Fii Hifzillah Meaning
This time we will discuss material papers about fi hifzillah meaning which includes explanations, use of speech and replies and verbs

Maybe you've heard the saying fi hifzillah (فِي حِفْظِ اللّه)? And do you understand what that means? Fi hifzillah is perhaps one of the many Arabic sayings that often appear in the conversations of some Indonesian citizens.
Fi hifzillah (فِي حِفْظِ اللّه) also appear frequently on social networks, done as a status or in the comments column.
For some people who understand, no doubt, they can immediately interpret the meaning of fi hifzillah (فِي حِفْظِ اللّه).
However, for some people who haven't heard or read just once, it might be embarrassing to know what this means.
Even, to find out what fi hifzillah means (فِي حِفْظِ اللّه), You can find it in the Arabic dictionary by searching for a sentence.
Then for some people who don't have a dictionary? better don't worry, because on Google you can find the meaning.
Most people like to find some articles on the Internet that contain fi hifzillah (Mean ي حِفْظِ اللّه).
Fii Hifzillah (فِي حِفْظِ اللّه) That is
Arabic Fi Hifzillah (فِي حِفْظِ اللّه) means “to be under the care of Allah.”
Those words actually show the hope of Allah SWT to keep someone away.
For example, people traveling or in the city / country people.
Fii Hifzillah The explanation
It is very clear that we are speaking from an Arabic syllable. And if you translate it into a word, then hifzilla consists of 3 the word:
Meaning فِي in Indonesian is in or may in (in)
Meaning حِفْظِ in Indonesian is protection (protected).
Meaning اللّه in Indonesian it is Allah
And when all the words above are combined, they can mean “to be under God's protection or care”
Using Fii Hifzillah's Speech
Here are some examples of using fantastic speech in some situations:
When a relative or relative is on a long trip, You can ask them to always be careful when traveling, by saying:
When you are talking on the phone with a relative or relative who lives far outside the city or country, talk about phyphisillas so that they can always be protected by God.
And for some people doing high-risk work for their own safety, You can also expand your heart by saying “fi hifsillah.”
Fii Hifzillah the reply
It just might happen when you get a good word for it, You also have to thank those who say it.
Then, when someone gave us fiction, You can answer or answer them by saying sykron, which means “thank you.”
Arabic words

Verbs in Arabic

Thus and that is what a review can be convey hopefully useful thank you.
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