Fidyah Puasa
Understanding Fidyah Fasting Complete with how to pay and the amount.
In Arabic “fidyah” namely the masdar form of the root word "fadaa", which means to replace (redeem). As for the terminology, fidyah is a number of property in a certain amount that must be given to the poor in exchange for an act of worship that has been abandoned..

Understanding Fidyah Fasting
Fidyah given for leaving the fast of Ramadan by an elderly person who is unable to perform the fast, or the family of people who have not had time to make up qadha (replace) the fast he left behind. By giving the ransom, drop the obligation he has left behind.
For women who do not fast who are considered pregnant or breastfeeding then it is allowed not to fast. If he does not fast because he is worried about himself or for himself and his baby, then he is obliged to make up for his fast after the month of Ramadan and there is no obligation to pay fidyah.. If he does not fast because he is worried about the child or the baby, then it is obligatory to make up qadha and pay fidyah at once.
What is the amount of fidyah?
The dose of paying fidyah with rice. To be able to find out how much fidyah is for each poor person who must be fed, can be seen in several hadith texts that are used as references:
In the hadith narrated by Daruquthniy from Ali ibn Abi Talib and from Ayyub ibn Suwaid, stated that the order of the Prophet SAW to a man who performs jima’ or having intercourse with his wife one day in the month of Ramadan to perform kaffarat or a fine for fasting during 2 consecutive months. In the hadith it states that because the man is unable to do that, he must pay a fine 1 vodka (basket) containing 15 sha’ setup. 1 Sha’ consist of 4 mud, until the dates received by the man as much 60 mud, to be given to 60 the poor (to replace fasting for two months). While 1 mud is equal to 0,6 Kg or 3/4 Liter.
Because of that, besamya fidyah that is generally given to the poor today is 1 mud = 0,6 Kg or 3/4 liter of rice for one day of fasting.
Various other opinions also state the amount of fidyah –by using a nash hadith as a reference– we think weak. Because the hadith used has been assessed by Muhhadditsin (hadith researchers) as a hadith dha'if. While those who use the basis of qiyas (analogies) even, we consider it weak because it is contrary to nash hadith.
Some other opinions about the size of fidyah ?
1) the opinion which states that the amount of fidyah is as big as 2,8 Kg of staple food, e.g. rice . This opinion is based on the hadith narrated by Abu Dawud from Salmah bin Shakhr, which states that it was in the event of a man committing jima’ during the day in the month of Ramadan, Rasulullah SAW told the man to give 1 wasaq kurma, where 1 wasaq terdiri dari 60 sha, until every poor person will get as many dates 1 sha.
2) expressed opinionThat's all the fidyah is as much 1/2 sha staple food ingredients, based on the hadith narrated by Ahmad from Abu Zaid Al Madany, which states that Rasulullah SAW ordered a man to give 1/2 wasaq kurma kepada 60 the poor, and
3) the opinion which states that the amount of fidyah = fidyah for those who shave while in ihram, which is equal to 1/2 sha or 2 mud.
The three opinions are considered weak. Strong evidence shows the amount of fidyah that is generally given to the poor today, namely 1 mud or 0,6 Kg or 3/4 liter of rice for one day of fasting.
Can Fidyah with Money?
Fidyah is a substitute for an abandoned worship, in the form of a number of foods given to the poor.
By observing the definition and purpose of fidyah which is compensation to the poor, then it's okay if you give fidyah in the form of money. Because if the poor, it is enough to have food. Wouldn't it be better to give fidyah in the form of money?, so that it can be used for other purposes.
Because of that, It can be concluded that the fidyah obligation can be carried out by replacing money, if more useful. But if there is an indication that the money will be used for extravagance, then you must giveit is in the form of staple food.
Thus, May be useful
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