Islam Nusantara : History, Features, Characteristics and Opinions of Scholars
Islam Nusantara – it is not anti-Arab Islam and it is hatred of Arabs. But Nusantara Islam is a polite Islam, cultured, friendly, tolerant, be virtuous, and civilized. for more details, see the distribution below

Understanding Nusantara Islam
Islam Nusantara is Indonesian Islam which is an empirical form of Islam that was developed in the archipelago at least since the 16th century, as a result interaction, contextualization, indigenisasi, interpretation, and vernacularization to the universal teachings and values of Islam, which is in line with Indonesia's socio-cultural reality.
This term was officially introduced and promoted by the Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama since 2015, as an alternative form of interpretation of the global Islamic community that has always been dominated by Arab and Middle Eastern perspectives.
Nusantara Islam is defined as an interpretation of Islam that considers local culture and customs in the archipelago in formulating its fiqh. In June of the year 2015, President Ir Joko Widodo has openly provided support for Islam Nusantara, which is a moderate form of Islamic teachings and is considered to be compatible with the great and varied values of Indonesian culture and nation
Characteristics of Islamic Archipelago
The main characteristic of Islam, Nusantara:
- Tawasut (moderate)
- Friendly (loving)
- Anti-radical
- Inclusive
- Tolerant.

Mix in with local culture, Islam Nusantara uses a sympathetic cultural approach when practicing Islamic symbols, not destroy, to ruin, or eradicate the original culture, but rather the opposite, embrace, respect, maintain, and preserving local culture. One of the main features of Nusantara Islam is to consider the elements of Indonesian culture in formulating fiqh.
When compared with Middle Eastern Muslims in general, Indonesian Muslims are more moderate, they do not apply gender segregation strictly like in Arabic, here male and female students can gather and study together in class.

Islam Nusantara is developed locally through traditional pesantren educational institutions. Islamic boarding school education is built on the basis of eastern manners and manners, That is to emphasize the honor of the clergy and scholars as religious teachers.
The students need guidance from their religion teachers so as not to get lost to develop the wrong understanding or even radical.
One of the special aspects is the emphasis on the Islamic principle of Rahmatan lil Alamin (mercy for the universe) as the universal value of Islam, which promotes peace, tolerance, mutual respect, as well as the differing views of his relationships with fellow Muslims, or interfaith relations with followers of other religions.
The spread of Islam in Indonesia is a slow process, gradually, and proceed peacefully.
One theory is that Islam came directly from the Arabian peninsula before the 9th century AD, while others mention the role of Sufi merchants and scholars who brought Islam to the archipelago in the 12th or 13th century, either passing Gujarat in India or directly from the Middle East.
In the 16th century, Islam succeeded in replacing Hinduism and Buddhism which at that time were the majority religions in the archipelago. Traditional Islam first developed in Indonesia, a branch of the Sunni Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, taught by scholars, the kyai in the pesantren.
Such a model of spreading Islam is found on the island of Java. Some aspects of traditional Islam have included various local cultures and customs.
Early Islamic practices in the archipelago were heavily influenced by the teachings of Sufism and the pre-existing Javanese spiritual flow. Some traditions, like respecting the authority of the kyai, respecting Islamic figures such as Wali Songo, also part of Islamic traditions such as the grave pilgrimage, tahlilan, and commemorated the Prophet's Messenger, including a secret celebration, obediently run by traditional Indonesian Muslim Islam Archipelago.
But after the arrival of Islam the modernist Salafi sect was followed by the Wahhabi teachings from Arabia, these scripturalist Puritan Muslims rejected all forms of teaching and tradition and even criticized it as shirk and heresy, was degraded as a form of syncretism which he claimed violated the sanctity of Islam. This condition has caused religious tension, less pleasant togetherness, and spiritual competition between the traditional Nahdlatul Ulama and the purist and modernist Muhammadiyah.
While the great Indonesian nation carefully paid attention to the devastation of the Middle East which was torn apart by conflict and prolonged war
Starting from the Israeli Conflict–Palestine, The rise of the Arab world, war in Iraq and Syria, it was realized that there were aspects of religious elements in this conflict, namely the emergence of the problem of radical Islam.
Indonesia also suffered from terrorist attacks carried out by a number of small jihadi groups such as the Jemaah Islamiyah which attacked Bali. The ultra-conservative Salafi and Wahhabi doctrine sponsored by the Saudi Arabian government has so far dominated the global discourse on Islam.
Concerns are further compounded because of the emergence of ISIS on 2013 who committed war crimes in the name of Islam.
At home, There are some Islamist-leaning organizations such as Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI)and there is also a party (that we didn't say by name) has been actively engaged in Indonesian politics for the past few years. This undermines the influence of traditional Islamic institutions, especially Nahdlatul Ulama. The Islamist element in Indonesian politics is often suspected of being able to weaken Pancasila.
as a result, The pressure arises from moderate Muslim intellectuals who want to distance themselves and distinguish themselves from so-called Arabic Islam, by defining Indonesian Islam.
Compared to Muslims in the Middle East, Muslims in Indonesia have enjoyed decades of peace and harmony. This is believed to be due to the moderate understanding of Islam in Indonesia, inclusive, and tolerant. In addition, international support has emerged that has propelled Indonesia — as the country with the largest Muslim population, in order to contribute to the evolution and development of the Islamic world, by offering Islamic archipelago as an alternative to Saudi Wahhabism. Then next, Nusantara Islam is identified, formulated, promoted, and encouraged.
Scholars' Opinions on Islamic Archipelago
There is a small group of people who fail to understand Nusantara Islam and then point out that Nusantara Islam is not in accordance with true Islam. In such conditions, someone is advised to clarify to clarify the case of Nusantara Islam.
& ldquo; This is the understanding of those who miss the Islamic Archipelago. It is thought that the archipelago is the Islam that uses everything from the archipelago. They do not want to cross check and do not want tabayun to NU and Islam Nusantara,” said Samsul Munir at the National Seminar at Unsiq, Wonosobo
The phenomenon of misunderstanding of Nusantara Islam has also been discovered since some time ago. UN Chairman, KH Said Aqil Siraj revealed the same thing, that there are people who misunderstand the concept of Islamic Nusantara. & ldquo; Many have misunderstood, but they don't want marriage (ask for an explanation or confirmation) to the UN,” explained Kiai Said.
The Islamic concept of the archipelago
Kiai Said explained that the Islamic Archipelago is a religion that combines Islam with culture, like Islam united with the spirit of nationalism, or Islam united with the national spirit. The main initiator of Nusantara Islam is Wali Songo, to give birth to a friendly and polite Islamic spirit.
The pinnacle of the Islamic archipelago concept, that is when KH Hasyim Asy 'ari succeeded in combining Islam and nationality. So the conclusion, & ldquo; The Islamic Archipelago is not a sect, not a stream, but typology, mumayyizaat, khashais,” said Kiai Said.
Kiai Said explained that
Islam The archipelago is not anti-Arab Islam and Islam is hate Arab. But Nusantara Islam is a polite Islam, cultured, friendly, tolerant, be virtuous, and civilized. This is the Islamic Archipelago,” he stressed.
Thus, Right and wrong only He knows, this article only adds insight to the readers, not to justify or blame. it is better for the readers to come directly and ask Nahdatul Ulama as the initiator of the Islamic Archipelago so that the reader does not accuse and guess but can believe the truth or error directly. May be useful
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