pillars of Islam
There are many pillars of Islam ? Here is a full explanation about 5 the pillars which are the pillars of the Islamic religion along with the meaning and understanding

Understanding the pillars of Islam
pillars of Islam are the five basic actions of Islam, is considered a mandatory foundation for believers and is the basis of Muslim life.
There is a pillar of Islam 5 that is:
- Creed
Say the phrase there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad was the messenger of Allah. - Prayer
Worship must be five times a day - Alms
Give alms 2,5% from savings to needy people or those in need. - Fasting
Fasting and controlling yourself during the holy month of Ramadan. - Hajj
Go worship in Mecca, at least once in a lifetime if you can.
1. Creed
Read the two sentences of the confession into the first pillar of Islam, stating that there is no God who has the right to be worshiped except Allah and Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
This confession or testimony has the meaning of speaking orally, justify with the heart and then practice it with deeds. As for those who speak orally but do not know the meaning and do not practice it then there is no benefit to their confession.
Mean & ldquo; La ilaha Illalloh” is that no one has the right to be worshiped on earth or in heaven except Allah. He is the god who is haq (worship) besides him is false. While Ilah has the meaning ma & rsquo; bud (to be worshiped). The meaning literally is: & ldquo; There is no God but God”
Mean & ldquo; confession of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah” namely knowing and believing that the Prophet Muhammad sent Allah to all nature
2. Prayer
Five times a day prayer last night that Allah commanded to be a means of interaction between Allah and a Muslim where he worshiped and prayed to Him. Also to avoid man from evil and evil deeds so that he may have peace of mind and body that can make him happy in this world and the hereafter.
Read Also :
- Prayer Intent Readings
- Benefits of Prayer
- Pillars of Prayer
Allah Almighty is in prayer, holy body, clothes, and the place used for prayer. Thus a Muslim cleanses himself with holy water from all impurities such as small and large water to purify his body from birth defects and his heart from inner uncleanness..
Prayer is a religion. He is the most important pillar of Islam after the two sentences of shahada. Muslims must maintain it since the age of baligh (adult) to death.
3. Fasting
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic month.
Read Also : Benefits of Fasting
The nature of fasting is that a Muslim intends to fast before dawn or at night. Then hold back from eating, drink and jima’ (related husband and wife) until the sun sets and it breaks. He did it during Romadhon month. Thus he wished to bless Allah Almighty and worship Him.
4. Alms
Allah Almighty instructs every Muslim who has the wealth to reach his nisab to issue his zakat on a yearly basis. It gives those who have the right to receive from the scholars as well as those who can give alms to them as described in the Qur'an & rsquo;.
Read Also : Eligible to receive zakat
5. Hajj
The fifth pillar of Islam is to perform Hajj if possible. Capable of being referred to is in material, physical, science and others
Pictures of Islamic Pillars

Source of Islamic Law
The following is the source of Islamic law
The Qur'an & rsquo; is the holy book of the Muslims, the word of Allah, which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad to be preached to all mankind until the end of time
The Qur'an & rsquo; is the last scripture that came down from some of the other scriptures that were passed down to the world brought by the Prophet before.
In an effort to understand the contents of the Qur'an from time to time an interpretation has developed about the contents of the Qur'an but nothing contradicts.
Hadith is divided into several degrees of authenticity, among them namely
- Valid
- Hasan
- Daif (weak)
- Maudu’ (false)
The hadiths that are made in legal form are only hadiths with authentic degrees and hadith, Then the hadith failed according to the agreement of the scholars of the salaf (older generations) as long as it is used to drive practice (be a charity) is still allowed to be used by Muslims.
The hadith with the degree maudu and the degree of the hadith below it might be abandoned, but still needs to be studied in science.
The difference between the Quran and al-Hadith is that the Quran is a holy book of truth, the law and the word of God, which was later turned into a book for all mankind.
While al-hadith, is a collection that specifically contains the source of Islamic law after the Koran which contains the rules of implementation, procedure for worship, Morals, speech given to Prophet Muhammad.
Although there are some differences between jurists and jurists in understanding the meaning of both sources, they are all attempts at finding truth for the benefit of the people.
But only the sect scholars (jurist) with a high degree of scholarship and trusted by people who can understand it and all of this is by Allah's will.
Ijtihad is a business of the scholars, to establish a ruling on Islamic law, based on the Quran and the Hadith. Ijtihad was carried out after the Prophet Muhammad died so that he could not directly ask him about something about the law or about worship.
However, there are also matters of worship that cannot be ijtihadkan. Some kind of ijtihad, among others :
Ijma’ namely the agreement of the scholars
Qiyas, a parable with something similar and clear in law
Come on Goodbye, for the good of the people
‘Urf, habit
Related to the order of the Shari'a, The Quran in Surah Al-Ahzab verse 36 taught that if Allah and His Apostle had decided something, then Muslims are not allowed to take other provisions.
Because of that, Implicitly, it can be understood that if there is a case that Allah and His Messenger have not yet determined the provisions, then the Muslims can decide for themselves.
Understanding this meaning is supported in the verses of the Qur'an in the Surah Al-Mai & rsquo; dahyang states that things that are not explained by the provisions have been forgiven by Allah.
Thus, May be useful
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