Lyrics, Text and Translate prayers Ilaahin Nas Aluk Bil Ismil ‘Adzom
Shalawat is the plural form of the word salla or salat which means: prayer, blessedness, glory, well-being, and worship.
sholawat according to language can be interpreted as prayer
Shalawat according to syar'i or term that is Praise to the Prophet SAW
The following is the text in Arabic and Indonesian along with the meaning of the sholawat Ilaahin Nas Aluk Bil Ismil 'Adzom
Ilaahin Nas Aluk Bil Ismil 'Adzom
إلهی نسألك بالإسم الأعظم وجاه المصطفی فرج علينا
Divine nas-aluk bil isil a'dhomi wa jâhil Mushthofâ Farrij 'alainâ
O God, I beg in Your great name, and with the position of your chosen Prophet, take care of all our affairs.
ببسم الله مولاناابتدينا ونحمده علی نعماه فينا
Bibismillâhi Maulânâ-btadainâ wa nahmaduhu ‘alâ na’mâhu fînâ
With Asma Allah we started. And we thank Him for His blessings.
توسلنا به فی کل أمر غياث الخلق رب العالمين
Tawassalnâ bihi fi kulli amrin ghiyâtsal kholqi robbal 'âlamina
We rely on him in all matters. O helper of all creatures, God of the universe.
وبالأسماء ماوردت بنص ومافی الغيب محزونا مصونا
Wa bil asmâ-i mâ warodat binasshin wa mâ fîl ghoibi mahzûnâ mashûnân
Thanks to the names listed in the Qur'an, and the names of names in the unseen that are awake and stored.
بکل کتاب أنزله تعالی وقرآن شفاللمؤمنين
The book of Anzalahu Ta’âlâ wa Qur’an is the sign of the believer
Thanks to all the revealed scriptures. And the blessings of the Koran as medicine for those who believe.
بکل طوائف الأملاك ندعوا بما فی غيب ربی اجمعينا
Bikulli thowâ-ifil amlâki nad'û bimâ fi ghoibi robbi ajma'înâ
The blessings of all the angels who circumambulate we ask, and with all supernatural beings who are with God.
وبالهادی توسلنا ولذنا وکل الأنبياء والمرسلين
Wa bil hadi tawassalnâ wa ludznâ wa kullil anbiyâ-i wal mursalîna
Blessings of the Prophet, the bearer of guidance, we pray for tawassul and ask for safety. And with all the prophets and all the messengers.
وألهم مع الأصحاب جمعا توسلنا وکل التابعينا
Wa âlihim ma’al ash-hâbi jam’ân tawassalnâ wa kullit-tâbi’înâ
Thanks to their family, and the companions, and the blessings of their followers, we pray.
وبالعلماء بأمرالله طرا وکل الأولياء والصالحين
Wa bil 'ulamâ-i bi-amrillâhi thurron wa kullil auliyâ-i was-shôlihîna
The blessings of the scholars who obey God's commands. And thanks to the guardians also people who are pious.
أخص به الإمام القطب حقا وجيه الدين تاج العارفين
Akhusshu bihil imâmal quthbi haqqon wa jihad-dini tajal 'ârifina
Especially my priest, wali al-Qutb, whose religion is clear, crown of the wise.
رقی فی رتبة التمکين مرقا وقد جمع الشريعة واليقين
Roqô fi rutbatit-tamkini marqôn wa qod jama'asy-syari'ata wal yaqîna
He who rose to the position of Tamkin, and who gathers two knowledges: 'shari'at and yaqin’
وذکر العيدروس القطب أجلی عن القلب الصدی للصادقين
Wa dzikrul 'Aidarusil~quthbi ajlâ 'anil qolbish-shodâ lish-shôdiqîna
He is Abu Bakr bin Abdillah al-Aydrus, mentioning his name clears the dirt of the heart for all who believe.
عفيف الدين محی الدين حقا له تحکيمنا وبه اقتدينا
Afifiddini muhyiddini haqqôn lahu tahkîmunâ wa bihi-qtadainâ
It is the guardian and reviver of religion. It is to him that I take the law, and we follow it.
ولاتنس گمال الدين سعدا عظيم الحال تاج العابدين
Wa lâ tansa kamâlad-dîni sa'dan 'adhîmal hali tâjal 'âbîdîna
And don't forget he is a successful person, his religion is perfect. Great haal (the situation), the crown of the servants.
بهم ندعو إلی المولی تعالی بغفران يعم الحاضرين
Bihim nad'u ilâl maulâ ta'âlâ bighufrônin ya'ummul hâdlirîna
Through them we pray to Allah ta'ala. May He grant forgiveness to all present.
ولطف شامل ودوام ستر وغفران لکل المذنبينا
Wa luthfin syâmilin wa dawâmi citrin wa ghufrônin likullil mudznibînâ
Gives even softness and always covers. And give forgiveness to all who sin.
ونختمها بتحصين عظيم بحول الله لايقدر علينا
Wa nakhtimuhâ bitahshîni 'adhîmin bihaulillâhi lâ yuqdar 'alainâ
We end with a solid fortress. With the power of God that we cannot afford.
وسترالله مسبول علينا وعين الله ناظرة إلينا
Wa sitrullâhi masbûlun 'alainâ wa 'ainullâhi nâdhirotun ilainâ
May Allah's cover always be attached to us. And Allah's eyes are on us.
ونختم بالصلاة علی محمد إمام الکل خير الشافعين
Wa nakhtim bish-sholâti 'alâ Muhammad imâmil kulli khoirisy-syâfi'îna
And we end by praying to Muhammad (saw) The priests are all and the best intercessors.
Such are the lyrics and translation of Sholawat Ilaahin Nas Aluk Bil Ismil 'Adzom, May be useful
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