Asmaul Husna
Asmaul Husna
Asmaul Husna is the beautiful and good names of Allah. Asma means name (mention) and husna means good or beautiful, so Asma'ul Husna are names belonging to Allah who are good and beautiful
Dalil Asmaul Husna
قُلِ ادْعُوا اللَّهَ أَوِ ادْعُوا الرَّحْمَٰنَ ۖ أَيًّا مَا تَدْعُوا فَلَهُ الْأَسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَىٰ ۚ وَلَا تَجْهَرْ
بِصَلَاتِكَ وَلَا تُخَافِتْ بِهَا وَابْتَغِ بَيْنَ ذَٰلِكَ سَبِيلًا
That means :
“Say it, Call on Allah or call on Ar-Rahman. With any name you like, He has al asmaul husna (the best names) and do not raise your voice in your prayer and do not lower it and find a middle way between the two".
(Q.S. Al-Isra17:110)
وَلِلَّهِ الْأَسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا وَذَرُوا الَّذِينَ يُلْحِدُونَ فِي أَسْمَائِهِ سَيُجْزَوْنَ مَا
كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ
That means :
"Only belongs to Allah Asmaul Husna (good names), then
supplicate to Him by saying Asmaul Husna and leave those who deviate from the truth in His names . Later they will get a reward for what they have done".
(Q.S. Al-A'raf7:180
Meaning and Meaning of Asmaul Husna
1. Ar-Rahman: ( الرحمن ) Most Merciful
that is, the great giver of pleasures and compassion in the world.
2. Ar-Rahim: ( الرحيم ) most loving
that is, the giver of pleasure beyond expectation and loving in the afterlife.
3. Al-Malik: ( الملك ) Omnipotent Ruling Government,
that is, to arrange His kingdom according to His own will.
4. Al-Quddus: ( القدوس ) great saint
i.e. purified and clean from all blemishes and deficiencies.
5. As-Salaam: ( السلام ) Great Savior
namely the provider of safety and welfare to all His creatures.
6. Al-Mu'min: ( المؤمن ) Supreme Security Preserver of security
that is, who is guilty and His creatures will really be punished, while to the obedient will be truly fulfilled His promise with a good reward.
7. Al-Muhaimin: ( المحيمن )Supreme Protector, Guardian, Supreme Guard and Overseer
that is to rule and protect all things.
8. Al-'Aziz: ( العزيز ) Almighty Almighty
that is, His power is able to do as He wills.
9. Al-Jabbaar: ( الجبار ) Mighty Mighty Mighty One Who Subdues Everything,
that is sufficient for all needs, carry out all His orders and improve the condition of all His servants.
10. Al Mutakabbir: ( المتكبر ) Most Magnificent Most Complementary to Greatness
which completes all His greatness, alone with His majesty and splendor.
11. Al-Khaaliq: ( الخالق ) Supreme Creator,
that is, creating all beings without origin, also determines the existence of all that.
12. Al-Baari': ( البارئ ) The Creator, the Planner, the Creator
that is, to bring into existence something animate that has a beginning.
13. Al-Mushawwir: ( المصور ) The Creator, the Creator, the Shaper
give an image or form to something that is different from others. (Al-Khaaliq is creating something that did not exist in the beginning or that predestined it to exist. Al-Baari’ is to remove it from the original, while Al-Mushawwir is the one who gives it a form that suits its conditions and needs).
14. Al-Ghafaar: ( الغفار ) Most Forgiving
a lot of forgiveness and cover sins and mistakes.
15. Al-Qahhaar: ( القهار ) Most coercive
holding everything in His power and forcing all creatures according to His will.
16. Al-Wahhab: ( الوهاب )Almighty Giver Almighty
that is, giving a lot of pleasure and always giving grace.
17. Ar-Razzaaq: ( الرزاق ) Almighty Sustainer
The Supreme Giver of Sustenance, namely giving various sustenances and also making the reasons for obtaining them.
18. Al-Fattah: ( الفتاح ) Most Opening
The Great Opener is to open the storage building of His grace for all His servants.
19. Al-'Aliim: ( العليم ) All Knowing
that is, knowing all that exists and there is not a single object that is obscured by His sight.
20. Al-Qaabid: ( القابض ) The Great Uprooter The Great Narrower of Life The Great Restraint,
that is, taking life or constricting sustenance for whom He wills.
21. Al-Baasith: ( الباسط ) Most Expanding, Most Expansive, Most Abounding in Pleasure,
that is, making it easier to collect sustenance for whomever He wants.
22. AI-Khaafidh: ( الخافض ) The Most Degrading The Most Humiliating The Most Condescending The Reducer
namely against people who should be dropped due to their own behavior by giving him humiliation, humility and
23. Ar-Raafi': ( الرافع ) Most Exalted, Most Exalted
that is, against people who deserve to be promoted to their position because of their diligent efforts, that is, including religious people.
24. Al-Mu'iz: ( المعز ) Honorable Honorable Giver of Victory Glory,
namely to those who hold fast to His religion by giving him help and victory.
25. Al-Muzil: ( المذل ) Most Insulting the insulter
that is, to His enemies and the enemies of the entire Muslim community.
26. As-Samii’: ( السميع ) All-Hearing.
27. Al-Bashir: ( البصير ) All Seeing.
28. Al-Hakam: ( الحكم ) Almighty Punishes Almighty Judges
namely as a judge who decides that no one can reject His decision, also no one has the power to prevent the continuity of His law.
29. Al-'Adl: ( العدل ) Most Just
And very perfect in His justice.
30. Al-Lathiif: ( اللطيف ) Very Refined Very Thorough Very Soft and Smooth
that is knowing everything that is vague, strange and small.
31. Al-Khabir: ( الخبير ) All-Warful All-Knowing.
32. Al-Haliim: ( الحليم ) Most Patient, Most Kind, Most Servant
namely the one who is not hasty to anger and is not reckless in inflicting torture.
33. Al-'Adzhiim: ( العظيم ) Supreme
that is to reach the highest peak and at the pinnacle of greatness because it is characterized by all kinds of greatness and perfection.
34. Al-Ghafuur: ( الغفور ) Most Forgiving, His many forgiveness to His servants.
35. Asy-Syakuur: ( الشكور ) Most Avenging Most Grateful
that is, giving a lot of rewards for small deeds.
36. Al-'Aliy: ( العلي ) His Highness is High and Noble
which is to reach the highest level that cannot be described by anyone's mind and cannot be understood by the brain no matter how clever.
37. Al-Kabir: ( الكبير ) Almighty, whose greatness cannot be reached by the senses or the human mind.
38. Al-Hafidz: ( الحفيظ ) Great Sustainer Great Protector Great Preserver
which is to keep everything from being damaged and shaken. Also take care of all the deeds of His servants, so that not a single bit will be wasted to give His reward.
39. Al-Muqit: ( المقيت ) Almighty Giver of sufficiency Almighty Giver of Needs, whether in the form of body food or spiritual food.
40. Al-Hasib: ( الحسيب ) Supreme Guarantor, Most Adequate, Supreme Calculator
which is to provide assurance of sufficiency to all His servants on the Day of Judgment.
41. Al-Jaliil: ( الجليل ) Supreme
that is, those who have the qualities of nobility because of the perfection of His attributes.
42. Al-Karim: ( الكريم ) Most Merciful
that is noble without limits and give anyone without being asked or as a replacement and something gift.
43. Ar-Raqib: ( الركيب ) Supreme Researcher, Supreme Supervisor, Most Vigilant
that is, who observes the movements of everything and watches over it.
44. Al-Mujib: ( المجيب ) Most Gracious
that is, that fulfills the request of anyone who prays to Him.
45. Al-Waasi': ( الواسع ) The Vastness of His Giving is His grace
spread over everything that exists and His knowledge of everything is wide.
46. Al-Hakim: ( الحكيم ) All Wise
namely having the highest wisdom, the perfection of His knowledge and the neatness in making everything.
47. Al-Waduud: ( الودود ) Most Loving Most Loving
that is, who wants all good for all His servants and also does good to them in all things and circumstances.
48. Al-Majid: ( المجيد ) His Highness
namely those who reach the top level in terms of glory and virtue.
49. Al-Ba'ithu: ( الباعث ) Great Awakening
which arouses enthusiasm and will, also resurrecting the Messengers and those who have died from their respective graves later after the arrival of the Day of Judgment.
50. Assy-Shaheed: ( الشهيد ) All-Witnessing All-Knowing of the state of all beings.
51. Al-Haq: ( الحق ) The Most True, Most True, which is eternal and will not change in the slightest.
52. Al-Wakiel: ( الوكيل ) The Great Administrator The Great Surrender The Great Preserver of submission
that is, taking care of all the affairs of His servants and whatever they need.
53. Al-Qawiy: ( القوى ) The Most Powerful The Most Powerful
i.e., who has absolute power.
54. Al-Matiin: ( المتين ) Strong, Strong or Mighty, Perfect in His Strength
that is to have might that has reached its peak
55. Al-Wali: ( الولى ) All Protecting
that is to protect and organize all the interests of His creatures because of His great love and the provision of His help that is not limited to their needs.
56. Al-Hamid: ( الحميد ) Most Praiseworthy, which is indeed worthy of praise and flattery.
57. Al-Muhshi: ( المحصى ) Omnipotent Calculator Omnipotent
that is, none of them is hidden from His sight and all actions are accounted for properly.
58. Al-Mubdi': ( المبدئ ) Supreme Initiated Beginner Supreme Creator from Origin
that is, that gave birth to something that originally did not exist and has not yet existed.
59. Al-Mu'Iid: ( المعيد ) Most Repeating Most Restoring and Restoring
that is, it regenerates after its disappearance or after its destruction.
60. Al-Muhyii: ( المحي ) Most Enlivening
that is to give life force to every thing that has the right to live.
61. Al-Mumiit: ( المميت ) Deadly
that is taking life (roh) from anything alive.
62. al-hay: ( الحي ) Alive
that is, His life is always eternal.
63. Al-Qayyum: ( القيوم ) Almighty Stands By Himself
that is, His Essence is good, His nature, Af'al His. Also makes the establishment of anything other than Him. With Him the heavens and the earth were established.
64. Al-Waajid: ( الواجد ) Great Finder Great Finder
that is, he can find whatever he wants, then does not want anything because of His absolute wealth.
65. Al-Maajid: ( الماجد ) His Highness, (same as no. 48 different
only the writing is in Arabic, The actual spelling is no. 48
Al-Majid, while no. 65 A1-Majid).
66. Al-Waahid: ( الواحد ) Maha Esa.
67. Al-Ahad: ( الأحد ) The One and Only.
68. Ash-Shamad: ( الصمد ) Most Necessary Most Wanted Which is the Focus
that is always the goal and hope of people when there is a need.
69. Al-Qaadir: ( القادر ) Almighty Almighty Almighty
70. Al-Muqtadir: ( المقتدر ) All-Determining.
71. Al-Muqaddam: ( المقدم ) Most Priorities Most Urgent
that is, prioritizing some things over others in creating them, or in its glory, difference in time or place.
72. Al-Muakhkhir: ( المؤخر ) Most Delaying Most Terminating Most Delaying Most Delaying
i.e. passing some of something from the other.
73. Al-Awwal: ( الأول ) Supreme Beginning Supreme First
that is, first of all that exists.
74. Al-Akhir: ( الآخر ) The Supreme End, the Last One, that is eternal after the end of everything that exists.
75. Azh-Zhaahir: ( الظاهر ) Maha Zahir Maha Real Maha Declared
that is to declare and show His existence with the evidence and signs of His creation
76. Al-Baathin: ( الباطن ) Most Hidden
that is, His Essence cannot be understood, so that no one can know His Essence.
77. Al-Wali: ( الوالى ) Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign Affairs Sovereignty
that is, to hold everything in His power and belong to Him.
78. Al-Muta’aali: ( المتعال ) Maha SuciTinggi
that is preserved from all shortcomings and humility.
79. Al-Bar: ( البار ) Most Beneficent Most Good (Source of All Advantages) The one who does a lot of good deeds
i.e. many of His goodness and the great pleasure He bestows.
80. At-Tawwaab: ( التواب ) The Great Acceptor of Repentance means giving help to people who commit sins to repent and then God will accept them.
81. Al-Muntaqim: ( المنتقم ) The Most Torturing The Most Punishing, to those who are guilty and those who deserve His punishment.
82. Al-'Afuw: ( العفو ) Most Forgiving, Most Forgiving, remove the faults of those who like to return to ask for forgiveness from Him.
83. Ar-Rauuf: ( الرؤف ) Most Merciful Most Loving, much grace and His love.
84. Maalik Mulk: ( المالك الملك ) Lord of Power Lord of the kingdom Lord of Eternal Sovereignty, then everything that happens in the universe, heaven, the earth and its surroundings as well as those in the universe are all in accordance with His will and will.
85. Zul-Jalaali Wal Ikraam: ( ذوالجلال والإكرام ) The Supreme Owner of Greatness and Glory, the Most Possessor of Greatness and Glory. Also the Essence that has priority and perfection, the giver of abundant and abundant bounties and pleasures.
86. Al-Muqsith: ( المقسط ) Most Judging Most Fair
namely giving victory to those who are persecuted from the actions of those who persecute with His justice.
87. Al-Jaami': ( الجامع ) Great Collector Great Collector
that is, gathering the various essences that have been scattered and also gathering all mankind on the day of judgment.
88. Al-Ghaniy: ( الغنى ) Maha Kaya Raya, Maha Kaya Raya, Maha Kaya Raya, Maha Kaya Raya, Maha Kaya Raya
that is, not wanting anything from other than His own Essence, but those who are other than Him rely heavily on Him.
89. Al-Mughnii: ( المغنى ) Great Giver of wealth Great Enricher and Prosperer
namely giving advantages in the form of abundant wealth to anyone desired from among His servants.
90. Al-Maani’: ( المانع ) Most Defending or Most Rejecting Most Preventing
that is to defend His pious servants and reject the causes that cause damage.
91. Adh-Dhaar: ( الضار ) Harmful, Harmful, Harmful, Harmful
namely by bringing down His torments on His enemies.
92. An-Naafi’: ( النافع ) Most Beneficial
that is, expand
the goodness that He bestowed on all servants, community and state.
93. An-Nur: ( النور ) The Giver of Light, the Most Radiant
that is to highlight His own Essence and make it visible to those other than Him by showing the signs of His power.
94. Al-Haadi: ( الهادى ) The Great Giver of Guidance Who Leads and Gives Instructions
that is to give the right path to everything so that it continues to exist and maintain its life.
95. Al-Badi': ( البديع ) Incomparably Beautiful, the new Creator, so that there is no example and equal before the release of His creation.
96. Al-Baqi: ( الباقع ) Eternal, that is, His life will last forever
97. Al-Waarits: ( الوارث ) Great Divider Great Inheriting Great Heir
i.e. eternal after the annihilation of all beings.
98. Ar-Rashid: ( الرشيد ) Great Scholar, Great Wise, Great Leader
that is, that leads to the truth, give explanations and guidance to all His servants and all His rules are carried out according to the provisions outlined by His wisdom and scholarship.
99. Ash-Shabuur: ( الصبور ) The Most Patient who is not in a hurry to inflict punishment and is not quick to do something before its time
Read it too : Prayers and Dhikr
Asmaul Husna calligraphy

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