Here he is, Manga-Light Novel Release Schedule in Indonesia This Week! [1 February 2023] Mangaku

This manga-light novel release schedule is a list of books released on 1 February 2023. This list is a list compiled by the author, through information from second parties and official publishers. This release schedule is the manga's release schedule, Japanese light novels/translation novels, manha, manhua and local comics published by Kompas Gramedia Group publisher. these books…

Nod Tampilkan 2 New Characters In The Valentine's Special Update! Mangaku

Game Goddess of Victory: Nikke akan meluncurkan update terbarunya bertajuk Maid in Valentine mulai 1 February 2023. Sebagai update untuk memeriahkan perayaan Hari Valentine, Goddess of Victory: Nikke memperkenalkan 2 karakter SSR baruCocoa dan Sodaserta kostum dan rangkaian event waktu terbatas dengan berbagai hadiah menarik. Karakter

[JOI Spotlight] Damage Negation Edition Mangaku

Selamat datang di JOI Spotlight penutup bulan pertama 2023 this. Daftar tontonan harusnya sudah mulai rapi, jadi mari kita lhat impresi staf Jurnal Otaku untuk seri yang sudah hadir di minggu ini. In/Spectre 03 Kaptain Masuk fase duduk manis buat ngomongin kasus. Seperti biasa ini kasus yang udah jelas jawabannya,…

[Review] Bocchi The Rock Mangaku

Bocchi The Rock telah sukses menamatkan 12 The episode ended about a month ago. Anime yang awalnya tidak diperhitungkan, is now phenomenal after the adaptation which was considered very good by various audiences. It's so booming, I feel obliged to write a review, but I have to let it sit for a month first. Kali-kali saja animenya

[Waifu Wednesday] Ikuyo Kita Mangaku

Yes, hello JOI readers!! Hari Rabu menandakan rubrik Waifu Wednesday akan kembali mengudara hari ini. On this occasion, saya akan melanjutkan Waifu Wednesday dari serial Bocchi The Rock! which BlueHeaven had previously started with Nijika. The character I will discuss this time is Kita Ikuyo! Yep, vokalis sekaligus gitaris dari

Here he is, Manga-Light Novel Release Schedule in Indonesia This Week! [25 January 2023] Mangaku

This manga-light novel release schedule is a list of books released on 25 January 2023. This list is a list compiled by the author, through information from second parties and official publishers. This release schedule is the manga's release schedule, Japanese light novels/translation novels, manha, manhua and local comics published by Kompas Gramedia Group publisher. these books…

Here he is, Manga-Light Novel Release Schedule in Indonesia This Week! [14 December 2022] Mangaku

This manga-light novel release schedule is a list of books released on 14 December 2022. This list is a list compiled by the author, through information from second parties and official publishers. This release schedule is the manga's release schedule, Japanese light novels/translation novels, manha, manhua and local comics published by Kompas Gramedia Group publisher. these books…

[Virtual Journal] Siska Leontyne Mangaku

Hello y'all! No one misses me? Once in a while, I want to try to discuss about vtubers, maybe. Actually I plan to return to pay off one of the waifu wednesday debts that Tomoe Mami missed. Check the developer's website at for the latest version of the Speeder program, later, if I remember, I'll write it down. Anyway, now I try to write…

Tower Of Fantasy Launches Mirafleur Moonshade Update on Date 22 December! Mangaku

Hari ini, penerbit Level Infinite dan pengembang Hotta Studio mengumumkan detail tambahan untuk peluncuran pembaruan 2.2 Mirafleur Moonshade pada 22 Desember di Tower of Fantasy, A popular free-to-play open world MMORPG. Tower of Fantasy yang belum lama ini memenangkan penghargaan Best for Tablets dari Google Play, nominated as…