Mad jaiz munfasil
Material about Mad Jaiz munfasil which contains about Understanding, Example, How to read, complete with pictures.
Mad Jaiz Munfasil is part of the law about reading Mad, which is also common in the verses of the Qur'an. Nah, if we want to know what is the law of reading mad jaiz munfasil, Of course, it is not free from reading the law of mad thobi'i or mad native because the law of reading mad thobi'i is closely related to reading mad jaiz.
If you read Mad Thobi'i with Hamza in front of it in a different sentence, it should be read with Mad Jaiz.
Of course it is very difficult to know whether the sentence is classified as a punishment for ordinary people or not. Just think about its special features to make it easy.
If there is Hamza in the form of Alif after reading Mad Thobi’i, it must be in a different sentence, and of course that is called Mad Jaiz Munfasil.
Understanding Mad Jaiz Munfasil
One of the thirteen sections of Far'i Mad Law in the Science of Tajweed. In terms of is: Jaiz means may and Munfashil means separate or from words.
This Mad appears when a letter from Mad Thobi’i meets the hijaiyah letter of Alif, which is related to Fathah, community Kasrah, or community Dhammah.
How to read
The reading method is the length, which is one alif or two vowels, two alif or four harakat, or even three alif or six harakat.
In the discussion of Mad Law, stated that when reading the Koran, the length of each of these harokats must be regular, sustainable and consistent.
So if we read from the beginning of the Qur’an that we chose with this Mad, the length of one Alif or two Harakat, then all words or sentences that have this Mad law must be replaced with one Alif or two harokats.
If you read the Koran from the beginning by choosing this Mad with a length of two alif or four harakat, the next way to read Mad Jaiz is two alif or four harokat and so on.
Words or sentences that have Mad Jaiz laws and are usually read with 2/4 alif or 4 or six harokat. used to distinguish the reading of Mad Jaiz from the reading of Mad Thobi.
For readings that require a quick knock or usually a murotal reading, This mad is often read with only one Alif or two Harakat, for example, in the recitation of prayers after prayers or the recitation of Surah Yaasiin.
example mad jaiz munfasil
In mad terms Jaiz Munfashil is: Jaiz means may and Munfashil means separate or from the word
The length is one alif or two harakat, two alif or four harakat
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