Friday prayers
At this time we will discuss papers or material about Friday prayers which also includes understanding, rukun, the obligatory requirements and the sunnahs are complete

As a Muslim community, especially men who carry out the commands of Allah SWT are Friday prayers’ at is a matter that must be carried out in congregation in the mosque. Because Friday Prayers’ at is an obligatory worship for human beings that is reserved for men, which is Friday prayer’ this is done on Friday’ at noon in congregation 2 The sermon and the number of rak'ahs are 2 rakaat.
Friday prayers’ at, Although it becomes one of the obligations, There are always some people who still do not understand deeply about the harmony in Friday prayers according to the sunnah, the provisions of the validity of Friday prayers’ at and the wisdom of doing Friday prayers.
That is why we want to review the paper module on Friday Prayer’ at starting from the mandatory requirements, valid Friday terms, Pillars- Pillars, Sermon provisions, Pillars of the Sermon, Sunah- sunnah in Friday prayers and the wisdom of performing Friday prayers’ at.
Check out the following brief explanation :
Mandatory Conditions for Friday Prayers
- Muslim
- Has reached puberty/ is sane
- Not in a crazy state / drunk
- Among Men
- Merdeka/ Not my slave
- Physically or mentally healthy
- Legal Provisions for Friday Prayers’ at
Terms- Legal Conditions in the application of prayers Fri.’ at

Conducted in a country that can always be used as a place- the place, in the city- city or village area ( village- village), Because it is not legal to perform Friday prayers’ at a field where only a few people live there and do not settle only at certain times and do not settle in one place.
Implemented by the congregational method, Because it did not have time to be intertwined during the time of Rasulullah saw Friday prayers’ at try it yourself.
At least- the lack of the number of worshipers who want to offer prayers
Day’ at for some scholars is forty ( 40) people come from residents of that country. there are also the opinions of other scholars say more than 4 twenty as well as half the other scholars think enough 2 only people, because it has been in congregation.
Performed at noon.
- Friday prayers’ at it is preceded by 2 sermon.
- Pillars- rukun shalat Jum’ at
- Pillars- rukun( fardlu)
in Friday prayers’ at no different from rukun- the other pillars of maktubah prayer. From the scholars also vary- kinds in expressing harmony- pillars of Friday prayers’ at the. This pillar by Imam Syafi’ i. R. A is broken down so 2 classification is, be’ liyah andqauliyah.
Pillarsbe’ liyah is a pillar that is characterized by certain movements by the mushalli. While the pillarsqauliyah is speech- certain utterances in prayer. There are also pillars- rukun

Friday prayers’ at as follows:
- Sermon 2 times who sat between the two
- Salat 2 raka’ at and tried with together’ ah
Friday sermon provisions
There are also conditions- the conditions that must be tried by the preacher before the sermon is carried out are as follows:
- Early, Time has come
- Second, Gone 2 sermon before the implementation of Friday prayers’ at
- Third, The sermon is tried standing
- Fourth, Sit between the two sermons, and calm down( Send’ ninah)
- Fifth, Clothes, body as well as place in a state of Holiness from hadaths as well as uncleanness
- Sixth, Use Arabic( in the pillars of the sermon)
- Pillars of the Friday Prayer Sermon’ at
In the matter of preaching there are pillars- pillars that must be tried by a khotib are as follows:
- Say hamdalah on 2 sermon
- Blessings to the Prophet Muhammad. SAW
- Bequeathed
- to the audience for piety to God. Swt
- Think’ want all all believers
- Read the verse- ayat al- Qur’ an.
- Sunah- Sunnah Salat Jum’ at
- Take a shower before performing the Friday prayer’ at.
- Dressed in clean and pure white
- Wear perfume- fragrance
- Cut the mustache and nails
- Multiply the text of the verse- ayat suci al- quran, pray and recite dhikr
- Sit still, be silent while the preacher is preaching
- Wisdom performs Friday prayers’ at
- Like a symbol in the association of Muslims
- Prayers are offered to Allah SWT to be granted more quickly.
- It is like an Islamic propagation facility
Such is the discussion that can convey about the Friday Prayers’ at, Easy- hopefully increase our faith and our piety to Alla.Swt. Hopefully this article can be useful for readers. thank you
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- about fasting
- dawn prayer recitation
- prayer out of the mosque
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