The Prophet's prayer
-This time we will discuss material about the collection of the Prophet's sholawat recitation, arab, Latin complete with meaning.
Reading the riddle to the prophet is a prayer to Allah Almighty. With this way, we can bestow blessings and salvation on Prophet Muhammad.
As is known, reading the riddle to the Prophet is an obligation for believers. It's just that the scholars differed when the prayer was performed. There are some who feel obligated to treat when the name of Prophet Muhammad is mentioned. There are also opinions, every time they read the last Tasyahud in prayer. There are also those who argue at least once in their lives.
Sholawat Group
Here is a group of ridges composed by scholars and Kiai:
Sholawat Fatih
The pronunciation of Sholawat Fatih is quoted from the Malay shamanism book. In the book, there is a quote from Shaykh Al-Arif Al-Kubra, which mentions some sort of effectiveness of reading Fatih prayer. As for the pronunciation of Sholawat Fatih, the following translation is as follows:
(Allāhumma shalli wa sallim wa bārik & lsquo; alā sayyidinā Muhammadinil Fātihi limā ughliqa, wal khātimi limā ran, wan nashiril haqqā bil haqqi, wal hādī ilā shirātin my future (anyone read 'shirātikal mustaqīm & rsquo;). Shallallāhu & lsquo; alayhi, wa & lsquo; in the cave alichi, wa ashhābihī haqqa qadrihī wa miqdārihil & lsquo; azhīm)
That means : & ldquo; Ya Allah, Give me a ridge, greetings and blessings to Prophet Muhammad, defenders who are right with who is right, and directions for the Straight Path. May Allah give him a riddle, family, and his friends with great privileges and status.”
Sheikh Ahmad At-Tijany said: "The privilege of Al-Fatih prayer is very difficult to be accepted with the mind. because it is the secret of Allah SWT. Suppose there are hundreds of thousands of nations, each one consisting of one hundred thousand persons, and each one has been given a long life by Allah Almighty for one hundred thousand years, and every man treated the Prophet daily a hundred thousand times, all of whom have not been able to match the merit of reading al-Fatih's prayers once. “
Sheikh Muhammad Al Budairi Al Qudsi said that anyone who reads it every day after reading Al-Musabbi & rsquo; at Al-Asyr or ten reads read seven times, that is, chair verse, Al Fatihah, Al Ikhlas, Al Falaq, Al Naas, Al Kafirun , tasbih-tahmid-tahlil-takbir-hauqalah, Ibrahimiyah ridge, prayer. Then it will get benefits, including protection against world dangers and at the time people were gathered in the field.
Nariyah's ridge

Anyone who has ambition or wants to reject something he doesn't like. Should gather in an assembly to read as many Nariyah shades 4444 times and quickly achieve what they want (bi idznillah).
The Imam of the Qurthubi says: & ldquo; Whoever reads this Nariyah Shalawat as much 41 time, 100 times or more, Allah will ease the problem, eliminate his sadness, ease his business, illuminate his heart according to his conviction, elevate the degree, improve his condition, expand its provision, open the doors of goodness and protect it from disasters throughout the year, save from hunger and poverty, loved by all beings and answered by all prayers. “
The Blessed Sacrament

Hasan bin 'Ali al-Aswani said: & ldquo; Whoever recites this shalawat a thousand times in every important matter or disaster. It is Allah who removes the disaster and conveys what he wishes or deserves.”
It is also narrated by Ibn al Fakihani of Shaykh al Shalih Musa al Darir, said that one time he had sailed in a sea. Suddenly the wind (storm) hit the ship he was on, some people can survive the fury of the wind, many people scream in fear, She suddenly felt sleepy and then fell asleep in her dream to meet the Messenger of Allah, who ordered Sheikh al-Shalih to read the supernatural Shalawat, Then he and the passengers of the ship spoke together about three hundred times and they survived the disaster.
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