Mahoma : Vida do profeta Mahoma desde o nacemento ata a morte que pode facer bágoas de goteo
esta páxina O Profeta Mawlid é o aniversario do nacemento do Profeta Mahoma, que caeu o 12 de Rabiul Awal (calendario islámico).
Como musulmáns, por suposto que debemos coñecer a historia do profeta Mahoma.
A súa historia de vida non é só para ser lida ou escoitada, pero pode ser usado como exemplo na nosa vida cotiá.
A historia da vida do Profeta. verdadeiramente cheo de sabedoría. Aínda que é un profeta e un apóstolo da elección de Deus, a súa vida non sempre é feliz e fácil.
Tamén continuou aceptando probas e desafíos na predicación para difundir a relixión do Islam.
Liña de descenso
The Prophet had the full name of Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abdi Manaf bin Qushayi bin Kilab bin Murrah ibn Ka’ab bin Luayy bin Ghalib ibn Fihr ibn Malik bin Nadhar ibn Kinanah bin Khuzaimah ibn Mudrikah ibn Ilyas bin Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma ‘ad bin’ Adnan and subsequently met his lines with Prophet Ismail as.
His lineage from his mother’s side was Muhammad bin Aminah bint Wahab bin Abdi Manaf bin Zuhrah bin Kilab. Thus, his lineage from the side of his father and mother met his grandfather, Kilab.
The birth of the Prophet Muhammad
In the strongest opinion, the Prophet was born on Monday, the 12th night of Rabiul Awwal in Makkah to coincide with the beginning of the Year of the Elephant.
The distance between the birth of the Prophet Muhammad and the birth of Prophet Isa As was 571 years, between Prophet Isa (as) and the death of Prophet Musa (as) was 1716 years, between Prophet Musa As and Prophet Ibrahim As 545 years, between Prophet Ibrahim As and the flood that occurred the time of Noah As was 1080 years, between the flood of Noah As and Prophet Adam As was 2242 years.
So that the distance between the birth of the Prophet Muhammad and the Prophet Adam As is 6155 years, based on the famous history of historians.
The Prophet Muhammad was raised in Mecca as an orphan, because Abdullah’s father died in Medina two months before he was born.
At that time his father was trading in Sham and stopped in Medina in a state of illness, until he died at his uncle’s house from the children of Najjar.
O seu pai non deixou máis que 5 camelos e luz dunha muller.
Daquela os árabes tiñan o costume de confiar os seus fillos a outras mulleres da aldea coa esperanza de que despois o neno tivese un corpo forte e unha conversa fluida..
En base a este hábito, o seu avó Abdul Muttalib entregou o seu neto Muhammad Saw a Halimah bint Dzuaib As-Sa'diyah, unha das mulleres de Bani Sa'ad para darlle o peito.
A esa hora, Bani Sa'ad sufriu unha seca, unha longa estación seca alcanzou a súa zona de residencia.
Pero cando o pequeno Mahoma chegou á residencia de Halimah e instalouse alí para alimentarse, gradualmente a terra arredor da residencia de Halimah volveu fértil.
Cando o Profeta (a paz e as bendicións de Deus sexan con el) aloxouse na residencia de Halimah, there were often extraordinary things in the Prophet Muhammad, including the events of the “division of the chest”.
After weaning, the Prophet Muhammad was returned to his mother Aminah. A esa hora, the Prophet Muhammad was only five years old.
Tamén continuou aceptando probas e desafíos na predicación para difundir a relixión do Islam. The death of the grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad
In the eighth year of his age, Abdul Muthalib his grandfather passed away, then he was later raised by his uncle Abu Talib.
Abu Talib was a generous man, but his life was inadequate to meet the needs of his family.
The First Journey of the Prophet Muhammad to Sham
When the Prophet Muhammad reached the age of 12, he was taken into business by his uncle, Abu Talib to the land of Sham, and this was his first trip.
Estas caravanas comerciais reuníronse preto da cidade de Basora e alí coñeceron un sacerdote xudeu chamado Buhaira e algúns dixeron que os sacerdotes cristiáns.
Este sacerdote entendeu o privilexio do profeta Mahoma e díxolle a Abu Talib: "Seguramente o fillo deste irmán conseguirá un alto cargo, así que mantelo ben.”
Entón Abu Talib chegou a casa co profeta Mahoma á Meca.
A segunda viaxe do profeta Mahoma a Sham
When the Prophet Muhammad reached the age of 25, foi a Sham por segunda vez levando mercadoría pertencente a Khadijah binti Khuwailid, unha muller coñecida e rica encomendada a el.
Durante a viaxe o profeta Mahoma estivo acompañado por un sultán Khadijah chamado Maisaroh.
Nesa viaxe coñeceu a un monxe chamado Nasthur, e entendeu os trazos do profeta Mahoma vistos por Buhaira.
Prophet Muhammad Married Siti Khadijah
Upon arriving in Mecca from this trade trip, he married Khadijah binti Khuwailid, which was two months after his arrival.
After that the Prophet Muhammad moved to Khadijah’s house to start a new chapter of his life, the age of Khadija at that time was 40 years.
From the marriage three sons were born, namely Al Qasim, Abdullah and Thayyib, all of whom died as children, and 4 daughters namely Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum and Fatimah.
The four daughters lived until they were big. The oldest of them married Abil Aash ibn Rabbi ‘bin Abdus Syam.
Ruqayyah married Utbah bin abi Lahab, while Umm Kulthum married Utaibah bin Abi Lahab.
Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthum later married Usman bin Affan. As for the youngest, namely Fatimah Az Zahra married to Ali bin Abi Talib ra.
Participation of the Prophet Muhammad in the Improvement of the Ka’bah
The Ka’bah is the first building established in the name of Allah SWT to worship and honor Him.
The building was founded by Abul Anbiya, Prophet Ibrahim As after successfully destroying the idols worshiped by his people as well as the temple where he worshiped.
After the time of Prophet Ibrahim As, the Ka’bah was hit several times by disasters which weakened its walls and foundations.
Large floods shook the Ka’bah building several years before the nubuwwah.
Prophet Muhammad Saw actively participated in the improvement of the Ka’bah. He also carried a stone on his shoulder with a cloth. In a valid opinion, the incident occurred when the Prophet Muhammad turned 35 years old.
The Prophet Muhammad also played an important role in solving the complicated problem that caused all the tribes to fight fiercely.
There has never been a decision as to who is most entitled to the honor of returning Hajar Aswad in its original place.
The Prophet Muhammad succeeded in solving this problem brilliantly.
He decided to put Hajar Aswad on his turban and each tribe chose to choose a representative who held the end of the turban and lifted it together, until it arrived at its place the Prophet Muhammad took Hajar Aswad and put it in its place, then the problem was settled.
Appointment of Muhammad Saw as a Prophet and Apostle
In the fortieth year, Allah Almighty glorified him with the stipulation of being a Prophet and Apostle by the descent of the Angel Gabriel to him, where before he had aloof and worshiped by choosing a place in Gua Hira next to Jabal Nur.
And the first time he felt and showed him was the existence of a true dream.
The decline of the First Revelation
When the Prophet Muhammad was alone in Gua Hira, the first revelation was brought by Jibril which was a revelation from Allah SWT, is the word of God which reads:
اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ – خَلَقَ الْإِنسَانَ مِنْ عَلَقٍ – اقْرَأْ وَرَبُّكَ الْأَكْرَمُ – الَّذِي عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِ
Which mean :
“Read with (mentioning) the name of your Lord who created, He has created man from a lump of blood. Read it, and your Lord is the Most Gracious, Who teaches (man) by means of kalam. He taught people what he did not know. “(Al-‘Alaq, 1-4)
Waraqah bin Nauval era fillo do tío Khadijah binti Khuwailid, un home famoso na Meca polos seus amplos coñecementos en materia de relixións divinas.
Cando Gabriel baixou para traer revelacións ao Profeta Mahoma, Khadijah foi velo e contoulle o incidente. dixo Waraqah: "Polo amor de Deus, a vida de Waraqah está nas súas mans, se cres en Khadijah, un gran anxo chegou a Moisés e de feito el (Profeta Mahoma) é un profeta deste pobo.”
Da'wah en segredo
E entre as persoas que primeiro creron entre os homes estaba Abu Bakr bin Kuhafah, e de entre as mulleres estaba a súa muller, Khadijah e entre os nenos estaba Ali bin Abi Talib, onde Alí nunca se postrara contra unha estatua , para que lle deron un adicional (after mentioning his name) as Karramallahu Wajhah (Allah has glorified his personality).
Blatant Commandment of Da’wah
Then Allah SWT ordered him to do preaching openly, with His word,
فَاصْدَعْ بِمَا تُؤْمَرُ وَأَعْرِضْ عَنِ الْمُشْرِكِينَ
Which mean :
“Then tell you openly all that is commanded (to you) and turn away from those who are idolaters.” (Al-Hijr, 94)
So he responded and welcomed the command of Allah SWT well, so he preached to humans to disperse Allah and leave the deeds of shirk and kufr. Some of them are believers and some are unbelievers.
The Prophet had the full name of Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abdi Manaf bin Qushayi bin Kilab bin Murrah ibn Ka’ab bin Luayy bin Ghalib ibn Fihr ibn Malik bin Nadhar ibn Kinanah bin Khuzaimah ibn Mudrikah ibn Ilyas bin Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma ‘ad bin’ Adnan and subsequently met his lines with Prophet Ismail as.
His lineage from his mother’s side was Muhammad ibn Aminah, Wahab bin Abdi Manaf bin Zuhrah bin Kilab. Thus, his lineage from the side of his father and mother met his grandfather, Kilab
Prophet Muhammad was hurt by his people
The Prophet Muhammad had been severely hurt by his people, among others, he was stoned or with dirt at the door of his house. But he is always patient and patient, so that finally the right to defeat the vanity, because actually the vanity will lose and be destroyed.
First move to Habasyah country
This year, the Prophet Muhammad ordered his companions to emigrate to the land of Habasyah (Ethiopia), after learning that the Quraysh always carried out painful actions to them, even though no relatives would help and hinder the actions of the Quraysh that is.
So some friends emigrated to save their religion, and this was the first migration from Mecca, where the number of those who emigrated was 80 friends. They returned to Mecca from Habasyah after staying there for three months.
Second move to Habasyah country
In this seventh year, the Prophet together with his uncle, Abu Talib and Banu Hashim and Banu Muthalib, both Muslims and those who were still unbelievers, entered Syi’ib. So on this occasion the Quraysh boycotted them by cutting off the food supply line and trading activities in the market, unless they handed the Prophet Muhammad to the Quraysh to be killed.
The Quraysh wrote the contents of the boycott on the sheets of skin hung in the Kaaba. So the Prophet Muhammad ordered his companions to migrate to Habasyah, which is the second time to migrate.
The spread of Islam in Medina
And the Messenger of Allāh kegiatan carried out activities to the Arab tribes to carry out da’wah introducing Islamic teachings to them. Some of them are believers and some remain unbelievers.
Among those who believed, there were six of the residents of Medina, who among others because of the spread of Islam there.
In 12 prophethood, twelve men from Medina met the Prophet Muhammad. Among them were ten people from the Aus tribe and two from the Khazraj tribe and then all of them believers. And of these twelve people, five of them were from their group of six who had believed before.
They all did bai’at before the Prophet not to associate Allah with anything, not to commit theft and not commit adultery, then they returned to Medina. They were there with the help of Allah to preach Islam to the residents of Medina.
In the year 13 prophethood, came to the Prophet Muhammad seventy men and two women from the Arab population of Medina, and they all converted to Islam and carried out allegiance before the Prophet as the second bai’at.
Then they returned to Medina, e pola súa intercesión o Islam estendeuse amplamente entre os habitantes de Medina.
O post de Mahoma : A vida do profeta Mahoma desde o nacemento ata a morte que pode facer bágoas de goteo apareceu primeiro nesta páxina.