Lyrics, Text and Translate Sholawat Qod Tamammalah

The birthday of the Prophet is a commemoration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which falls on 12 Rabiul Awal. To commemorate the Prophet's birthday, many prayers and prayers can be offered as a sign of love for the Prophet. Qod Tamammalah Qod Tamamallah قد تمم الله مقاصدنا وزال منا جميع الهم Qod tammamallâh maqôshidnâ wa zâl minnâ…


Ikhfa is one of the laws of tajwid in reading the Qur'an which is good and correct, namely the law of nun mati and tanwin, The following is a complete explanation of what the letters are and also examples and how to read them. Ikhfa in this discussion is ikhfa haqiqi which is a law of reading the Qur'an in the law of nun…

Maulana Ya Maulana

Maulana Ya Maulana – It is prayer that contains elements of prayer in it, which is very good to be chanted in praise or to pray. Here is the text and meaning as well as in Latin and Arabic from the prayers of Maulana Ya Maulana Allah SWT said : “Indeed, Allah and His angels pray for…

Sholawat Badar |

 Sholawat Badar | – It is one of the prayers in which it is composed of beautiful words that lead us to always be grateful for the love of Rasulullah.. In it, in addition to containing expressions of prayer to the Prophet, there are also prayers that are addressed to Allah Almighty. Beberapa doa di dalamnya menggunakan redaksi tawassul sebagaimana dibolehkannya

Syiir Tanpo Waton

Syiir Tanpo Waton – Maybe it's not just because the poetry content is very deep, but because it is sung with a melodious and heart-wrenching song. Some people admit that they get goosebumps hearing it. Starting with istighfar reading, then followed by the recitation of Shalawat, and continued with verses of poetry in Javanese that are quite good, dan ditutup dengan

Yes Robbah Makkah

Shalawat is the plural form of the word salla or salat which means: prayer, blessedness, glory, well-being, and worship. Ya Robbah Makkah Sholawat menurut bahasa bisa diartikan sebagai Do’a Shalawat menurut syar’i atau istilah yaitu Pujian kepada Nabi SAW Berikut adalah teks dalam bahasa arab dan indonesia beserta arti dari Sholawat Ya

Lyrics, Text and Translation of Sholawat Ya Maulidal Musthofa

Shalawat is the plural form of the word salla or salat which means: prayer, blessedness, glory, well-being, and worship. Ya Maulidal Musthofa Sholawat menurut bahasa bisa diartikan sebagai Do’a Shalawat menurut syar’i atau istilah yaitu Pujian kepada Nabi SAW Berikut adalah teks dalam bahasa arab dan indonesia beserta arti dari Sholawat Ya

Text, Lyrics and Translate Sholawat Qod Kaffani

Shalawat is the plural form of the word salla or salat which means: prayer, blessedness, glory, well-being, and worship. Qod Kaffani Sholawat menurut bahasa bisa diartikan sebagai Do’a Shalawat menurut syar’i atau istilah yaitu Pujian kepada Nabi SAW Berikut adalah teks dalam bahasa arab dan indonesia beserta arti dari Sholawat Qod Kaffani

Binafsiya Afdi (I redeemed my soul)

Binafsiya Afdi Shalawat adalah bentuk jamak dari kata salla atau salat yang berarti: prayer, blessedness, glory, well-being, and worship. Binafsiya Afdi (I redeemed my soul) Sholawat menurut bahasa bisa diartikan sebagai Do’a Shalawat menurut syar’i atau istilah yaitu Pujian kepada Nabi SAW Berikut adalah teks dalam bahasa arab dan indonesia beserta arti


Talbiyah Adalah suatu bacaan jamaah haji yang telah ber-ihrom Pengertian Talbiyah Talbiyah Adalah ketika jemaah atau calon haji yang telah ber-ihram dari miqat yang sudah ditetapkan, Talbiyah Is. Bacaan Talbiyah ini telah dianjurkan untuk dilafazkan terus menerus dan boleh berhenti ketika jemaah haji tersebut sudah melakukan