Text, Lyrics and Translate Sholawat Qod Kaffani
Shalawat is the plural form of the word salla or salat which means: prayer, blessedness, glory, well-being, and worship.

Sholawat according to language can be interpreted as Do'a
Shalawat according to syar'i or term that is Praise to the Prophet SAW
Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of Sholawat Qod Kaffani
Qod Kaffani
قد گفانی علم ربی ، من سؤالی واختباري
Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah
Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah
فدعائی وابتهالی ، شاهد لی بافتقاری
Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah
Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah (Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah)
فلهذا السر ادعوا ، فی يساری وعساری
Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah
Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah (Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah) Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah (Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah) Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah
انا عبد صار فخری ، ضمن فقری واضطراری
Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah
I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need (Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah)
قد گفانی علم ربی ، من سؤالی واختياری
Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah
I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need
ياإلهی ومليکی أنت تعلم گيف حالی
I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need
I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need, I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need
وبما قد حل قلبی ، من هموم واشتغالی
I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need
I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need (I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need)
فتدارکنی بلطف ، منك يامولی الموالی
I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need
I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need
ياگريم الوجه غثنی قبل أن يفنی اصطباری
I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need
I am a servant whose pride is the depth of my poverty and the magnitude of my need, help me, with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared
قد گفانی علم ربی ، من سؤالی واختياری
Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah
with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared
ياسريع الغوث غوثا ، منك يدرکنی سريعا
with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared
with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared, with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared
يهزم العسر ويأتی ، بالذی أرجو جميعا
with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared,with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared
with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared, with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared
يا قريبا يامجيبا ، يا عليما يا سميعا
with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared
with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared, with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared, with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared, with the help that came before my ability to be patient disappeared
قد تحققت بعجزی ، وخضوعی وانکساری
Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî
Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî, Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî
قد گفانی علم ربی ، من سؤالی واختياری
Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat Allahu Allah
Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî
لم أزل بالباب واقف ، فارحمن ربی وقوفی
Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî
Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî, Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî
وبوادی الفضل عاکف ، فأدم ربی عکوفی
Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî
Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî
ولحسن الظن لازم ، وهو خلی وحليفی
Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî
Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî, Qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzî wa khudlû’î wankisârî
Such is the text and translation of Solawat Qod Kaffani, May be useful
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