Istikharah Prayer Procedures
At this time we will discuss a paper or material about the procedures for praying istikharah which includes intention, recitation and prayers according to the sunnah

Proof Or Reference About Istikharah Prayer
Istikharah prayer is a total sunnah prayer 2 rak'ah that has been organized by Rasulullah SAW to strengthen the sunnah that has been done.
At first, the people of ignorance perform istikharah by wearing azlam ( lottery ).
But Allah forbade this method and changed it with istikharah prayer after appointing Prophet Muhammad SAW as the Messenger of Allah
Overcome the argument of istikharah prayer, Hadith Shahih Bukhari narrates:
From Jabir bin Abdullah radhiyallahu‘ anhuma, he said that Rasulullah SAW instructed us to use the method of performing istikharah prayers in all matters, as he directed us with the Qur'an.
Rasulullah said:” When one of you wants to do something, should first perform the prayer 2 rak'ah is not just obligatory prayer…”
( HR. Ahmad, Al- Bukhari, Ibn Hibban, Al- Baihaqi )
This is the Istikharah Prayer Time

Istikharah prayer times explore the time of the sunnah prayer that has been done. The meaning, istikharah prayer has no specific limit for the time of its application.
But, if done by yourself and special intention to pray istikharah,should not implement it on time- the time when sunnah prayers are prohibited from being practiced.
However, there are plans to implement it at a third of the night, coincides with the implementation of the midnight prayer.
In the hadith it is said when the number of rak'ahs in the istikharah prayer is 2 rakaat. There is also 2 the rak'ah can stand alone with the special intention of istikharah prayer, or combined with other intentions such as rawatib sunnah prayers.
What is the intention of the istikharah prayer ?
If you want to pray istikharah when it is steady, then express the intention. The intention of istikharah prayer is as follows:
That means : Deliberately I prayed the sunnah istikharah 2 rakat because because of Allah Ta’ ala
But, the intention is indeed in the heart,
” Intention is accompanied by work in the heart “
So when we say takbir Allah… throughout 16 harokat then accompanied by a heart speaking intention ” Deliberately I prayed the sunnah istikharah 2 rakaat sebab karena Allahu ta “ala”. Hu Akbar..
It's hard maybe the new one is doing it but slowly trying it will continue to be smooth.
And also introducing the intention of istikharah prayer in the heart must be accompanied by a sense of hope and submit to all matters only to Allah alone.
What are the procedures for praying istikharah

Well explained by the Fiqh Sunnah by Sayyid Sabiq, namely, istikharah prayers can take the form of any sunnah prayer. Good sunnah prayers rawatib, sunnah tahiyatul masjid prayers, or other sunnah prayers.
So we perform the sunnah istikharah prayer to read the intentions and prayers that have been sunnah by the Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu alaihi wasallam and accompanied by our intentions or desires.
Sayyid Sabiq also did not say that there is a special surah in this istikharah prayer procedure. So, in this istikharah prayer method, after reading the surah (AL) Fatihah, can read any surah if it has been memorized fluently and well.
And Shaykh Wahbah az Zuhaili in Fiqih Islam wa Adillatuhu has another comment on the method of istikharah prayer.
For Shaykh Wahbah it is sunnah to recite a surah (AL) Kafirun after reading the surah (AL) Fatihah in the early rak'ah.
After that read the surah (AL) Sincerely after reading the surah (AL) Fatihah in the second rak'ah.
The following is the procedure for the istikharah prayer method if you try it independently with the intention of praying istikharah:
- Intention
- Takbiratul ihram, accompanied by iftitah prayers
- Read Navy messages(AL) Fatihah
- Read messages from the Koran, takes precedence over the Naval Message(AL) Kafirun
- Hand’ with tuma’ ninah
- I’ tidal with tuma’ ninah
- Prostrate with tuma’ ninah
- Sit in between 2 prostrate with tuma’ ninah
- Second prostration with tuma’ ninah
- Stand up again to fulfill the second rak'ah
- Read Navy messages(AL) Fatihah
- Read messages from the Koran, takes precedence over the Naval Message(AL) Sincere
- Hand’ with tuma’ ninah
- I’ tidal with tuma’ ninah
- Prostrate with tuma’ ninah
- Sit in between 2 prostrate with tuma’ ninah
- Second prostration with tuma’ ninah
- Tahiyat final with tuma’ ninah
- Greetings
After that, read the istikharah prayer, which is a prayer that has been recommended by Rasulullah SAW.
Prayers of istikharah prayers
After performing the sunnah prayers 2 rak'ah or istikharah prayer that ends with greetings, recite the istikharah prayer that has been organized by Rasulullah SAW as follows:
“ Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi‘ weather, wa astaqdiruka bi qudratika, wa as- aluka min fadhlika, fa innaka taqdiru wa laa aqdiru, wa ta’ lamu wa laa a’ lamu, wa anta‘ allaamul ghuyub.
Allahumma fa- to turn it on’ lamu hadzal amro( say the problem) khoiron lii fii‘ aajili amrii wa aajilih( aw fii diinii wa ma’ aasyi wa‘ aqibati amrii) faqdur lii, wa yassirhu lii, tsumma baarik lii fiihi.
Allahumma in kunta ta’ lamu annahu syarrun lii fii diini wa ma’ aasyi wa‘ aqibati amrii( fii‘ aajili order of aajilih) fash- rifnii‘ anhu, waqdur liil khoiro haitsu kaana tsumma rodh- dhinii bih.”
The meaning:
” Ya Allah, actually, I ask for kindness to- Mu with knowledge- Mu, I asked for membership to- Thy with power- You and I ask- You are from grace- You are great. Actually, You are Almighty again I have no power, You know again I do not know, You are the Supreme Being who knows the magical problem.
Ya Allah, when Thou knowest that this matter( say the problem) is good for me in my religion, my life, as well as the end of my business, until decide for me, make the path easy and bless me in it.
And when You know that this matter is not good for me in my religion, my life and the end of my business, until he is far from me and away from me, decide for me whatever is best, after that make me happy with him.”
how do we feel the results whether what we want has come true or not, that is by giving dreams by Allah subhanahu wata'ala.
And in fact the result of the istikharah is in the stability of our own hearts. Our hearts want to be more inclined to choices that feel better and true for us. so that it is given strength by God in choosing his decision.
Our hearts want to feel strong to choose it, like that the result of our istikharah prayers. So, it doesn't have to be a dream.
Because of that, we must always be pleased with the choice that Allah subhanahu wata’ala wants to show, even though it doesn't fit or isn't as expected.
So and so thank you for your loyalty in reading the article from us hopefully useful bye bye >>>
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