This time we will discuss material about subhanalloh which includes thoyyibah sentences and complete zikr sentences
6 Thayyibah sentences that need to be familiarized in everyday life
1.Subhanalloh (سبحان الله) has meaning, "Glory to God". Which mean, Allah is holy from all badness, deficiency, disabilities and all the other bad things. This sentence at the same time proves His greatness, that indeed Allah is the only one who is most holy and most great.
For example, the meaning remains the same, not a problem. However, still wrong, Examples of sentence words, Amen, Amen and say Amen. It certainly has different meanings and different placements.
1.If you read AaMiN it means :
Have faith ( The A is extended and the Min is shortened ).
2.If you read Amen, it means :
People who are trusted ( The A is shortened,MIN is extended )
3.If you read Amen, it means :
Accept my request (The A is Long,MIN is long).
Likewise with the word "Subhan Allah"” with the word "MasyaAlloh" then the meaning and placement are also different.
Do more Zikr Reading "Subhanallah Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Adzim".”
In Islam, Almost all charity and worship have limits. For example, fasting, we are only required to run it in the month of Ramadan.
Likewise the Hajj, we are limited in time and place to do it, namely the month of Dzulhijjah in Arafah-Mina-Mecca.
Similarly, the worship of zakat, There are restrictions on types, quantity and time. We are forbidden to give zakat all of our wealth without spending it for ourselves and our families.
According to Imam Al Ghazali, there is only one practice that is not restricted; that is remembrance.
In the Qur'an Allah SWT says:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ ذِكْرًا كَثِيرًا
That means:
O people who believe, think about it (by name) God, with as much dhikr."(QS. Al-Ahzab: 41).
In practices other than zikr the priority is the quality, not the quantity. The important thing is whether the charity is good or not, not how much charity it is.
The adjective for charity is 'amalan shâlihâ not 'amalan katsîrâ. But especially for remembrance, The Quran uses adjectives dzikran katsirâ not dzikran shâlihâ.
No matter how bad the quality of our dhikr, we are encouraged to chant as much as possible. Because we have to do as much remembrance as possible, then there is no time limit for dhikr.
Even when we seek Allah's grace, work for a living, we can't leave dhikr.
Among the thayyibah sentences (good sentences and will get a reward with Allah SWT) What is recommended to always be read and chanted in our remembrance is pronunciation.
سبحانالله وبحمده سبحاناللهالعظيم
Subhanallah Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Adzim
That means: Glory be to Allah with all praise for him, Glory be to God the Great.
Zikr by using the sentence "Subhanallah Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Adzim” is a sentence that is widely recommended in the hadiths of the Prophet, among others as follows:
1)Rasulullah SAW said : “Two sentences lightly spoken by the tongue, weight in the scale, and liked by (God) The Most Merciful, namely the sentence subhanallah wabihamdihi, subhanallahil 'Azhim (Glory be to God and all praise be to Him, Glory be to God the Great).” (HR Bukhari 7/168 and Muslim 4/2072);
2)Rasulullah SAW said : "Indeed, the best speech to Allah SWT is the sentence subhanallah wa bihamdihi.” (HR Muslim and Tirmidhi).
3)Narrated from Abi Dzar. Rasulullah was once asked, "What is the most important word?” He replied, "The one chosen by Allah for His angels and servants, that is subhanallah wabihamdihi (Glory be to Allah with all praise to Him).” (HR Muslim).
4)Rasulullah SAW said : "Whoever says subhanallah wabihamdihi a hundred times a day", he will be forgiven all his sins even if his sins are as much as the foam on the sea.” (HR Muslim and Tirmidhi)
5)Ibn Umar ra narrated that once the Messenger of Allah said to his companions:, “Say subhanallah wa bihamdihi a hundred times.
Whoever says it once, ten good deeds are written for him, Whoever recites it ten times, it will be written for him one hundred good deeds, Whoever says it a hundred times, it will be written for him a thousand good deeds, Whoever adds to it, Allah will add to it, and whoever asks for forgiveness, surely Allah will forgive him.”
6)In the book "Syarhul Washiyah” explained a hadith about the importance of dhikr subhanallah wa bihamdihi. It is said that the sentence subhanallah wa bihamdihi is a sentence that is very loved by Allah swt and is the most important sentence of all other sentences..
Whoever says it, it will be written for him a lot of good and Allah will erase the sins of those who say it, even though the sins of that person are more than the foam in the ocean..
7)In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad it is narrated that when the Prophet Muhammad was nearing death,, He called his daughter and said, "I order you to always say subhanallah wa bihamdihi", because the sentence is a prayer for all creatures and with that sentence all creatures get an abundance of sustenance.”
8)Abu Dharr said, "I asked the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, what deed is most loved by Allah swt. He replied, 'What Allah has chosen for His Angels, yaitu subhanalloh wa bihamdihi subhanallahil adzim.”
9) Narrated in "Sahih Bukhari” that once a man came to complain about his condition to the Messenger of Allah. He said, “This world has turned away from me and what I have gained from my hands is very little.”
Rasulullah saw asked him, "Have you never read the prayer of the Angels and the prayer of all the creatures with which they get an abundance of sustenance?” The man asked, "What kind of prayer is that, O Messenger of Allah??”
Rasulullah saw answered, “Subhanalloh wa bihamdihi subhanallahil adzim, and ask for forgiveness from Allah a hundred times between the time of dawn and the time of your prayer, with that the world will bow and crawl to you, And Allah created from every sentence an angel who always glorifies Allah until the Day of Resurrection and for you the reward.”
10)In the hadith of Imam Muslim, dhikr with spoken words “ Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi ‘adada khalqihi,wa ridhaka nafsihi, of ziinata 'Arsyihi, wa midada kalimatihi’(Glory be to God and praise be to Him as much as the number of His creatures, and as much as his pleasure, and as heavy as His Throne,and as many as his sentence count).’ (Muslim Hadith)
My best friend,
The hadiths above are sufficient to show the weight of the sentence "Subhanallah Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Adzim” . A sentence that is easy to pronounce and memorize. Even, for an illiterate Muslim it is also very easy to learn. It is possible that Allah wants to teach His servants who sincerely worship Him to be able to perform worship even in light and easy to pronounce sentences.. Kalimat “Subhanallah Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Adzim” is a very useful sentence. The content of wisdom contained in the pronunciation when compared to anything will not be comparable.
May Allah SWT make it easy for us and our descendants to always remember with as much remembrance as possible and make us all people of remembrance, and May Allah SWT forgive us all our sins. Good morning YRA
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