Exhausted Hearts
Material about Kubal Qalqalah which contains understanding, examples and how to read complete with pictures.
Qalqalah is divided into two types namely Qalqalah Qubra and Qalqalah Sugra. Both have similarities and of course there are differences. And now we will discuss about Qalqalah Kubra.
Qalqalah Kubro or Qalqalah besar is when one of the letters of the qalqalah is turned off or terminated.
Pengertian Qalqalah Kubro
Qalqalah in harfiyah or language means vibration or reflection. The definition of qalqalah in term is bouncing or sound vibrations when reading a sentence that contains original or original breadfruit letters..
Letter from alphabetical order, Jim, From,Ta’, Qaf.
Qalqalah kubro according to the term is :
ان كان سكونها عارضا فيالوقف فهي كبرى
If the letter Qalqalah is arid because it is waqofkan, maka ia dinamakan qalqalah kubro.
Then in the book al-qaulus sadid explained the other meaning of Qalqalah Kubra, that is :
وما كان سكن منها في اخر الكلمة يسمى قلقلة كبرى
When the letter Qalqalah is syllable at the end of the sentence then it is called Qalqalah kubra.
Based on the above definition, it can be concluded that Qalqalah kubra occurs when the letter Qalqalah :
a) Rejoice Arid because it is waqofkan. In other words, the letter is originally karokat but becomes harmonious because it is read waqof.
b) Get along at the end of the sentence.
The pronunciation of Qalalah Kubra is the same as the way of pronouncing Qalqalah in general, but it must be more reverent and clearer than the recitation of the Qalqalah Shugra. Even the pronunciation of Qalqalah Kubra must be even stronger when the letter Qalqalah that is waqofed is in a state of tasydid.
Contoh Qalqalah Kubro
Examples found in QS Al-Buruj

An example is found in QS At-Tariq

Examples are found in QS Al-Balad

How to read
How to read it : when met with letters that are bertasydid or that will be turned off (dismissed) hold the sound of the letter first, only then is reflected.
That is the material of the great Qalqalah or kubro, hopefully it is useful and becomes the knowledge that can lead to heaven, aaminn
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