Pencak Silat
This time we will discuss material about pencak silat which also includes history, technical, the moves and rules are complete and clear.
The word “martial arts” is a widely known term in Southeast Asia to refer to this martial art.
However, each country also has its own designation according to their local language such as Guyong and Strict (Malaysia and Singapore), martial arts (Thailand) and Pasilat (Filipina).
Pencak silat comes from two words, that is pencak silat. Understanding pencak is a basic self-defense movement and is related to the rules.
While silat means a perfect self-defense movement based on spirituality.
Some official provisions related to silat from various regions in Indonesia, including :
- In the province of West Sumatra there are terms Silek and Gayungan.
- The east coast of the provinces of West Sumatra and Malaysia has the term Bersilat.
- In West java, there are Maempok and Penca.
- In Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java Province, there is a term Penchak.
- In Madura, with Bawean island, there is a term Mancak.
- In Bali, there is a term Manchak or Enchak.
- In NTB and Dompu there is the term Mpaa Sila.
The history of Pencak Silat began with the development of the royal era, then the Dutch colonial era, until the Japanese occupation era and finally, when there is independence.
Besides the fact that this is an attempt to defend oneself, This martial art is also one of the surviving cultural arts.
And, as we know, This silat is developing not only in Indonesia.
But spread to neighboring countries like Malaysia, Brunei Darusalam, Singapore or another country.
- Developments During the Kingdom
During the kingdom, Martial arts is a skill that has been widely accepted as a security defense. And also expands the kingdom to fight with other kingdoms.
Some kingdoms like Kutai, Tarumanegara, Kediri, Mataram, Singasari, Shrividzhaya, as well as the Majapahit kingdom also prepared various troops equipped with martial arts to defend their territory. And at that time the term pencak silat was not yet known by the royal people.
other than that, in the year 1019-1041, in the kingdom of Kahuripan with its leader Prabu Erlangga, who came from Sidoarjo, that the martial art known as “Eh Hawk Hick,” which means "Step Forward"” (Notosoejitno, 1999 ).
- Developments during the Dutch Colonial Period
During the Dutch colonial period, The growth of pencak-silat was a decisive opposition to the Netherlands because it was considered dangerous for the survival of its colonies.
That way, Pencak Silat is done secretly and only in small group communities.
And during the Dutch colonial era, silat has the opportunity to develop art, which is still used only in some areas, and also takes the form of performances and ceremonies.
Influences taken from the accent of the Dutch colonial era helped color the growth of silat in the following period.
- Developments in the Japanese Occupation
Different from the Dutch era, which opposes the growth of penchak-silat, during the Japanese occupation, pencak-silat is actively supported and developed for Japan's own interests, that is, to inflame the spirit of defense against allied attacks.
During this time, the whole area of Java was created by the martial arts association, simultaneously regulated by the government.
Although Japan allows to revive the heritage elements of the greatness of the nation.
But his main goal is to use the spirit he thinks will rekindle, that, Of course, for the good of Japan. Not in the national interest.
- Developments in the Age of Independence
The development of silat also continued until independence. During this period, there is a pioneering institute for martial arts organization, whose goal is to host this existing martial arts college.
At the date of 18 May 1948, some fighters gathered in Surakarta, who gathered and later formed an organization called the Indonesian Penchak Silat Association or IPSSI for short.
This organization is led by Mr. Wongsonegoro, and then changed the name of the organization to the Indonesian Penchak Silat Association and reduced it to IPSI, whose aim is to revive the fighting spirit of the Indonesian people during the development period.
Basic Attitude of Pencak Silat
- Respect
- Upright stance
- Sitting posture
- Tide attitude
- Pencak silat horses
- Movement formation
- Direction formation
Pencak silat move
On step 5, two patterns are used, namely the floor pattern and the rotation step pattern.
Here's how to do it:
- Bring your right leg forward and cross your arms in front of your chest. Remember to put your right hand on top.
- Then make the left elbow, and also use the position of the horse in the middle.
- Also press in front of your right, use your right hand to gently press the thigh. Meanwhile, left hand crossed in front of the horse.
- Use the tide with the sucker while sitting on the right leg, with left hand open behind body.
- On the other side, the right arm will also cross in front of the chest.
- After that, also do side kicks under the left while lying down.
- Meanwhile, put your left hand in front of your head and your right hand, used as a support for the body.
- Place your left foot in front of the chair so that your right hand is raised high. This legitimate master is the representative of the end of truth.
- Rotate the body to the right and make the blade to the right. The horses used in this movement are right front horses.
Thus and so from us, hopefully this article can be useful, thank you….
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