Definition of Infaq
Understanding Infaq and explanation of Infaq complete based on the book of Al-Qur'an and Al-hadith.
Apart from fasting during this month of Ramadan, do worship like infaq, Sadaqah or Zakat is also an obligatory activity.
infaq, Shadaqah and Zakat are not the same, although the three terms are often used together. The following is another explanation of Infaq and the various types of Infaq.
Of course, we often hear or do infaq in Islamic economic systems or Islamic economics. Infaq is also part of Muslim activities kegiatan.
Infaq is voluntary unlike charity. Meanwhile, zakat and infaq are also not the same, because he does not know the nisab or the amount of property.
Definition of Infaq
Infaq comes from the word anfaqa-yunfiqu which means expenses or finances related to the fulfillment of Allah's commands. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, fifth edition infaq, in addition to obligatory zakat is donating property whose purpose is for good. Meanwhile, according to the term infaq means issuing a certain amount of wealth or income for the interests regulated in Islamic teachings.
Therefore, infaq is different from zakat, infaq does not know the Nisab or the amount of property according to the law. Infaq is not required to be given to certain Mustahik, but for people like family members, relatives, orphans, the poor, or people who travel long distances (traveler).
So infaq is paying with wealth, spend a lot with property and spend with property. The goal can be a donation or something for yourself. The command for a person to spend wealth for themselves in the word of Allah SWT is as follows:

(Fattaqulloha mastatho’tum wasma’uu wa athii’uu wa anfiquu khoirol li’ anfusikum, wa may yuuqo syuhha nafsihii fa ulaaa ‘ika humul-muflihuun)
That means : “So fear Allah according to your ability and listen and obey;and inflict good wealth for yourself. And whoever guards himself from stinginess, they are the lucky ones.” (Q.S. At-Tagabun : 16)
While the command to provide a living for his wife and family is also explained in the Word of Allah SWT as follows::

(liyunfiq zuu sa'atim min sa'atih, wa mang qudiro ‘alaihi rizquhuu falyunfiq mimmaaa aataahaa, sayaj'alullohu ba'da 'usriy yusroo)
That means : “Let the person who has the space give alimony according to his ability, and people with limited sustenance, let him provide of the wealth that Allah has given him. God does not burden a person except (corresponding) with what God gave him. God will give space after narrowness.” (Q.S. At-Thalaq: 7)
And if spending property should be spent for the good and not the bad, especially in the implementation of infaq in accordance with the words of Allah SWT in the letter of Al-Baqarah, verse 267, which means :
“O you who believe! spend part of the results of your good work and part of what We remove from the earth for you. Do not choose the bad ones for you to take out, even though you don't want to take it yourself, but with a squint of the eye (reluctant) against him. And find out, that Allah is Rich, Most Praiseworthy.” (Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 267)
Assorted Infaq
Infaq is legally divided into four types, which is as follows:
- Infaq Mubah
The type of infaq Mubah is the act of issuing property for Mubah problems such as trade and agriculture.
- Mandatory Infaq
A form of Infaq is the withdrawal of property for obligatory matters such as payment of dowry or dowry, supporting a divorced wife and still in Idda state.
- Infaq Haram
Infaq Haram is the act of spending wealth for a purpose forbidden by Allah, as:
- Infaqnya infidels to prevent the spread of Islam (Q.S Al-Anfal : 36)
- Infaqnya Muslims to the poor, but not because of Allah (Q.S An-Nisa : 38).
- Infaq Sunnah
This Infaq Sunnah issues property with the meaning of shodaqoh. This type is divided into two categories, that is; Infaq for jihad and infaq for those in need.
In short, infaq is the activity of issuing or spending property without Nisab or a measure of how much property such as zakat should be issued. You can complete your Ramadan fast by setting aside some money to donate.
Other Material :
- Definition of Infaq
- Various Zakat
- Conditions of Congregational Prayer and the Opinion of ‘Ulama
- Meditation
- Night Prayer
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