Prayers for Descent
Here is a prayer to ask the descendants and the magic story that is the origin of this prayer.
Why is it said magical? Because this prayer is said by someone who has been married a long time but has no children, it is almost impossible for him to have children, but with this prayer, God gave him a baby.
Every couple wants to have children. Who can give children? Only Allah has the power to lend it. Therefore, it is very important to pray to Allah Almighty to give the children.
The next prayer for asking for descent is the prayer of the prophets that Allah has enshrined in the Qur'an. And prayers enshrined by Allah in the Qur'an are the best prayers because Allah says, among other things, that prayer teaches His servant. To be emulated and to be practiced.
Prayers ask for descent (child) Prophet Zakariya
رَبِّ هَبْ لِي مِنْ لَدُنْكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً إِنَّكَ سَمِيعُ الدُّعَاءِ
(Robbi hab lii min ladungka dzurriyyatan thoyyibatan innaka samii & rsquo; ud- from & rsquo; aaa & rsquo;)
That means : & ldquo; O my Lord, grant me good offspring from thy side, verily Thou art the Hearer of prayer” (Q.S Ali Imran : 38)
Prayer asks for the offspring to be recited by the Prophet Zakariyah As. The whole story is explained by Allah in Surat Ali Imran verse 38-41 as follows:
There Zacharias prayed to his Lord and said, & ldquo; O my Lord, give me good offspring from thy side. Really, You are the Hearer of prayer” Then the angels called him when he prayed at the mihrab. And said ” Indeed, God gave you good news at birth(your son is named) It is John who corrects the sentence or the word of God, role model, who has the ability to refrain from lust and a prophet among the righteous. ”
He is Zechariah, said, & ldquo; O my Lord, how can I have children as long as I am very old and my wife is infertile?” God said, & ldquo; So God does what He pleases.” Zakariya said, “Ya, My Lord, give me a sign (that my wife is pregnant )” God said, & ldquo; The sign for you is that you cannot talk to people for three days, unless you move your hands and call upon your Lord as much as possible and glorify in the evening and morning. “(Q.S Ali Imran: 38-41)
Prayers ask for descent (child) Prophet Ibrahim
رَبِّ هَبْ لِي مِنَ الصَّالِحِينَ
(robbi in a way)
That means : & ldquo; O my Lord, give it to me (a child) which includes good people” (Q.S As-Saffat : 100)
Prayer asks for the offspring to be recited by the Prophet Ibrahim As. The whole story is explained by Allah in the Surat As-shaffat verse 99-100 as follows:
And Abraham said: & ldquo; Really, I have to go (facing) to my Lord, He will guide me. Oh my god, bless me (a child) which includes godly people. “(QS, Ash Shaffat: 99-100)
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