10 How to Natural Slimming Without Drugs

10 Natural Slimming Ways Without Drugs There are indeed many choices for slimming down, but you don't just choose because it can be fatal if you choose the wrong one. Not weight loss, but instead your health decreases if you choose the wrong way to slim down. Then, What are the best and healthiest ways to lose weight?…

The Development of Islam in Indonesia-History and Complete Process

This time we will discuss the material of a paper on the development of Islam in Indonesia which includes the complete history and process History of the development of Islam in Indonesia Islam has been introduced to various countries in the world since time immemorial in Africa., Middle East, Asia and Europe. Since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, Islam has spread in…

How to Pray Tasbih

How to Pray Tasbih Prayer Tasbih is a sunnah prayer which contains as many tasbih readings as (300 )times that are read when praying. How to Pray Tasbih Prayers can be done during the day or at night. The time when it is done during the day, required to always be established in (4) rakat, i.e. once…

Prayer of the Prophet Joseph

Doa Nabi Yusuf Nabi Yusuf. Is someone who has a good-looking face and has a routine after prayer and the Prophet Yusuf always istiqomah in praying that, God willing, all good wishes will be granted. Kisah tentang Nabi Yusuf tidak semua berjalan mulus tetapi sifat manusiawiah tetap ada dalam diri Nabi

Kingdom of the Pasai Ocean-relics, history and its famous King

Kali ini kita akan membahas materi tentang kerajaan samudra pasai-peninggalan, sejarah dan Rajanya Yang terkenal lengkap Penjelasan Sejarah Singkat Sebagai kerajaan Islam tertua di kepulauan ini, Samudra Pasay sering dikunjungi oleh berbagai ulama yang memanggilnya Ibn Battuta dan Laksamana Cheng Ho. Oleh karena itu tidak mengherankan bahwa di Kerajaan Samudra

Singasari Kingdom-relics, history and its famous King

This time we will discuss material about the Singasari Kingdom which includes relics, sejarah dan Rajanya Yang terkenal Lengkap Sejarah Singkat Kerajaan Singasari adalah sebuah kerajaan yang terletak di Jawa Timur (near the city of Malang). Singasari, or often written by Singhasari or Singosari, founded by Ken Arok. According to the book Pararaton, Ken Arok…

VOC - History, Purpose And The System Is In Brief Complete

This time we will discuss material about the VOC which includes history,purpose and system in brief complete History of the Dutch VOC Vereenidge Oostindische Compagnie, or what VOCs often say, is East India Company Alliance. This Dutch trading company took over trading activities in Asia and incorporated the spice trade from the east. Called Indies…

Prayers out of the mosque

Doa keluar Masjid Keluar masjid hendaklah kita untuk membaca doa. Sudah seharusnya sebagai orang muslim setiap akan melakukan atau sesudah beraktivitas untuk selau berdoa. Termasuk salah satunya saat keluar dari masjid. Masjid adalah tempat yang penuh rahmat dan barokah karena masjid-lah tempat umat Islam beribadah kepada Alloh swt. Selain menjaga

The prayer of Zechariah

Prophet Zakaria's complete prayer is to ask for descendants and ask for a mate in Arabic, Latin and Indonesian based on the Qur’an prayer of the prophet zakaria Explanation of the Prophet Zakaria is a prophet sent by Allah SWT. The Prophet who called for monotheism and worship to Allah SWT, holiness and righteousness throughout the ages also give guidance to…

Prayer Entering the Market

Prayer Entering the Market. The market is one of the most important things for an area, for example a village / even big cities. Apart from being a place to find goods and services, the market can also create jobs for those who want to trade and offer their services. Sehingga pasar merupakan titik nadi yang sentral bagi