Tauhid Rububiyah

Tauhid Rububiyah – means to unite everything that Allah SWT does, good create, give sustenance, turn on and also turn off, and that He is the King, Ruler, and Who governs nature and its contents. Berikut adalah penjelasan lengkap mengenai pengertian tauhid rububiyah tauhid rububiyah Makna Tauhid Rububiyah Maknanya yaitu menyakini bahwa Alloh SWT

The Law of Moving the Fingers During Tahiyat (Tasyadud)

the law of tahiyat Moving the Finger When Tahiyat (Tasyadud) Moving fingers while reciting tasyahud is something that has no evidence at all, and Rasulullah SAW never did it. The arguments Evidence from Sahabat Abdulah bin Zubair RA, indeed Rasulullah SAW gave a signal (while sitting tahiyat) with his index finger. Do not move it and…

The Law of Adhan on Friday Twice

Friday Adhan Ruling on Friday Adhan Twice The Adhan for Prayer The first time it was prescribed by Islam was in the first year of Hijriyah. In the time of the Prophet saw., Abu Bakr and Umar bin Khaththab recited the call to prayer for Friday prayers only once. But the dj of the time of Caliph Uthman bin Affan added the call to prayer 3 time again…

The Law of Prayer 'Eid in the Mosque or the Field

THE LAW OF PRAYER 'IED IN THE MOSQUE OR IN THE FIELD The law of prayer' ledul Fitri and 'Iedul Adlha is the sunnah muakkadah (highly recommended but not mandatory). Although the sunnah worship is muakkadah, Rasulullah saw. never leave her twice a year. Imam As-Syaukani said: "Know that the Prophet saw continued to perform two prayers' Ied and…

The Law of Reading Intentions During Prayer

Expressing Actual Intentions about pronouncing intentions (read ushallifardla / sunnah. . ..) on the eve of takbirutul ihram is something that has become a habit of prayer among nahdliyyin, but became a foreigner and something questioned by some circles who did not understand the nahdliyin citizens. The Law of Lafadz Intention The law of reciting prayer intentions (like reading…

Pilgrimage to the Grave with Propositions and Opinions of the Scholars

image of the proposition of grave pilgrimage Ziarah is one of the practices of most religious communities which has important moral. Sometimes the pilgrimage is done to a place that is sacred and important for the belief and faith in question. Its purpose is to recall, strengthen faith or purify oneself. We have been ordered to make a pilgrimage…

Tabaruk's argument (Ask for Barokah)

The argument of tabaruk lstilah barokah contains various meanings, that is, adjusted to the use of the lafadz in a series of sentences. Barokah, among others, contains the meaning of ziyadah and name (increase). Both meanings of lafadz include something that is palpable (arab: sentimental) and the intangible (arab: ma’nawi), it means tangible or not…

Tawasul and Istighotsah with People Who Have Died

tawassul and istighosah Tawassul is praying to Allah through an intermediary, either the intermediary is in the form of our good deeds or through pious people who we consider to have a position closer to Allah Before explaining the propositions about the ability of istighotsah and wasilah or tawasul to the person who has died, it's good…

Meaning of Dreams Catching Eels

18 Meaning of Dreams Catching Eels– Hi my friends!! This time I will share information with all of you, namely about how and what the meaning of dreams about catching eels according to Islam and the most complete Javanese primbon is in previous encounters., dimana kami pula sudah menjelaskan tentang Arti mimpi naik perahu Untuk Lebih Jelasnya

Laws and Factors Affecting Supply

hukum penawaran Hukum Penawaran Penawaran barang atau jasa didefinisikan sebagai: the quantity of goods or services that people are willing to sell at various price levels in a given time period. Note that the difference between the definition of supply and the definition of demand is only one word. If the request uses the word buy, maka penawaran menggunakan kata