Complete Aswaja History
Aswaja history
Abu Hasan Al-Asy’ari, figures who are credited with popularizing the teachings of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah, is a former Grand Imam of the Mu'tazilah sect. His arguments are an oasis for the mu'tazilah congregation, which number in the thousands each dawn . One day in the month of Ramadan, Rasulullah came to him in a dream. "Please teach me,” the order of Rasulullah SAW to Ali bin Ismail. Lantas, he dropped out of school for two days. He used that time to study tafsir and hadith.
Next time, Rasulullah SAW reappeared in his dream with the same order. Then he answered, "Didn't I already do it, Rasul?” Rasulullah SAW still asked Abu Hasan to help the teachings of Rasulullah. Once he digested deeply, open his heart, that what the Messenger of Allah meant was to straighten the creed of the people who had been distorted by the Mu'tazilah understanding. Since then Abu Hasan proclaimed himself and left the mu'tazilah and then formulated the creed according to the request of Rasulullah SAW..
Since then, understand the mu'tazilah dimmed immediately. even though, in the past, Mu'tazilah faith is difficult to conquer. Because the previous scholars debated with the mu'tazilah only using the naqli argument. While the mu'tazilah choose to taqdimul aqli, which precedes the intellect of nash. When the two are opposite, absolute truth belongs to reason.
In refuting the mu'tazilah, Imam Abu Hasan has another approach. He cleverly combines between naqli and aqli. Mu'tazilah who love to translate Western philosophy (Greece) even confused. How not, Abu Hasan studied the faith of the mu'tazilah for thirty years. And in the time of being the leader of the mu'tazilah, no one from his group can match his ratio and generosity. This is what makes the Islamic faith seem to be in power and the mu'tazilah have fallen.
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From the success experienced by Imam Asy'ari,, The confusion of law studying philosophy is answered. That philosophy is not something haram. Even, Imam Ghazali in one of his treatises mentioned that learning philosophy is fardhu kifayah. How can we fight rationalists and liberals, if we don't understand their mindset? Of course we'll get beat up, such as the pre-Ash'ari ahlussunnah.
Naturally, the philosophy that we can take does not reach the realm of freedom without rules. Not until 'freeing space from God'’ as experienced by educational institutions or campuses in various regions. We already have religious rules that are the rules for us to obey.
In fact, before being popularized by Imam Asy'ari, the teachings of ahlussunnah have been in the form of seeds in the hands of Sayyidina Abdullah bin Abbas. Ahlus Sunnah is a reaction to the inability of Islam to withstand division since its bearer left, Rasulullah SAW.
The division in the body of Islam had begun even before the body of the Prophet was buried. We certainly remember the events of Abu Bakr's improvement as Caliph, which was preceded by a small debate between the Muhajirin and the Anshar. At that time, the original character of the Arabs stood out. They came before the Messenger of Allah as peacemakers, are people who are very loyal to their group. Bani Hasyim, Khazraj, Out, often fight with other ethnic groups. This proves that the Messenger of Allah is the most formidable peacemaker.
Indeed, The small feud that occurred during the mourning was muffled by Sayyidina Abu Bakr and Umar bin Khattab. But the hole of division gaped when there was a movement against zakat from some people. This happened just a short time from Abu Bakr's official becoming Caliph.
They thought, The obligation of zakat has fallen when the Messenger of Allah died, because there is no more prayer from Rasulullah for those who pay tithe. This incident is suspected to be the first split that the Prophet had predicted in his famous hadith, about the division of Muslims into dozens of groups.
The split finally really spilled out when Sayyidina Ali ibn Abi Talib became Caliph. The Rawafidl group emerged, namely supporters of Ali and the Khawarij, namely those who rejected Ali's policies. Clear, This division is not the result of differences in faith, but rather politics that forces them to act.
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Lantas, in order to strengthen their position, each of the two camps formulated its own creed, so that those who do not conform to the formulation that has been decided are considered infidels. It was during this time that the hadiths of maudlu 'were sown. They used the name of the Apostle to reinforce their actions.
Looking at the atmosphere getting murky, Abdullah bin Abbas, very smart friend, withdraw from this dispute, and formulate the true creed. He was the first person to coined the term Ahlussunnah wal jamaah or commonly known as aswaja. This is based on his speech when interpreting the verse:
يَوْمَ تَبْيَضُّ وُجُوهٌ وَتَسْوَدُّ وُجُوهٌ
He said:
"On the Day of Judgment", when the face of the followers of Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah shines and the faces of the followers of heresy are blackened.”
The term ahlussunnah is used to distinguish oneself from the Rawafidl and Khawarij. Indeed, there is a hadith brought by some parties reads, "Who are they, O Messenger of Allah (one of the survivors)?” "They are ahlussunnah wal jamaah". However, by the majority of scholars, This hadith should be corrected again.
Abdullah bin Abbas confirmed, Aswaja is not affected by anything, other than that which comes from the Messenger of Allah. In contrast to the Rawafidl and Khawarij who disbelieved the companions who did not agree with them, he considers everything that comes from friends can be accepted as true.
Why? Because only friends are the ones who understand the teachings of the Apostle. Indeed, often found opinions that look chaotic between friends. However, aswaja treat it wisely. The logic is simple. Let's say a village for the Walisongo pilgrimage group. Among them are ustadz and young people. After going to the grave, pilgrimage continued to Monas. If we ask the cleric, of course he replied ‘The tombs are very crowded.’ 'What about monas??’ ‘ monas, just like that. Only the monument has gold. While young people will answer, 'The grave is still like that.’ 'If it's a monas?’ ‘Wah, it's beautiful and crowded.
Differences in background certainly result in differences in levels of understanding and interpretation. Even though the source is exactly the same. And we, aswaja, can't judge who's right, because we do not participate in the pilgrimage as the example above.
What is the basis of Aswaja's belief is "Kullu shohabiy udulun.” Every friend is fair. All the opinions of friends are true. Nothing can be undone. However, we have the power to choose, which opinion we will adopt. This is very different from Rawafidl and Khawarij.
And also, how could we deny the news from a friend, if they are the best recorders of the teachings of the Prophet. They follow every word, deeds and taqrir (determination) issued by the Messenger of Allah. We can't pray, except by looking at the 'recording'’ kept by the companions.
We should be grateful. Aswaja teachings can be born and in such a way flow to fill the rivers of faith in the archipelago since the past. Because if not, maybe we are the main actors who spread terrorism in the name of religion. Or maybe we are tempted by speech, "Return to the teachings of the Prophet” and chew it raw. Alhamdulillah.
That's the article about the history of Aswaja, May be useful
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