Taqdir Muallaq
Alhamdulillah, let us give our thanks to the presence of Allah subhanahu wata'ala who has given us physical and spiritual health so that we can share information again in this brief discussion..

Not forgetting our prayers and greetings to our great prophet, the prophet Muhammadﷺ along with his family and friends and his people will get intercession in yaumil kiyamah.
This time we will discuss a material paper about the destiny of converts which includes an explanation, proposition, and a complete example

A brief description
Muallaq's destiny in the language means what is hanged. Good luck, that is God's decision. which includes the role of humans through efforts or efforts. People are given roles to be held accountable for and the final result will be determined by Allah.
The evidence of the Qur'an
Let's look at the words of Allah surah arra'du verse 11 the following:

Taqdir Muallaq
The meaning of the word “qada language” has several meanings, that is: law, decision, determination, desire.
While in terms of meaning, qada is the rule of Allah in all matters since the time of Azali. Azali is a time when not everything is made.
While qadar in language means self-confidence, size, power, embodiment and will. Qadar is the embodiment of God's will for all His creatures with certain sizes and shapes according to His plan. Qada 'and Qadar or destiny are divided into two parts, namely the fate of mullak and the destiny of mubram.
- Skills A person who wants to be smart should strive to achieve this. These efforts include, among others, diligent study and discipline to share time.
- Health Anyone who wants to be healthy should try to exercise regularly, maintain cleanliness, take care of nutrition, and diet. If you make this effort, the body will be healthy.
- Prosperity and success can be achieved through active work, creativity, and never give up and also perseverance in saving.
- For someone to be smart, healthy and prosperous, he has to fight for this, and don't give up in anticipating fate.
A person cannot be smart if he is too lazy to study, a person cannot be healthy if he never practices, and a person cannot be rich if he is too lazy to work. So, Even though Allah has determined everything, one still has to try to change one's fate.
People who believe in qada and qadar will be reflected in daily life. Among other things, he won't shut up, otherwise, he will actively try and work towards achieving his goals. Allah SWT has given people many opportunities to be used as living conditions.
Everyone has a mind to think and organs to move. Allah SWT also created human beings as the most noble creatures among his creatures. Therefore, all this potential must be used to try to achieve the goal.
Mubram's Destiny
Taqdir Mubram literally means something that is inevitable or certain. That way, Mubram's fate is an absolute condition of Allah. which of course happens, and people don't get a role for this to happen.
Among other things the human race, Dead, longevity / short, fire is hot, the earth is round, gravity, the end of the world, etc. When death comes, and where this place is determined by Allah SWT. If it's time to die, everyone can't run, and can't hide, cannot be thrown back or forward. This is one example of God's provision. which is called the fate of Mubram.
Notice the words of Allah in the Qur'an surah al-a'raf verse 34 the following :

So, friends, that was the review from suhupendidikan.com about determining the fate of Mubram, the fate of Mualak, and examples of the fate of Mubram and Muallak. I hope with faith in qada and qadarAllah SWT. we are always more grateful for the blessings God has given us and patiently face God's trials. Amen.
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