RMS Rebellion
RMS Rebellion-Hi my friends!! This timetempereducation.com will share information with all of you, namely about how and what the material about the RMS Rebellion includes understanding, aim, incident, the cause and its background are complete
Well, let's see the following explanation :

Definition of RMS Rebellion
What is meant by the republic of southern Maluku or called RMS?? is a republic located in the Maluku archipelago which has been proclaimed on 25 april 1950
The largest island is Ambon, then spooky and hurry.
At that time, the RMS in Ambon was defeated by members of the military from Indonesia around November 1950, but regarding the conflict, it still took place in Seram and continued until December 1963.
The defeat in Ambon caused a refugee camp for the RMS government to go to Seram, in exile which later finally the RMS government established a new government in the netherlands in 1966.
At the time a rebel leader named DR. Chris Soumoekil who was arrested by members of the Indonesian military who was subsequently executed immediately 1966, which coincided with the time the president was being inaugurated in exile in the Netherlands.
Background of the RMS Rebellion

At the time of the Republic of South Maluku ( RMS ) standing, namely the proclamation was also held around the date of 25 april 1950, At that time it had been recommended by a group of people who were former KNIL and also community groups who were also pro with the Dutch.
Among the above groups there is DR. Chris Robert Steven Soumekil and in it also Andi Aziz and Westerling.
Which they are very well known as a rebel as for what they did because of their dissatisfaction with the return of the United States of Indonesia to the Republic of Indonesia.
The ongoing rebellion was ridden in it by an element of the KNIL / het koninklijke nederlanch or also referred to as the royal army from the Dutch East Indies because they were not satisfied with the lack of clarity so they carried out a rebellion..
An APRIS success on time in handling a condition, which resulted in a number of people having a sense of enthusiasm again, namely the return of the United States of Indonesia (RMS) to the Republic of Indonesia.
At that time, who was trying to unite all regions in Indonesia?, where there is a lot of terror in the form of intimidation, a threat to the Indonesian people.
Among a number of such terrorists were those directly led by a captain named Raymond Westerling.
With the support and encouragement that involved some members of the police as well as KNIL troops who were then categorized in a part of the Special Troop Corps located in Batujajar, is the region of Bandung, West Java.
With the various terrors that occurred in Bandun, up to that time, many people died. Where in these acts of terror there have been many murders and persecutions.
As a result of the existence of such terror, come to the conclusion that the feeling of separatism or the will to separate oneself is starting to show. Which of the regional government bureaucrats have carried out provocations against residents who were then located in the Ambon area?.
Where if dealing with the alibi of merging between Ambon and the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, it can have very bad consequences and can be very dangerous for many people one day..
Until it comes from the existence of these dangers, so for all residents to always be aware of the possibilities that will occur.
After that it is estimated that On coincides with 20 april 1950, which at that time there had been a filing of a motion which was a sense of distrust of the NIT parliamentary board.
There is also the purpose of the submission, namely so that the members of the NIT cabinet or the State of East Indonesia keep all of their positions so that they can unite and join the territory of the Republic of Indonesia..
Until with the failure that Andi Andul Azis tried to be the end for the State of East Indonesia.
However , the continuation of the rebellion does not end here only.
Because Soumokil and all the members who gave support felt that they still could not give up so that they could separate the upper Central Maluku region from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia..
Until then it was heard, The group began to carry out negotiations in order to carry out its insurgency with all the members of the KNIL.
After that the negotiations took place in the Ambon area and were attended by all leaders from KNIL members, and after that Soumokil, serta Ir. Humans are investigating in order to take and seize the South Maluku region so that it can be their entire territory.
Moreover, they are ready with all the possibilities that will be caused even if it is necessary to kill all members of the council in South Maluku so that they can proclaim independence over the area they want to achieve..
The Purpose of the RMS Rebellion

Next after parsing in detail on the background of RMS, so that next we will follow along with the review on the purpose of holding this RMS uprising. Here's the explanation:
At the time of the rebellion, this group was chaired by Soumokil, who was one of the former Attorney General's Offices.. Where he also has the goal of being able to completely separate the Maluku area from the bosom of the Republic of Indonesia( The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia).
After that at the time before the proclamation of the Republic of South Maluku, Where is someone Governor 9 A series that at that time had members of the KNIL troops as well as the Great East Party had already carried out all forms of propaganda..
This was carried out so that the Maluku region could be separated from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
But besides that, where is it?, Soumokil has fully succeeded in making the community feel confident and after that he began to carry out construction so that he could strengthen the Central Maluku region.
After that, while that is for all people who do not give support to the central Maluku region to be threatened and put in custody.
Until the conclusion is close 25 April 1950, The Republic of South Maluku begins to implement the proclamation.
At that time, the one who worked as president was J. H Manuhutu with prime minister Albert Fairisal.
But not only that, there were several ministers selected, including Mr. Doctor. C. R. S Soumokil, then D. j Gasperz, J. B Pattiradjawane, J. All, S. j, H Norimarna, P. w Freedom, H. f pieter, A. Nanholy, WITH. Pesuwarissa and Ir. J. A Manusama.
Then close coincides with 27 April 1950 one of the people named Doctor. J. P nikijuluw began to be selected and promoted to become vice president of the Republic of South Maluku in the region outside the country and has a role in The Hague, Netherlands.
After that close to coincide on 3 May 1950, At that time Soumokil became Manuhutui's replacement, who was the president of the Republic of South Maluku.
After that close 9 May 1950 start trying to make a military force of the Republic of South Maluku or abbreviated( APMRS) led by the rank of commander -in -chief sergeant Major KNIL, D. J Samson.
But the chief of staff was Sergeant Major Pattiwale. After that several other staff members were sort of like Sergeant Major Aipasa, then Sergeant Major Pieter and the next Sergeant Major Kastanja.
At the time of the promotion or promotion system, it was still by practicing a KNIL system.
RMS Rebellion Efforts

At that time the government of the republic of Indonesia tried to take the path of peace in order to overcome the rebellion that was already taking place in the Maluku area.
There are also steps and behaviors that are tried by the government, namely by sending a peace mission which is chaired directly by various figures who are natives of Maluku, such as Doctors.. Leimena.
However, it is a shame that everything did not go according to the will where the peace effort was immediately rejected by Soumokil.
After that next, the government in conclusion sent a peace mission to the next which in the mission consisted of doctors, then politician, as well as priests and journalists but in fact also can not meet face to face with Soumokil.
After that, after all the peace missions are felt to have been rejected, In the conclusion, military aggression has begun to be tried so that it can eradicate the movement of the Republic of South Maluku.
After that the members of the troops were dubbed the Military Surgery Movement III, which was chaired directly by Colonel A. E Kawilarang who at that time was still leading as a Commander of the army and the Eastern Indonesian Territory.
And after that the surgery began near the time of 14 Juli1950. But it coincides with that perihal, which is estimated to coincide with 15 July 1950, The State of the Republic of South Maluku in the end made an announcement regarding the condition of the country at that time if it was in a very risky situation.
Then close coincides with 28 September 1950, Where the members of the GOM III Troops began to enter and penetrate the Ambon area, especially they were able to take over the Nieuw Victoria fortress.
Until the many victims of the fall of troops in Ambon, the conclusion made the Republic of South Maluku at that time conquerable. And after that in the conclusion the central point of government also began to be moved into the Terrible Island.
Figure- RMS Rebellion Figures and Their Punishments

Estimated near year 1952, where at that time a president from South Maluku named j. H Manuhutu has been arrested.
But while all the leaders of the Republic of South Maluku who others have successfully fled to the Netherlands.
In conclusion, all the figures who have been successfully arrested are then given sanctions in the form of a punishment, among others, such as in the description below::
- The first one is J. H Munhutu, is a President of the RMS sentenced 4 Year
- The second is Albert Wairisal, is a Prime Minister of the Interior convicted throughout 5 Year
- The third is D. J Gasper, is a Minister of Home Affairs convicted of 4½ Year
- The fourth is J. B Pattirajawane, is a convicted Minister of Finance 4½ Year
- The fifth is Gram. Gram. H Apituley, was one of the Ministers of Finance who was subsequently sentenced to 5½ Year
- The sixth is T. Nussy, professional is the leader of the Army Staff of the RMS convicted in the century 7 year
- The seventh is D. J Samson, is the slaah of a convicted Commander -in -Chief of the RMS 10 Year
- The eighth is Ibrahim Oharilla, who is one of the Minister of Food sentenced to 4½ Year
- The ninth is J. S. H Norimarna, is that a Minister of Prosperity is sentenced to 5½ Year
- The tenth is D. From Pessuwariza, is one of the Information Ministers who found a criminal sentence 5½ Year
- The eleventh is the Doctor. T. A Pattirajawane, is the Minister of Health shall be sentenced to within a period of 3 Year
- The twelfth is F. H Pieters, which is one of the sentenced Minister of Communications 4 Year.
Estimated approx 1978 where the eye groups or members of the RMS Rebellion have detained and held almost 70 civil society who were stationed in the Dutch government building in the Assen area- Wesseran.
After that, when the terror took place, which was tried by several groups located under the auspices of the RMS, for example a kind of group that carried out suicide in the South Maluku region
After that near the year 1975 This member had carried out the robbery on the train and was estimated to have taken hostages up to 38 the person who is the passenger of the train.
And after that near the year 2002, when the anniversary of the proclamation of the RMS was held again 15 with the activity that was tried, namely an activity of raising the RMS flag in Maluku.
It is because of this matter that the conclusion is 23 people have been arrested by the police. Then after the arrest took place, in this group feel disapproved and think that this arrest is not in accordance with the existing law.
After that next, They all gave conditions to the Governor of Maluku accompanied by the leadership of the Maluku Attorney General's Office because they had carried out detention on suspicion of being a provocateur of the implementation of the RMS flag-raising activity..
After that this action continued to be carried out until the year 2004. Where at that time almost hundreds of participants and supporters of RMS carried out the raising of the RMS flag in Kudamati.
As a result, there was a conflict in the arrest process as well as a conflict between RMS activists and NKRI..
But the action is still considered not lucrative, until after that all the RMS groups began to repeat again and again to prove their existence and existence to the Indonesian people.
What's even worse is that the group did not hesitate to ask the Hague state court to sue President SBY at the time and also carry out arrests on human rights issues..
After that there was also a very serious incident which at that time took place close to the year 2007, which at that time President SBY again left to attend a National Family Day activity held in Ambon, Maluku.
But tragic, when Cakalele dancers begin to penetrate the field, where they don't even bother and feel reluctant to carry out the raising of the RMS flag right in front of President SBY.
And like that, the description of the consequences that occurred after the separatist movement of the Republic of South Maluku in the Maluku Region took place.
Easy writer hope- hopefully the unity of the Republic of Indonesia will always be preserved intact forever.
That's all and that's the description that could Suhu Pendidikan.com convey about the RMS Rebellion, hopefully it will be useful, thank you.
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