Prayer Tasbih : Prayer, Intention, How to Pray, and the Benefits of Prayer Beads
Prayer Tasbih – Sunnah is done based on the narration of Sayyidina Abbas RA . Can be done anytime, As long as not at prohibited times. Like for example when the sun slips / after the dawn prayer and before noon and at sunset. The following will explain the intention of prayer prayer and prayer, benefits and procedures for prayer tasbih based on hadith. Check out the explanation below

Lafadz Intention to Pray Tasbih
Here is the intention of praying tasbih with two greetings.
أُصَلِّيْ سُنَّةَ التَسْبِيْحِ رَكْعَتَيْنِ لِلهِ تَعَالَى
Ushalli Sunnata Tasbhhi Rokataini Lillahi Taala mode
That means:
"I deliberately prayed two prayer prayer beads because of Allah SWT,”
Here is the intention of praying tasbih with one salutation.
أُصَلِّيْ سُنَّةَ التَسْبِيْحِ أَرْبَعَ رَكَعَاتٍ لِلهِ تَعَالَى
Ushalli sunnata tasbihi arba'a rok'atin lillahi ta'ala.
That means :
"I deliberately prayed four prayer beads because of Allah SWT.”
The difference of opinion of these scholars comes from two different narrations as quoted in the Book of Nihayatuz Zain fi Irsyadil Mubtadi’in by Sheikh Muhammad Nawawi Al-Bantani.
Tasbih Prayer Law
The tabih sunnah prayers are performed based on the narration of Sayyidina Abbas RA. Praying sunnah tasbih is quite important because it contains special priorities. This sunnah prayer is best practiced daily, a week, a month, once a year, or if you don't have the chance, at least once in your lifetime.
Ulama have different opinions regarding the implementation of tasbih prayer. Some scholars say that the tasbih prayer is done 4rakaat with one greeting. But some scholars also say that tasbih prayers are performed 4 rak'ah with 2 salam salam.
Tasbih Prayer Procedures
1. The intention to pray tasbih
The intention of praying sunnah tasbih during the day (4 rak'ah with 1 Greetings) read in your heart the following reading:
أُصَلِّيْ سُنَّةَ التَسْبِيْحِ أَرْبَعَ رَكَعَاتٍ لِلهِ تَعَالَى
That means:
” I intend to pray four prayer beads because of Allah SWT.”
The intention of praying sunnah tasbih at night (4 rak'ah with 2 Greetings) by reading in the heart
2. Takbiratul ihram
3. Read the Iftitah prayer
4. Read the letter of Al-Fatihah
Then read a short letter in the Qur'an ( like prayer in general ). then continued reading as many prayer beads 15 time.
The recitation of tasbih as exemplified by Rasulullah SAW:
That means:
” Glory be to Allah and all praise be to Allah there is no god but Allah, God is Great.”
4. Hand’
After that read as many prayer beads 10 time.
5. I’tidal
After that read as many prayer beads 10 time.
6. Prostrate
After that read the prayer beads 10 time.
7. Sit between two prostrations
After that read as many prayer beads 10 time.
8. Prostrate the second time
After that read as many prayer beads 10 time.
9. Read the rosary before the second rak'ah
Before standing do the second rak'ah, sit for a short break while reading as many prayer beads 10 time.
10. Standing doing rakats to 2 performed as in the first rak'ah
11. Sitting tasyahud end
At the end of tasyahud, recite tasbih first 10 time, then read the final tasyahud prayer.
12. Greetings
Sunnah prayer time tasbih
Like sunnah prayers in general, Tasbih prayer is performed anytime, as long as not at times forbidden. Like when the sun slips (after the Subuh / before Zuhr prayers) and when the sun goes down (after the Asr prayer).
Apart from the top dbi time, by doing the tasbih prayer at any time with the following conditions:
- When performing the tasbih prayer on the sunnah daytime, done 4 rak'ah with one salutation.
- When performing sunnah prayers tasbih in the evening, shall 4 rak'ah done and with two greetings (each two rakat is one salutation).
- It is not uncircumcised to perform tasbih prayers in congregation.
Benefits of Tasbih Prayer According to Hadith
1. Burying the scales of good deeds in the hereafter
The benefits of the first prayer beads are weighing down the good deeds in the hereafter.
Worship that has been practiced all this time will definitely be counted in the hereafter. If you are diligent in reciting the rosary then the scales of good deeds will be weighed.
” Rasulullah SAW said:
There are two sentences that are both lightly spoken on the tongue but weigh the scales of good deeds and both are liked by Ar-Rahman, yaitu Subhanalloh wa bi hamdihi Subhanallohil azhim ’.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)
2. Tasbih is the best sentence on the side of Allah SWT
One time, Rasulullah SAW was asked by his companions about the best speech. He SAW replied, ‘What Allah SWT commands to His angels and His servants is the speech of Subhanallohi wa bihamdihi’. (HR. Muslim)
3. Have a date palm garden savings in heaven
It's like having plantations in the world where the owners reap the benefits, Likewise, if you are diligent in carrying out the tasbih prayer. Will be planted a palm tree every time you read Subhanallohil azhim Subhanalloh wa bi hamdih.
” Barangsiapa mengucapkan Subhanallohil azhimi wa bi hamdihi, There will be planted for him a date palm in heaven.” (HR. at-Tirmidhi)
4. Removing many sins
The benefits of prayer beads according to another hadith, namely removing sins, the amount of which is likened to foam in the ocean because of the large number
” Rasulullah said :
Whoever says Subhanalloh wa bi hamdih 100 time, then Allah removes the error even though the error is as much as the foam of the ocean.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)
5. Weapons of food crisis at the end of time
The benefits of prayer beads then become a weapon to face the food crisis at the end of time.
The time of the end, The sentence of the tasbih is likened to a nutritious and healthy meal for Muslims.
” Rasulullah SAW said :
The food of the believers at the time of the emergence of the Antichrist is the food of the angels, tasbih and taqdis. So whoever said at that time was a rosary, then Allah SWT will remove from him hunger.” (HR. al-Hakim)
6. Avoid sadness and serious illnesses
” One time Qabishah al-Makhariq came to Rasulullah SAW and said,
‘O Messenger of Allah SAW , teach me a few sentences with which Allah will benefit me, because my age is really old and feel weak to do anything '.
Then Rasululloh SAW said :
‘If you read it, then you will be spared from grief, leprosy, common illness, importance, paralysis due to brain bleeding (stroke)’.” (HR. Ibn as-Sunni and Ahmad)
7. Weapons to deal with big questions
” Narrated Abu Hurayrah, that if Rasululloh SAW faced an important problem, then He SAW raised his head to the sky while saying Subhanallahil azhim, and if He SAW earnestly in prayer, then he said Ya hayyu ya qoyyum.” (HR. at-Tirmidhi)
Another article :
- Read More, Tahmid, Takbir, and Tahlil and its meaning and benefits
- Pray Dhuha : Intention, Prayer After Prayer Dhuha, Prayer Times and Procedures for Praying Dhuha
- Calligraphy : Definition of Calligraphy and Image of Calligraphy Lafadz Alloh
- Two Sentences Creed : Meaning, Mean, Terms and Conditions of Sentence
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