Prayer Games , Doa Xtreme 3 , Prayers Online , and Prayer Games

Doa game – Games have the meaning and meaning of games, However, nowadays they generally use electronic media, namely multimedia entertainment that is deliberately made to be as interesting as possible so that there is inner satisfaction. Bermain game ternyata menjadi salah satu sarana pembelajaran untuk perkembangan otak seperti halnya pelajaran matematika yang membutuhkan daya

Fasting Schedule 2019 : Ramadan fasting and Sunnah fasting

Fasting Schedule – Pada kali ini akan membagikan jadwal puasa ramadhan dan puasa sunnah di tahun 2019. Simak kalender islam di bawah ini Jadwal Puasa Bukan hanya ibadah wajib, salah satu ibadah yang mampu meningkatkan keimanan adalah ibadah sunnah. Salah satunya yaitu dengan menunaikan ibadah puasa. Bagi umat Islam,…

Intention of Qodho Fasting or Alternate Fasting and its Procedure

Intention to Replace Fasting – Before breaking a fast or replacing a fast, a person should say the intention in his heart. The intention to perform qadha or replace fasting will be written below in Arabic and Latin letters and translated in Indonesian, Simak pembahasa dibawah ini niat puasa qodho Pengertian Ganti Puasa atau Qadha Puasa

The intention of Fasting Dzulhijjah , Tarwiyyah and Arafah and their Benefits

Dzulhijjah fast –  Being one of the sunnah fasts that is recommended to be performed during 10 the day before Eid al-Adha. Here are the intentions and priorities of fasting sunnah dzulhijjah, arofah and tarwiyah, simak pembahasan dibawah ini puasa dzulhijjah Berdasarkan hadis shahih dari Siti Hafshah r.a. he said, “Ada empat macam yang tidak pernah

Definition of Halalan Thayyiban

ْاَسَّلَامُ ءَلَيْكمْ وَرَحْمَةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَتُه What is meant by halalan thoyyiban ? you must still be wondering with that !!  In accordance with the many searches about halal thayyiban then you are very fit to come here , here we are willing to share information, hopefully all of you can understand, please see the following explanation :…

Mad Law

Complete Mad Law Material with Understanding, Type, An example from the Al-Qur'an so that it is easily understood by Mad readers is one of the very important laws to learn in Tajweed Science. because a minimal understanding of mad law will lead to errors in reading the Koran, shorten the reading that should be read long as well…

Ain disease in Islam

At this time we will discuss material about ain disease in Islam which includes what ain disease is, reason, way, pengalaman dan menyembuhkannya Apakah Penyakit‘ That's it ? The word Ain comes from Arabic by taking the word‘ he- Ya’ inu yang maksudnya kurang lebih merupakan tatapan seorang yang menunjukkan kekaguman

Repentance Prayer Procedures

At this time we will discuss material about the procedure for praying repentance which includes an explanation, shahih, procedures, dan waktunya lengkap Penjelasan Shahih Berikut ini tulisan simpel gimana tata metode shalat taubat, easy- hope it's useful. No human is free from sin and guilt, all have been the Messenger of Allahﷺ assert in his words:…

Mad Thobii

Mad Thobii material is complete with examples, how to read and understand, accompanied by pictures. Mad Thobi'i is a part of Mad Law. In language or etymology Mad Thobi'i means natural or original, that is, read with a length of two vowels or one alif. In the science of tajwid, Mad Tobi’i…

Meaning of Dreams about Accidents

At this time we will discuss material about the meaning of an accident dream which includes an explanation, meaning, makna dan menanggapinya lengkap Penjelasan Mimpi Memandang Musibah merupakan sesuatu peristiwa yang berkaitan dengan bermacam kendaraan baik universal ataupun individu. Usually a disaster is intertwined with the actor and the victim who is together wearing a vehicle, such as a motorbike, plane,…