The prayer of Zechariah
Prophet Zakaria's complete prayer is to ask for descendants and ask for a mate in Arabic, Latin and Indonesian based on the Qur'an

Prophet Zakaria is a Prophet sent by Allah SWT. The Prophet who called for monotheism and worship to Allah SWT, purity and truth throughout the ages also give guidance to Muslims so that they walk in the straight path.
When the time of the Prophet has reached old age, he thought that he would soon meet his death, and he feels very sad.
The prophet is sad because he has not been blessed with a son, and the people around him no one could continue his da'wah to Muslims because of that the Prophet was filled with a very deep sense of sadness.,
But at his very old age and the infertility experienced by his wife did not make him despair of the mercy and love of Allah SWT.
He also constantly begged God to give him a son. The following is the Prophet's prayer for the gift of the child inside (Al Quran in surah Furqan verse 74 and also Surat Al Anbiya verse 89):.
The prayer of Zechariah
That means: O my lord do not give me life alone and You are the best Heir. (QS.AL ANBIY 21:89)
Applying for a Sholeh Child
That means: "My Lord, give me from Your side a good child. surely Thou art the Hearer of prayer. "(QS-ALI-IMRAN 3:38)
What is mentioned above is the prayer of the Prophet when Allah swt gave sustenance to Maryam in the form of fruits which at that time were not in season for fruit.. The fruit that was supposed to be in winter now appeared in summer and the fruit that was supposed to be in summer when it appeared in winter.
He saw this, remember wanting to have a child. The same goes for his wife. He is also aware that the Essence who provides sustenance can also give him sustenance in the form of the child he really wants.
At that time, he prayed to Allah swt that he be blessed with a pious child, so that they can feel the pleasures of the world and the blessings of the hereafter so that they can be perfect with children in their lives.
This prayer also gives hope to be able to get good offspring. And this prayer became a sunnah taught by the Prophets and Messengers. That's why the Messenger of Allah ordered his followers to get married.
So it is said that people who do not carry out or are not married are not part of the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Prophet Muhammad SAW once prayed for Abu-Thalhah to be given a child. Then after being prayed for by the Prophet Muhammad, Abu-Talhah's wife became pregnant. And an Ansar said Abu Talha had (9 child), who are all experts in the Quran.
Thus the discussion this time, may be useful.
Other Prayers :
- Prayer Out Mani
- Prayer Entering the Market
- Prayer Before Relationship
- Prayers Enter the Grave
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