Definition of Halalan Thayyiban
ْاَسَّلَامُ ءَلَيْكمْ وَرَحْمَةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَتُه
What is meant by halalan thoyyiban ? you must still be wondering with that !! In accordance with the many searches about halal thayyiban then you are very fit to come here , here we are willing to share information, hopefully all of you can understand, please see the following explanation :
At this time we will share material or papers about the meaning of halalan thayyiban which includes explanations and arguments of the Koran and its complete criteria.

The meaning of Halal Thayyiban is in our Islamic teachings as a religious people are commanded to consume halal food and thayyib.
But not a few people who do not understand the meaning of the term end up ignoring it. The interpretation of halalan thayyiban is a term used for provisions in consuming food for Muslims.
Kata halalan ( which is allowed by Allah SWT) is thayyiban, it means food or food that is beneficial to our body, does not interfere with health, not disgusting, but, delicious, favors do not expire and do not contradict the command of Allah SWT which has been determined about halal and haram food with the word of Allah in al-quran surah al-baqarah verse 172 :
ياايهاا لذين ءامنواكلوامن طيبات مارزقناكم
” Hey people who believe, eat fortune among the good things that we give you ".{Al-baqarah: 172 }
Halal food thayyiban is a food that is widely not bound by things- things that cause it to be prohibited from being eaten and this meal can nourish the body and benefit the health of our organs that require nutritious and healthy meals.
Halal Dining Criteria

- Vegetable type meals are those that come from growing- plants that are exposed to direct sunlight.
- Animal type meals are meals and drinks derived from animals. like cows and goats.
- Processed or synthetic food is a food that is processed by humans using ingredients- ingredients from the two points above so that it is safe to avoid harmful preservatives.

In the novel Encyclopedia of Islamic Law, halal thayyiban has some meaning, is to liberate, let go of, disperse, disassemble, as well as enable.
In other words, halal thayyiban means something that does not cause the impact of a person not to be punished when consuming it and something that can be done according to Islamic law
Thus and a few short reviews from us suhupend hopefully this article can be useful so that we avoid foods that are haram for us., please share if this all can be useful for many people, especially our families. thank you
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