are very right in choosing the information here.!! At this time we will discuss a paper or material that is about an example of a species which includes an explanation, macam-macam

Learn Hijaiyah Letters

At this time we will discuss material about learning hijaiyah letters which includes explanations, recognize letters, writing and the conditions of its arrangement Explanation of Hijaiyah Letters Learning Hijaiyah Letters Hijaiyah letters are the smallest unit in the layer of a word or word. In order to create meaning, a letter must be chained- writing and the conditions of its arrangement Explanation of Hijaiyah Letters Learning Hijaiyah Letters Hijaiyah letters are the smallest unit in the layer of a word or word…

Mad Iwad

Complete Mad Iwad material with understanding, How to read, and an example from the Qur'an accompanied by pictures so that it is easy to understand by Mad readers this is one of the mad laws and is very important to learn in order to be able to read the Qur'an properly and correctly. The following will explain the understanding, and an example from the Qur'an accompanied by pictures so that it is easy to understand by Mad readers this is one of the mad laws and is very important to learn in order to be able to read the Qur'an properly and correctly…

Mad Layyin

Complete Mad Layyin material includes understanding, how to read complete with pictures and examples from the Qur'an. Mad Layyin or mad lin is one of these 15 part of Mad law. The basic words in order to be able to remember and understand Mad Lin's Law are the letters Ya and Wau and this is almost or even…

Mad Tamkin

Mad Tamkin material with understanding, How to read, letters and examples from the Qur'an to be easily understood by the reader. Mad Tamkin is considered very rare and unlike other laws for pronunciation and recitation that rarely occurs in the A-Quran.. Okay, to save time, and an example from the Qur'an accompanied by pictures so that it is easy to understand by Mad readers this is one of the mad laws and is very important to learn in order to be able to read the Qur'an properly and correctly…

Intention of Rajab Fasting and the Benefits and Lessons of Rajab Fasting

Rajab Fasting Intention – Intending to fast at night can follow the recitation of the intention and put up the Sunnah intention of fasting Rajab right then and there. The obligation of intention at night only applies to obligatory fasting. For sunnah fasting, intention can be done during the day as long as the person concerned has not eaten, drink, dan hal-hal lain

Umrah : Definition , Terms , Pillars , Prayers and Procedures for Umrah

Umrah – Is one of the worship activities in Islam. Almost the same as Hajj, This worship is carried out by performing several worship rituals in the holy city of Mecca, especially in the Grand Mosque. The following is the definition of Umrah and costs, packages and prayers, Untuk lebih jelasnya simak pembahasa dibawah ini umroh Pengertian

This practice is simple but very pleasing to God

Kamu risau karena merasa cuma dapat berbuat amal kebaikan yang kecil? Jangan takut. Allah tidak cuma menyayangi hambanya yang berbuat kebaikan yang besar semacam sedekah dalam jumlah besar, ataupun shalat ratusan rakaat. But, pula menyayangi hambanya yang berbuat amal kebaikan kecil. Asal tidak berubah- ubah dalam melaksanakannya. Amalan Sederhana Sedekah

Lailatul Qadar Night

At this time we will discuss a paper or material about the night of lailatul qadar which also includes an explanation, signs, amalan dan doanya lengkap Penjelasan Malam Lailatul Qadar adalah merupakan satu malam yang datang pada bulan Ramadhan. In the Quran, the priority of Lailatul Qadar is better than a thousand months. Kemudian kapan Lailatul Qadar

Intention of Tarawih Prayer

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah mari kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah subahanahu wata’ala yang telah memberikan kita kesehatan serta nikmat iman dan islam serta ihsan yang sehingga kita dapat kembali berbagi informasi dan ilmu-ilmu yang bermanfaat. Tak lupa pula sholawat dan salam kita junjungkan kepada nabi besar kita yaitu nabi