History of Photoshop
This time we will discuss papers on the history of photoshop which includes understanding, inventor, and complete development
History and Explanation
Adobe Photoshop, or also called Photoshop, is a software that is used to modify images or photos professionally, including changing simple or complex objects.
This program is also widely used by digital photographers and advertising companies, and that is why Photoshop is the market leader in image editing software / photo.
Photoshop is also taken from the word Photoshopping, which is a new word, which means (image editing)
Photoshop has the ability to read and write bitmap images such as .png, .gif, .jpeg / .jpg and as other
Photoshop also has several typical file formats:
Format PSD (Photoshop document) where the image is stored in layers, including text, mask, opacity, blending mode, color channel, alpha channel, clipping path and duplex settings.
.PSB "is the latest PSD for files larger than 2 GB
.PDD is another version of PSD that only supports PhotshopDeluxe software functions.
Tools in Adobe Photoshop are tools that help users edit. Adobe Photoshop CS3 has 59 tools that users can use. These tools consist of several tools with a specific purpose.
Some tools in Photoshop include: moving device, history brush tool, eraser tool, contour selection tool, direct selection tool, pencil tool, shape tool, brush tool, audio explanation tool, dropper tool, gauge, text tool, hand tools, 3D object rotation tool, 3D camera rotation tool
Photoshop creator
Photoshop began to be developed in the year 1987 by two brothers, namely Thomas Noll and John Noll.
At the beginning of its development, the program is called Display (1987). Then, the following year (1988), the name was changed to "ImagePro". And during the year 1989, become part of Adobe, the program is once again called "Photoshop” or "Adobe Photoshop” and has survived to this day.
Photoshop is born
In the year 1987, Thomas Knoll, University of Michigan graduate, started writing a program on Macintosh Plus to display gray-scale images on a monochrome screen.
The program, called Display, caught John Knoll's attention, a Light employee & Magic, which suggested Thomas to turn it into a full editing program.
Thomas took a six-month study break in the year 1988 to collaborate with his brother on a program called ImagePro.
Later that year (1989), Thomas changed the name of the program to Photoshop, and that's when Photoshop was born. For a short time, Thomas worked with the Barneyscan scanner factory to distribute copies of the program using a slide scanner; "Then, around 200 Photoshop copy sent.”
During that time, John traveled to Silicon Valley in California and presented the program to an engineer at Apple Computer Inc.. dan Russell Brown, artistic director at Adobe Systems Inc.
Both demonstrations were successful, and Adobe decided to buy a distribution license in September 1988. When John made an extension in California, Thomas lives in Ann Arbor to write code.
Photoshop Development
Photoshop 1.0 launched in 1990. It has the same capacity as a floppy disk (1,4 MB), that can only be used on Macintosh computers.
After that, Adobe Photoshop began to record history as one of the works in the world of information technology. Then, in June 1991, Adobe Photoshop 2.0 launched, that only works on Macintosh platforms.
Along with the development of Windows is considered superior in the computer market. So, in the year 1992, Adobe Photoshop version 2.5 released, the first to work with Windows.
In November 1993, version 2.5.1 reinstalled, but this time Windows was deactivated. Only version 3.0 year 1994 which is restarted for Macintosh and Windows.
The following is a series of Adobe Photoshop versions from the start:
version 0.07 (January 1988), version 0.63 (October 1988), version 0.87 (March 1989), version 1.0 (February 1990), version 2.0 (June 1991), version 2.5 (November 1992), version 3.0 (November 1993), version 4.0 (November 1996), version 5.0 (May 1998), version 5.5 (February 1999), version 6.0 (September 2000), version 7.0 (March 2002), version 7.0.1 (August 2002), CS (8.0) October 2003, CS2 version (9.0) 4 April 2005, CS3 version (10.0) 16 April 2007 CS4 version (11.0) 15 October 2008 CS5 version (12.0) 30 April 2010, version CS5.1, CS5.1 Complete (12.1, 12.0) .4 ) 3 May 2011, CS6 version, CS6 Complete (13.0) 7 May 2012, CC version (14.0) 17 June 2013, CC version (14.1) September 2013, CC version (14.2) January 2014, CC version 2014 ( 15.0) June 2014, CC version 2014.2.2 (15.2.2) December 2014, CC version 2015 (16.0) 15 June 2015, CC version 2015.1 (16. 1) 30 November 2015, CC version 2015.5 (17.0) 20 June, 20
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