Quran Punctuation
Read Marks of Al-Qur'an Complete with Pictures and descriptions, For more details, see below.
On this occasion, we will learn more about the punctuation of the Quran, both the meaning of Quranic punctuation and the term Quranic punctuation or Quranic punctuation.
For those who study Islam or study the Koran in Islamic boarding schools, they are taught how to read the Quranic letters without punctuation or Arabic without punctuation.
However, for most people who don't speak Arabic, Arabic text in bald or Arabic text without punctuation, or Al-Quran without punctuation must be very difficult to read.
Explanation of Quran Punctuation
Al-Quran is a revelation sent by Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala to the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam in the form of the Word of Allah to be a guide for every Muslim. Every Muslim must always study the Quran and believe in it.
The letters in the Qur'an itself are called Hijaiyah letters and consist of twenty-six letters. Every verse in the Quran has punctuation marks and punctuation marks when we read it. It will be long, short, stop or not, and so on.
The punctuation in the Qur'an itself makes reading easier, so the writing of the Arabic language in the Quran is not bald. Many lay people who speak Arabic with punctuation will make it easier for people who really don't understand Arabic.
So this sign is made so that we can understand the punctuation of the Qur'an itself.
Punctuation or Arabic letters are called HARAKAT.
Basically, Arabic letters or Hijaiyah letters are original letters that consist only of consonants. In Arabic itself, Harakat is not used in everyday writing. This is because, generally, native Arabic speakers have understood and know the scriptures they read.
But sometimes Harakat is also used as an emphasis on a word, especially for words that are used less frequently to avoid reading errors.
Harakat is used to facilitate the reading of Arabic letters for the layman, beginners or students, and usually written in textbooks, children's books and the holy book of the Quran.
In Indonesian, if the Hijaiyah letter is a consonant, then the recitation of the Qur’an is like a living letter like a, i, u, e, O. Like the pronunciation of Hijaiyah letters in the Quran, This Quranic punctuation also determines a phoneme, i, u.
There are several types of punctuation marks. Each has a function for its pronunciation. The following are some of the types.
Punctuation Type
The punctuation itself makes reading easier, so punctuation will make it easier for people who really don't understand Arabic.
Here are some punctuation marks in the Quran:
Fathah and Kasrah
Fathah is a punctuation mark in the form of a straight line above the letter hijaiyah. Fathah according to the language means open. Fathah symbolizes a phoneme. When a letter is presented with Harakat Fathah, he says ‘a’.
The letter fathah followed by Alif also symbolizes the phoneme ‘a’ which is read at length.
Kasrah is a punctuation mark in the form of a line from the Qur'an in the form of a line under a hijaiyah letter. Kasrah represents the phoneme ‘i’. Literally kasrah has the meaning of breaking.
At the time the letter is given harakat kasrah, then the letter reads ‘i’. For example, ‘Ba’ punctuated kassrah will be read ‘bi’.
The hijaiyah letters of the kasrah community when met with the letter ya and therefore represent the Phoneme ‘i’ which is read at length.
Dhamah and Breadfruit
Dammah is a punctuation mark in the form of the lowercase letter wau above the letter hijaiyah. Dammah represents the phoneme 'u'. Which means when the hijaiyah letter is given dammah, You can read it with 'u'. For example, hijaiyah letter ‘ba’ then reads 'ma'am'.
A letter which is sociable when it is related to the letter wau thus means the phoneme 'u’ which is read at length.
Sukun is a round harakat written on a hijaiyah letter. Harakat Sukun symbolizes death from a hijaiyah letter.
For example, in the word mad which consists of the letters mim bermarakat fathah, thus producing the sound of ma, followed by the letter dal which is related to sukun which produces the consonant ‘d’ so read mad.
Tasydid is a harakat shaped like the head of the letter sin placed above the letter hijaiyah. Harakat tasydid symbolizes accentuated consonants that are written with a double consonant symbol.
For example, in the word ‘shaddah’, which consists of the letter sin which is related to fathah produces the sound ‘sya’, followed by the letter dal, yang bertasydid fathah, which produces the sound ‘dda’ followed also by the letter ta marbuta at the end of the words that produce the sound 'h’ and thus becomes the sound of ‘syaddah’.
Tanwin is a punctuation mark that states that the letter at the end of the word is pronounced as if it met the dead nun letter. Harakat tanwin is written together with other harakat, as. Fathah with Fathatan, Kasrah with kashratan, and Dammah with dammatan.
For example:
When the letter ‘ba’ berharakat fathatain, so it reads ‘tire’
When the letter “ba” needy society, so it reads ‘bin’
When the letter ‘ba’ Dammatan society, so it reads ‘bun’
Harakat Panjang
This long harokat is often used in mad readings or extended readings.
There are two types of Quran punctuation. The first is a long harokat that comes from a single life-based punctuation mark like Fathah, Kasrah, and Dammah.
Because the long harokat fathah is symbolized by a vertical line located above the letter, kasrah is represented by a vertical line perpendicular to the bottom of the letter, while the dhammah is symbolized by the inverted dammah above the letter.
The way to read this long harokat is to read it one alif or two beats.
While the second type of long harokat is punctuation (~). These punctuation marks are read with five to six beats or two and a half to three .

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- Quran Punctuation
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