Izhar syafawi

Izhar Syafawi is one of the laws of recitation of the Qur'an, if the letters Hijaiyah Mim Sukun or Mim Mati ( مْ ) met one of the letters – hijaiyah letters other than the letters Mim and Ba read clearly. Here we will explain the meaning and examples of izhar syafawi in full,…


Izhar is read clearly on the law of nun mati and tanwin. In the following, we will explain about letters, how to read and examples accompanied by descriptions to facilitate understanding. For more details, the discussion below. The number is equal to the letter Idghom in the legal division of Nun Mati and Tanwin. However, The letter Idghom is still…


Idgham (ﺇﺩﻏﺎﻡ) that is, cohesive or mixed between 2 letters or even insert one letter into another letter. Therefore, how to read idgham should be pronounced by melting from one letter to the next. In the following, we will explain one of the knowledge of recitation, namely Idgham. For more details…

Idgham Bilagunnah

Idgham Bilagunnah is one of the ways to read the law of tajwid nun mati and tanwin to read the Qur'an well and correctly. In the following, we will explain about understanding , alphabet, how to read and also for example. For more details, see the discussion below idgham bilagunnah The meaning of Idgham Bilagunnah Idgham Bilagunnah is…

Idgham bighunnah

Idgham Bighunnah is one of the laws of Tajwid recitation nun mati and tanwin in reciting the Qur’an selan idzhar, iqlab dan ikfa. In the following, we will understand the understanding, how to read and examples of Idgam bigunnah. For more details, the language below is idgham bigunnah. The meaning of Idgham Bighunnah This is Idgham Bighunnah, namely…

Allohu Alloh

Allohu Alloh Shalawat is the plural form of the word salla or prayer which means: prayer, blessedness, glory, well-being, and worship. Allohu Alloh sholawat according to language can be interpreted as Do'a Shalawat according to syar'i or a term, namely Praise to the Prophet SAW. Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat…

Sholawat Ahlan Wa Sahlan Binnabi

Shalawat is the plural form of the word salla or salat which means: prayer, blessedness, glory, well-being, and worship. Sholawat ahlan wa sahlan sholawat according to language can be interpreted as Do'a Shalawat according to syar'i or the term, Praise to the Prophet SAW. Here is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of sholawat…

Tajwid Mad

Complete Mad Tajweed includes the types and several meanings of tajwid Hukum Mad. The meaning of Mad Mad literally means continuing or exaggerating, in terms of mad can be interpreted as a long sound sign in Arabic (short sounds become long sounds). In terms of terms of tajwid scholars and reading scholars, mad means to lengthen the voice with…


Miracles are something out of the ordinary that Allah SWT did through His prophet and Messenger as proof to man of the truth of His Prophethood. In the following, we will present the understanding, assorted and also complete examples. For more details, see the discussion below. Miracles Understanding Miracles A miracle is an extraordinary matter.…


Sufism تصوف or commonly known as Sufi is a science to know how to purify the soul, clarify morals, develop dzohir and batin as well as to attain eternal happiness. In the following, we will explain about Sufism just to add insight , open to justify or condemn Sufism The Meaning of Sufism Sufism…