O Most Merciful
Sholawat Ya Arhama Rohimin
Readings “He is merciful” Duhai the Most Merciful among the Merciful.
A life solution when experiencing anxiety & the narrowness of Abuya Assayyid Muhammad bin Alawi Al Maliki in his book Abwabul Faraj states that reproducing Ya Arhamar Rahimin's reading is the biggest doorway to get spaciousness and solutions to life's problems.. This sentence is mentioned by some scholars as a form of asthma of God the Almighty (ismullah Al-a’dzam).

O Most Merciful
ياأرحم الراحمين ۰۞۰ ياأرحم الراحمين ياأرحم الراحمين ۰۞۰ فرج علی المسلمين
Yâ Arhamar-Rôhimîn Yâ Arhamar-Rôhimîn Yâ Arhamar-Rôhimîn Farrij ‘alâl muslimîn
O Most Merciful love more than all who have the nature of love, O Most Merciful love more than all who have the nature of love, O Most Merciful love more than all who have the nature of love, give help to the Muslims.
ياربنا ياگريم ۰۞۰ ياربنا يارحيم أنت الجواد الحليم ۰۞۰ وأنت نعم المعين
Yâ Robbanâ Yâ Karîm Yâ Robbanâ Yâ Rohîm Antal jawâdul halîm wa anta ni’mal mu’în
O Most Gracious God, O our Most Loving God, You are the Most Gracious and the Most Gentle, and Thou art the Beneficent, the Beneficent
وليس نرجو سواك ۰۞۰ فادرك إلهي دراك قبل الفنا والهلاك ۰۞۰ يعم دنيا ودين
Wa laisa narjû siwâk Fadrik ilâhî darôk Qoblal fanâ wal halâk Ya’ummu dunyâ wa dîn
And we have no hope other than You, So bring us, O our Lord, Your help and Your concern. Before the complete destruction and destruction on the surface of the earth and our religion.
ومالنا ربنا ۰۞۰ سواك ياحسبنا ياذاالعلا والغنی ۰۞۰ وياقوي يامتين
Wa mâ lanâ Robbanâ Siwâka Yâ hasbanâ Yâ dzal’ulâ wal ghinâ Wa Yâ qowiyyu Yâ Matîn
And no one is with us, O our Lord besides Thee, O Almighty who is able to suffice us, O the Most have the nobility, O the Most Rich, O the Almighty, O the Almighty of power.
نسألك والی يقيم ۰۞۰ العدل گی نستقيم علی هداك القويم ۰۞۰ ولا نطيع اللعين
Nas-aluka wâlî yuqîm. Al’ad-la kay nastaqîm ‘Alâ hudâkal qowîm wa lâ nuthî’ulla’în
We ask you, Leaders who uphold justice, so that we can do more istiqomah worship, Above the guidance of Your guidance that is upright with truth and noble, and until we do not lead the people with whom You are angry.
ياربنا يامجيب ۰۞۰ أنت السميع القريب ضاق الوسيع الرحيب ۰۞۰ فانظر إلی المؤمنين
Robani Mujib Antas-sami’ul qorib Dlôqol wasi’ur-rohib Fandhur ilâl mu,min
O our Lord, O Almighty who answers prayers with more than what is asked, You are the All -Hearing, the All -Near, Indeed, things that were previously broad and pleasant have now become narrow, so look at the believers with Your love and have mercy on the believers.
نظرة تزيل العنا ۰۞۰ عنا وتدنی المنا منا وکل الهنا ۰۞۰ نعطاه فی کل حين
Nadhrot tuzilul ‘anâ‘ Annâ wa tudnîl munâ Minnâ wa kullal hanâ Nu’thôhu fî kulli hîn
The sight of love that makes the disappearance of all sorrows in us and bring closer to us all that we aspire to in ourselves, of what we aspire to and all the happiness, so that we are overflowing with grace at all times.
سالك بجاه الجدود ۰۞۰ والی يقيم الحدود فينا ويکفی الحسود ۰۞۰ ويدفع الظالمين
Sâlak bijâhil judûd Wâliy yuqîmul hudûd Fînâ wa yakfîl hasûd Wa yadfa’udh-dhôlimîn
We ask you, for the sake of your saints who always renew the situation, we ask You the Leader who upholds the truth on us, and protect us from those who envy and protect us from tyranny.
يزيل للنگرات ۰۞۰ يقيم للصلوات يأمر بالصالحات ۰۞۰ محب للصالحين
Yuzîlu lilmunkarôt Yuqîmu lissholawât Ya,muru bisshôlihât Muhibbun lisshôlihîn
A leader who always corrects wrongdoing, do prayers, a leader who always commands good things, and love those who are righteous
يزيح کل الحرام ۰۞۰ يقهر کل الطغام يعدل بين الانام ۰۞۰ ويؤمن الخالفين
Yuzîhu kullal harôm Yaqharu kullath-thoghôm Ya’dilu bainal anâm wa yu,dry-ifîn minul
A leader who always fixes everything that is prohibited by religion, and oppress all those who do wrong, a just leader among men, and safeguard and protect those who are in fear and worry.
رب اسقنا غيث عام ۰۞۰ نافع مبارك دوام يدوم فی کل عام ۰۞۰ علی ممر السنين
Robbi-sqinâ ghoitsa ‘Nâfi sound’ mubârok yadmu fî kulli ‘sounding‘ alâ mamarris-sinîn
O our Lord, shower us with the abundance of your grace throughout the year, which brings an abundance of continuous benefits and blessings, which continues throughout the year over time
رب احينا شاکرين ۰۞۰ وتوفنا مسلمين نبعث من الآمنين ۰۞۰ فی زمرة السابقين
Robbihyin min syâkirîn wa tawaffanâ Muslimin Nub’ats minal ãminîn fi zumrotis-sâbiqîn
O our Lord, make our lives always a grateful servant, and let us die as Muslims, Until we are raised in the group of those who are safe from Your torment and wrath in the group of those who enter paradise first.
بجاه طه الرسول ۰۞۰ جد ربنا بالقبول وهب لنا کل سول ۰۞۰ رب استجب لی امين
Bijâhi Thôhâr-Rosûl Jud robbanâ bil qobûl Wa hab lanâ kulla sûl Robbistajib lî amin
For the sake of the high degree of Prophet Muhammad, So, be grateful, O our Lord, to us by giving our wishes, And give us whatever we ask for, O our Lord, answer for us and grant.
عطاك ربی جزيل ۰۞۰ وکل فعلك جميل وفيك املنا طويل ۰۞۰ فجد علی الطامعين
'Athôka robbî jazîl Wa kullu fi’lik jamîl Wa fîk amalnâ thowîl Fajud ‘alâth-thômi’în
Your grace, O our Lord, is so beautiful and abundant, and all thy works are beautiful, And in You our dreams are very long, so be generous to those who long for your grace.
يارب ضاق الخناق ۰۞۰ من فعل مالا يطاق فامنن بفك الغلاق ۰۞۰ لمن بذنبه رهين
Yâ Robbi dlôqol khinâq Min fi’li mâ lâ yuthôq Famnun bifakil ghilâq Liman bidzanbih rohîn
O our Lord, has narrowed our throats (in deep trouble), from deeds we cannot avoid, So grant us the release of all the difficulties that lock us, for the servant who is pawned by his own sins.
واغفر لکل الذنوب ۰۞۰ واستر لکل العيوب واکشف لکل الکروب ۰۞۰ واکف أذی المؤذيين
Waghfir likullidz-dzunûb wastur likullil ‘uyûb Waksyif likullil kurûb wakfi adzâl mu,dziyîn
And forgive every sin, and cover all our disgrace, Get rid of us and get rid of all the problems and trials and calamities, protect us and suffice the annoyance of the people who bother us.
واختم بأحسن ختام ۰۞۰ إذا دنی الإنصرام وحان حين الحمام ۰۞۰ وزاد رشح الجبين
Wakhtim bi-ahsan khitâm Idzâ danâl inshirôm Wa hâna hînul himâm Wa zâda rosyhul jabîn
And end us with Husnul khotimah, when our death is near, And our last breath is near, and add the sweat running down his forehead as a sign of our glorious death (people who are experts in heaven died in a state husnul khotimah one of the signs is that his forehead was sweating when he breathed his last)
ثم الصلاة والسلام ۰۞۰ علی شفيع الأنام والآل نعم الکرام ۰۞۰ والصحب والتابعين
Tsummas-sholât was-salâm ‘Alâ Syafî’il anâm Wal ãli ni’mal kirôm wash-shohbi wat-tâbi’în
And bestow prayers and salâm on the bearer of Syafa'at for mankind, and upon his noble family the noble people, and the Companions and the Tabi'in.
Those are the lyrics and meaning of Sholawat Ya Arhamarrahimin, May be useful
Other prayers :
- Text and Lyrics of Sholawat Badar ( Latin & Arab )
- Text, Lyrics and Indonesian Translation Syi'ir Tanpo Waton
- Lyrics, Sholawat Text and Translation Ya Robbah Makkah
- Lyrics, Text and Translation of Sholawat Ya Maulidal Musthofa
- Text, Lyrics and Translate Sholawat Qod Kaffani
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