Proto Melayu
Proto Melayu-Hi my friends!! This time suhupend will share information with all of you, namely about how and what is Proto Melayu like which also includes the understanding, culture, tribe, difference and life
So let's look at the explanation below :

Definition of Proto Malays
What is the Proto-Malays? is a racial group or Malay tribe that has an original culture that came within the archipelago and is the initial wave that emerged since 1500 SM.
After that, the feeling was nicknamed like Old Malay, this matter was caused by those who came before Deutro Melayu..
Proto-Malays Nation

In the Malay race is a descendant Brotto and also including the ancestors of Indonesia since the beginning of time they arrive to Indonesia since 1500 SM.
This nation is a group of people who came from Austronesia after which they could enter the archipelago by passing 2 Street, is the road of malaysia- sumatera or also known as Jalan Barat and also through the phipipin- Sulawesi or known as North Street.
In the Malay Protto nation, we already know that a nation in which it has a culture can be said to be more advanced when compared to other ancient nations at that time..
In this case it has been proven by various fossil finds as well as things and things that are true have been proven in their culture..
Where almost all the goods and equipment they make is a stone base material that has been formed and refined.

Feature Race Proto Malay
Below are some of the characteristics of Proto Malay race is as follows:
- Where are their origins from the area of South China or ( China).
- It is estimated that he arrived in the archipelago from 1500 BC to 500 SM.
- Has a large body and is also slim.
- The complexion on the skin is brown.
- Has the form of straight hair, and the nose and mouth are dimensioned again.
- and it is also the result of culture( neolitikum) young stone.
Proto Malay Culture

In this Malay Protto nation has a Neolithic culture or is commonly referred to as Batu Muda, which is almost entirely made of stone that has been mashed..
There are also examples of cultural results in this nation that we can observe together until the time is right, For example, a kind of ax that forms like a square and an oval ax.
In the cultural products this square ax type is brought directly by them by passing the eastern road, and the cultural products of the oval axes were carried by them on the western road.
Distribution of Proto Melayu
From this group of races is a Mongoloid race that originally arrived from the southern region of China, More details in Yunan, almost very close to a valley of the Yang Tze River.
Like what has been explained earlier when this nation enters through 2 route and explanation:
Via the West Route: is from Greece– Thailand– Malay Peninsula– Sumatra– so that it spread to the entire archipelago, more precisely the western part.
After that take the Eastern Route: It is with late Greece– Vietnam– Taiwan– Philippine Islands– Sulawesi– Until it spread widely to every corner of the archipelago, especially in the east.
Origin of the Proto-Malays

Many believe Proto-Malays is one race that became the origin of man in Indonesia and he also said as the ancestor of the French Polynesia that have spread quite widely from Madagascar to start up on some of the island's most eastern Pacific.
At first the arrival of this nation was turned off from southern China.
Where they have the kind of characteristic that has been described in diatasyakni having straight hair, and the complexion on the skin is brownish yellow, and has slanted eyes.
After that kala was located in southern China( Hellenic) they immigrated to Indochina and Siam, then next to the islands in Indonesia
In the beginning, this nation lived in the coastal region of North Sumatra, then West Kalimantan, and next to West Sulawesi.
Later on in this Malay Brotto bring a civilization stone in Indonesian Islands.
After that, the new immigrants appeared, is a kind of Deutero Malays or( Young Malay race)
Until the conclusion, they carried out another movement until they entered the interior to create a new place in the forest area so that it could be used as a place to live..
With the availability of the Malay race Brotto Give insistence on the existence of indigenous people.

Which concludes by living his life in the forest so that it makes him isolated from life outside, the conclusion made this nation's civilization fade over time.
So after that the natives and the Malay race was too long Brotto- long began to merge and blend so the tribe that to this day still exists is the Batak, Beating, Toraja, Alas, and Gayo
With alienated life in this nation until the conclusion made Brotto Malay race a bit carried away- take it upon Hindu or Islamic culture after that day.
Results Assets Proto Malay
- Square ax
- oval ax
- shoulder ax
- Pottery
- Jewelry( bracelets as well as beads- bead) Wooden batting kit
Proto Malay quarter is?
- Mentawai tribe
- Dayak tribe
- Toraja tribe
- Batak tribe
What is the Proto-Malays?
It is a race or Malay tribe that has an original culture that arrived into the archipelago and is the initial wave that has emerged since 1500 SM.
How can the Protto Nation enter the archipelago?
It is by way of passing 2 the following path the explanation:
Via the West Route: is from Greece– Thailand– Malay Peninsula– Sumatra– then spread to the entire archipelago, more precisely the western part.
After that take the Eastern Route: It is with late Greece– Vietnam– Taiwan– Philippine Islands– Sulawesi– Until it spread widely to every corner of the archipelago, especially in the east.
Mention what makes people Brotto wilt perform immigration and leaving the place of origin?
All members of the experts say that the so alibi nation this fall kewilayah proto Malay archipelago there is a war that is interwoven attempted by intertribal, with various insults from various wild races or tribes originating from Central Asia, as well as natural disasters as the causal aspect.
Thus and a few short reviews that suhupend can convey, hopefully they are useful, thank you.
Also read other articles :
- Islam-archipelago
- The history of the Kediri kingdom
- Aswaja history
- dawn prayer recitation
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