Two Sentences Creed
Two Sentences Creed الشهادة is the basis and policy of 5 pillars of Islam, also as a ghost, core and foundation of all Islamic teachings. moreover, shahadah is the first pillar of Islam, shows that the creed is the most important thing to become a Muslim. The following is a complete explanation of the creed
Understanding the Creed
Syahadat is also called Syahadatain, because it consists of two sentences (In Arabic Syahadatain has the meaning of two sentences Syahadat). The first sentence is syahadah at-tauhid, and the second sentence is syahadah ar-rasul
Two sentences creed
Monotheistic creed
ashadu al la ilaha illa l Lah
That means :
I testify that there is no god but Allah
Second sentence :
wa ashadu anna muḥammad Rosulu lLoh
That means:
and I bear witness that the Prophet Muhammad is the Prophet (messenger) Alloh.
The meaning of confession
Recognition of inhalation (confession of monotheism)
A Muslim must only believe in Allah SWT as the only God and no god has the right to be worshiped other than Allah. Allah is all God. By pledging the first sentence, a Muslim must establish himself to make only Allah the goal, motivation, and way of life.
- And Only Allah is where all humans return
- Only to God does man ask
Makna Laa Ilaaha Illallah
The sentence Laa Ilaaha Illallah actually contains two meanings, namely the meaning of rejection and objection to all forms of deity (both god and god) besides Allah, and the meaning of affirmation, namely the title of God, Ilah, Gods or deities do not belong only to Allah SWT.
Based on this verse, then having the knowledge and meaning of the monotheistic creed is the obligatory law and must take precedence over other pillars of Islam. In addition, Rosululloh SAW also stated:
"Whoever says Laa Ilaaha Illallah sincerely will enter heaven.”
What is meant by sincerity here is understanding, practice and also preach the sentence with good deeds not with violence because da'wah is inviting not mocking and preaching is embracing not hitting.
Reciprocal confession (syahadat ar rosul)
By pledging the second sentence, which is a Muslim who believes and is established to believe in all the teachings of Allah conveyed through a 'Rosul Alloh, namely Prophet Muhammad
And emulating and imitating the nature of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who is a guide in daily life, for example, is not easy to get angry, friendly and good character, that is friendly with all humans
Conditions of confession
The condition of shahada is something without its existence, what is required is null and void. If someone has said two sentences of the creed but without fulfilling the conditions, it can be said that his creed is invalid.
There are seven requirements for confession, that is:
A person who has a creed must have knowledge of his creed. The person concerned is obliged to understand the contents of the two sentences stated and also be willing to accept the consequences of his words.
A person who takes shahadaah must know perfectly that the meaning of shahada is without the slightest doubt about that meaning.
Sincerity is the purity of the heart from all things that are contrary to the meaning of the creed. and ready to live everything that has been determined, for example doing His commands and Avoiding His prohibitions
Honesty is the harmony between words and deeds. The statement of the creed must be stated orally, and believed in the heart, then actualized in deeds. Are you one of those who have shahadaat, only as a verbal one ? let's correct ourselves
Love means loving Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW and the believers regardless of race and tribe. Love must also be included with compassion and tenderness towards all of Allah SWT's creations but hard on ourselves when fighting the anger that exists in each of us.
Acceptance, which means acceptance of the heart to everything that comes from Allah and His Messenger, and this should result in obedience and worship to Allah, by believing and that nothing can show and save except the teachings that come from Islam.
For a Muslim, that is, there is no other choice except the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. but not blindly translating, realize that translation is an approaching meaning, that is, not real manna. To know the meaning contained in the Qur’an and Hadith, it is better to consult a ustadz or kyai who understands the science of nahwu sorof, which is the science that is the basis for interpreting the Qur’an.
Submission means submission and surrender completely to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad outwardly. A Muslim who is a martyr must practice all the commands of Allah and also abandon all the prohibitions of Allah, of course with the knowledge and ability of each individual
Because humans are indeed created differently, do not force the truth that you think is true on others, keep your truth to yourself, and smile for a different understanding from yours because Islam is rahmatan lil alamin
That invalidates the creed
Syekh Naim Yasin collected from various words as well as deeds that can invalidate the creed, namely into four types, The following is an explanation :
Everything that contains denial of the Rububiyah of Allah or blasphemy against Him, as:
- Believing that the creator and content other than Allah
- Believing that Allah who created all creatures then leaves and does not control their affairs and does not look after them
Read it too : Meditation
Everything that contains insult to the names of Allah, its properties, as
- A person's confession that Allah has children, wife or Allah sleeps, sleepy, die. ( outline equate with creatures)
Everything that contains blasphemy against His divinity, as:
- Believing that there is something other than Allah that has the right to be worshiped
- Believing that there is something other than Allah and His Messenger who has the right to make laws
- Believing that there is something other than God who has the right to allow what is forbidden, / forbid what is lawful (in the Qur’an)
All sorts of things that contain denial of the Prophet SAW such as :
- Insulting honesty and trust, the piety of his mind, dll
- Doing insults to the Apostle
- Denying the supernatural news that came from him, as: heaven and hell
That's how we made this article, if there are mistakes in words or differences of opinion we apologize because we as writers are only human beings who only provide information that we think is good, the rest of us trust in Allah SWT may Allah meRidhoi us all as Muslims aamiin. May be useful
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