Yes Robbah Makkah
Shalawat is the plural form of the word salla or salat which means: prayer, blessedness, glory, well-being, and worship.

Sholawat according to language can be interpreted as Do'a
Shalawat according to syar'i or term that is Praise to the Prophet SAW
Following is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of Sholawat Ya Robbah Makkah
Yes Robbah Makkah
أکتم هوانا إن أردت رضانا ، واحذر تبيح بسرنا لسوانا
Uktum hawânâ in arodta ridlônâ, wahdzar tubîhu bisirrinâ lisiwânâ
Save your love for us if you want our pleasure, and do not spread our secrets to anyone other than us.
واخضع لنا إن کنت راجي وصلنا ، واترك مناك إن أردت منانا
Wakhdlo’ lanâ in kunta rôjiya washlinâ, watruk munâka in arodta munânâ
Submit to us when you wish to see us, and leave your dreams, if you want to achieve our dreams.
أوما علمت بأننا أهل الوفا ، ومحبنا ما زال تحت لوانا
Awamâ 'alimta bi-annanâ ahlul wafâ wa muhibbunâ mâ zâla tahta liwânâ
Do you know, that we actually kept our promises? And our lovers will be under our flag.
نحن الکرام فمن أتانا قاصدا ، نال السعادة عندما يلقانا
Nahnul kirômu faman atânâ qôshidân, nâlas-sa’âdata ‘inda mâ yalqônâ
We are a noble group of people, then whoever comes to us with the right purpose, I will definitely find happiness when you meet us.
هاموا بعشقتهم سگاری عندما ، کشف الحجاب وشاهدوا مغنانا
Hâmû bi’isyqotihim sukârô ‘inda mâ kusyifal hijâbu wa syâhadû maghnânâ
They will be blown away , and get drunk with longing when the veil is exposed and they see our wealth.
فهم المراد ولا يراد سواهم ، فالقلب مشتغل بهم ولهانا
Fahumul murôdu walâ yurôdu siwâhumu fal qolbu musytaghilun bihim wal hânâ
They are what God wants, and Allah does not desire other than them, then all hearts will be busy and confused thinking about them.
کرر لسمعی ذکرهم وحديثهم ، تعمل معی بحياتهم إحسانا
Kurrir lisam’î dzikro-hum wa hadîtsahum ta’mal ma’i bihayâtihim ihsânâ
Repeat in mentioning them so that you can do good deeds with me, to do good to them and remember their lives.
يارب مکة والصفا بمحمد ، إغفرلنا ياسامعا لدعانا
Yâ robba Makkata wash-shofâ bi Muhammadin ighfir lanâ yâ sâmi’ân lidu’ânâ
O Lord the owner of Mecca and the hill of Shofa, thanks to the Prophet Muhammad, forgive us, O Hearer of our prayers.
ثم الصلاة علی النبی وآله ، ماحرکت ريح الصبا أغصانا
Tsummash-sholâtu ‘alân-nabî wa ãlihî mâ harrokat rîhush-shobâ aghshônâ
Then give prayers to the Prophet and his family, as long as the wind blows and shakes the branches of the trees.
Such is the text and translation of Sholawat Ya Robbah Makkah, May be useful
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Shalawat is the plural form of the word salla or salat which means: prayer, blessedness, glory, well-being, and worship. prayers according to the language[…]
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