Hukum Lam Ta’rif dan Lam Fi’il Beserta Contoh
In this discussion, we will share about Lam Ta 'rif and Lam Fi & rsquo il Laws. for more details, see the discussion below
Understanding Lam Ta 'rif
Lam Ta & rsquo; rif is two letters & ldquo; al” added to the base of the Arabic name. There are two types of lam ta'rif namely qamariah and syamsiah.
Hukum Lam Ta & rsquo; rif dan Lam Fi & rsquo; il
وَاَظْهِرَنَّ لَامَ تَعْرِيْفٍ لَدٰى * اَرْبَعَةٍ مِنْ بَعْدِ عَشْرٍ تُوْجَدَا
فِى اَبْغِ حَجَّكَ وَخَفْ عَقِيَمَةْ *
Lam Ta & rsquo; rif (ال) must read idhar when meeting letters 14 collected in the fields:
اَبْغِ حَجَّكَ وَخَفْ عَقِيَمَةْ = ء , ب , غ , ح , ج , ك , و , خ , ف , ع , ق , ي , م , ھ
For example like lafadh:
اَلْاَحَدُ, اَلْبَصِيْرُ, اَلْغَفُوْرُ, اَلْحَلِيْمُ, اَلْجَلِيْلُ, اَلْكَرِيْمُ, اَلْوَدُوْدُ, اَلْخَبِيْرُ, اَلْفَتَّاحُ, اَلْعَلِيْمُ, اَلْقَدِيْرَ, اَلْيَوْمُ, اَلْمُؤْمِنُ, اَلْهَادِى
*وَفِى سِوَاهَا مِنْ حُرُوْفِ اَدْغِمَهْ
Lam Ta & rsquo; rif must be read idgham when meeting other than the letters above earlier. this letter exists 14 collected in bytes:
طِبْ ثُمَّ صِلْ رَحْمًا تَفُزْضِفْ ذَانِعَمْ * دَعْ سُوْءَظَنِّ زُرْشَرِيْفًا لِلْكَرَمْ
the letter is : ط, ث, ص, ر, ت, ض, ذ, ن, د, س, ظ, ز. ش, ل
Example Lafadh:
اَلطَّامَّةُ, اَلثَّاقِبُ, اَلصَّبُوْرُ, اَلرَّحِيْمُ, اَلتَّوَّابُ, اَلضُّحى, اَلذِّكْرُ, اَلنَّعِيْمُ, اَلدَّاعِى, اَلسَّمِيْعُ, اَلظِّلُّ, اَلزُّوْرُ, اَلشَّكُوْرُ, اَللَّيْلُ.
وَلَامَ فِعْلٍ اَظْهِرَنْهَا مُطْلَقَا * فِيْمَا سِوٰى لَامٍ وَرَاءٍ كَالْتَقٰى
وَالْتَمِسُوا وَقُلْ نَعَمْ وَقُلْنَا *
When there is a Dead Lam located in the fi & rsquo; il and meeting other than the old letters and ra’ (ل, ر), it is a must read Idhar Muthlaq.
Examples of Fi & rsquo; il Madhi: اِلْتَقَى , قُلْنَا
Conoh on Fi & rsquo; il Mudhari & rsquo;: يَلْتَقِطْهُ , يُبَدِّلْ نِعْمَةَ
Contoh pada fi & rsquo; the Amr: قُلْ نَعَمْ , فَلْتَمِسُوا
When there is a Dead Lam located in the fi & rsquo; il and meeting the letters Lam and Ra’ (ل, ر), then it must be in Idgham.
*وَاظْهِرْلِحَرْفِ الْحَلْقِ كَاصْفَحْ عَنَّا
مَالَمْ يَكُنْ مَعْ مِثْلِه وَلْيُدْغَمَا * فِى مِثْلِه حَتْمًا كَمَا تَقَدَّ مَا
When there is a large number of halaq letters 6 (ء, ھ, ح, خ, ع, غ) meet other hijaiyyah letters, then read Idhar. Because this halaq letter is far from Idgham. Example: فَالصْفَحْ عَنْهُمْ , لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوْبَنَا , فَسَبِّحْهُ
Unless the letter meets the same letter, then it must be read Idgham
1 لْاَحَدُ . اَلْبَصِيْرُ Qamari Lam's & rsquo; rif bertemu hamzah son is not’
2 اَلصَّبُوْرُ . اَلرَّحِيْمُ Idgham Syamsi Lam ta & rsquo; rif met shad and ra’
3 اِلْتَقَى . يَلْتَقِطْهُ Idhar Fi & rsquo; li Lam fi & rsquo; il bertemu ta’
4 فَاصْفَحْ عَنْهُمْ Idhar Halqi Huruf halaq (حْ) meet 'ain
5 يُوَجِّهْهُ Mitsli Ha's dream is to die ha ha
Such is the discussion of Lam Ta & rsquo; rif and Lam Fi & rsquo; il, May be useful
Another article :
- Examples of Idgham Mutajanisain and Idgham Mutamatsilain
- Examples of the Islamic Brotherhood, Izhar Syafawi With Mim and Nun Tasydid and His Knowledge
- Examples and Letters of Izhar, Idgham Bi Ghunnah, Idgham bila ghunnah, Iqlab and Ikhfa
- Izhar Dan Idgham | (People, Fi & rsquo; li – Mutamatsilain, I got mud Jani, Mutaqaribain)
- Examples of Complete Mad and How to Read Mad, Mad and Mad Letters
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