Understanding Sadaqah
Understanding Sadaqah Complete with Types and Examples
On this occasion, the author will provide material about sadaqah, which includes the various types of sadaqah and the meaning of sadaqah. The explanation is as follows.
Islam offers every facility for its adherents that it can use for practice and worship. One of them is shadaqah, shadaqah is worship, even a sincere smile can be called sadaqah.
Sadaqah means to share or lighten the burden of others. shadaqah is highly recommended in Islam. With bershadaqah , social relations can be better. Shadaqah also leaves pride and arrogance. The other virtue of bershadaqah is to get a reward in the presence of Allah Ta’ala.
according to Islam, Sadaqah gives part of the wealth to people in need. It doesn't mean that we can beg. Islam does not encourage someone to beg. Because this action makes one lazy. Otherwise, Islam advises people to work for a living. And for women, their responsibility is in the hands of their husbands or parents.
Understanding Sadaqah
Generally, shadaqah has the meaning of spending wealth in the way of Allah. Good for the poor, brothers and even for the sake of jihad Fi Sabilillah. The meaning of sadaqah often shows the meaning that giving wealth in the way of Allah, as found in many verses of the Qur’an. Among them is Al-Baqarah verse 264 and Al-Taubah verse 60.
The two verses above illustrate that sadaqah has the meaning of giving money in the way of Allah. Even in the second verse, Sadaqah specifically means zakat. In fact, there are many verses and hadiths that talk about zakat, but is expressed in terms of shadaqah.
By language, Sadaqah comes from the word Sidq, which means true. And according to Al-Qadhi Abu Bakr bin Arabi, this applies to action and speech as well as confidence. In this case, Shadaqah is said in the Hadith, And Sadaqah is burhan or evidence.” (H.R Muslim)
Sadaqah is more than just zakat or infaq. Sadaqah is not just issuing or donating wealth. But Sadaqah covers all deeds (Good deeds). In a hadith, said, “Giving a smile to your brother is shadaqah.” That's the difference between sadaqah, infaq, and zakat.
The meaning of Sadaqah in the above hadith refers to the meaning of Sadaqah above. Even implicitly, shadaqah mentioned in the Hadith are all kinds of good deeds done by every Muslim to seek the pleasure of Allah. Either in the form of worship or actions that are externally viewed as Taqarrub to Allah SWT, or in the form of activities that seem out of step with Allah, like the intimate relationship between husband and wife, profession, dll. All these activities are worth worshiping before Allah SWT.
Various Shadaqah
The following are the types of charity that can be done:, among them are as follows:
- Shadaqah Harta
Shadaqah Harta, things that can be done with shadaqah property is berinfaq, help in building mosques, assist in developing the development of the institution of memorization of the Qur'an, and many more.
Sadaqah does not reduce wealth. As the words of the Prophet saw, “Shadaqah does not reduce wealth.” (H.R, Muslim).
Although externally the treasure will decrease, but was rewarded by God and continued to multiply. Allah SWT speaks in (Q.S Saba: 39) :

That means. Say it : & ldquo; Really, My Lord enlarges the provision and limits it for whom He wills of His servants.” And what do you spend, Allah will replace him and He is the Best Provider.
- Smile, cheerful or pleasant in front of other people.
- Reconciling hostile people.
- Help people with the energy we can.
- said well.
- Doing prayer.
- Get rid of dangerous objects along the way.
- Say Subhanallah (Glorify)
- Say Alhamdulillah (Tahmid)
- Mengucap Laa ilaaha illallah (Analysis)
- Saying Astaghfirullaahal ‘Azhim (Istighfar)
- Calling to the makruf (good)
- Forbid or prevent disobedience.
- Legal marriage intimate relationship.
- Helping people who need help
- Helping people who are harassed or mistreated
- Refrain from evil deeds, sin and vice.
- Support yourself, family, child, and helper.
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