Two Sentences Creed

Two Sentences Creed الشهادة is the basis and policy of 5 pillars of Islam, also as a ghost, core and foundation of all Islamic teachings. moreover, shahadah is the first pillar of Islam, shows that the creed is the most important thing to become a Muslim. The following is a complete explanation of the creed…

Prayer asks for Rain

Prayer for rain complete with Arabic, Latin, dan arti Indonesia agar mudah dipahami oleh pemula Berikut ini adalah bacaan doa yang bisa kita amalkan. Complete in Arabic, Latin script and translation. Rain is one of the greatest gifts that Allah SWT gives to His servants. No rain, the earth will dry up,…

Meaning of Dreams of Driving a Motorcycle

Arti Mimpi Mengendarai Motor-Haii teman-teman semua!! This time, Suhu will share information with all of you, namely about how and what it means to dream of riding a motorbike according to Javanese Primbon.. But at a previous meeting, dimana kami pula sudah menjelaskan tentang Arti mimpi dililit ular Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan simak penjelasan berikut ini :…

Angel Gabriel

The Material of the Angel Gabriel Complete with Duties The Angel Gabriel is the angel responsible for delivering the revelation. Gabriel is one of the three angels whose names are mentioned in the Qur’an. His name is mentioned twice in the Qur'an in Surat Al Baqarah verse 97-98 and in surah at-Tahrim verse 4. In the Qur'an, jibril has…


Definition of Waqf Complete with Types, Signs and Examples for easy understanding by beginners who are just learning. For those of you who do not understand the sign of wakaf or waqof in the Qur'an and its meaning, The following is a summary of the signs of waqf in the Qur'an and the meanings you need to understand in order for your reading of the Qur'an to be…

Understanding Sadaqah

Pengertian Shadaqah Lengkap dengan Jenis dan Contohnya Pada kesempatan ini, the author will provide material about sadaqah, which includes the various types of sadaqah and the meaning of sadaqah. The explanation is as follows. Islam offers every facility for its adherents that it can use for practice and worship. One of them is shadaqah, shadaqah is worship, even…

Definition of Zakat + Prayer

Understanding and Prayer of Zakat Fitrah and Zakat Mal complete based on Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadith and in Arabic, Latin dan Indonesia Berikut adalah bebarapa pengertian, law, rukun, terms, time, hikmah and Doa zakat fitrah and mal in Arabic, Latin and its meaning. In Islam, Zakat merupakan salah satu dari

Definition of Infaq

Understanding Infaq and explanation of Infaq complete based on the book of Al-Qur'an and Al-hadith. Apart from fasting during this month of Ramadan, do worship like infaq, Sadaqah or Zakat is also an obligatory activity. infaq, Shadaqah and Zakat are not the same, although the three terms are often used together. Berikut ini adalah penjelasan lain tentang Infaq dan

The meaning of dreams wrapped around a snake

The meaning of dreams wrapped around a snake–Hi my friends!! This time suhupend will share some information with all of you, namely about how and what the dream meaning of being wrapped in a snake around the waist looks like., neck, hand, bodies according to Islam and Javanese primbon. But at a previous meeting, where we have also explained about the meaning of seeing dreams 2 ekor ular Lebih

Various Zakat

Macam-macam zakat beserta pengertian dan penjelasan lengkap menurut hukum agama islam. Setiap Muslim diharuskan mempraktikkan lima rukun Islam, yang merupakan rukun agama. Salah satu rukun Islam ialah membayar zakat. Zakat merupakan rukun Islam keempat dan harus dilakukan oleh setiap Muslim untuk mencapai berkah Allah SWT. However, beberapa orang mempertimbangkan Zakat