Arti Ya Muqollibal Qulub
This time we will discuss material papers on the Meaning of Ya Muqollibal Qulub which includes Understanding, its meaning and content are complete

Understanding Ya Muqollibal Qulub
From the description above, we can all understand and understand that this phrase "Yes, muqollibal Qulub” means "Oh, soft heart.”
There is an inspiring story about this prayer. One of them is the story told by Umm Salamah Radiallahu Anha, one of the Prophet's wives.
Umm Salamah R.a, said that the prophet's prayer most often read by the prophet is prayer,
“Ya muqollibal qulub tsabbit qolbi ala diinik” O Dzat who holds the heart, strengthen our faith in your religion” [HR. Tirmidzi, Ahmad and Hakim]
The meaning of the sentence ya Muqollibal Qulub
Doa yaa muqollibal kulub is a prayer offered to God, so that the heart will always be awake on the straight path, namely His religion. This is called istiqomah heart. The human heart can be compared to paper in the wind, which is easy to go back and forth.
Its nature is not constant, can be pure sometimes, strong, soft, glowing, but one day it will be weak in faith, black, very petrified, reject the truth. This is called human faith, which can go up and down, like the following statement :
Someone once said, “Faith Yezid Wa Yankus,” which means that our faith is falling. And one of his friends, Abu al-Darda Uwaymir al-Anshaari Rahimahullah once said:
It means “Faith sometimes grows and sometimes decreases.”

The human heart is in the fingers of Allah Azza wa Jalla. Like a hadith; From Anas Radiallahu Anhu, Rasulullah (saw) double the Prayer “Yaa mukollibal kuluub tsabbit kalbi”, and then I asked:” O Messenger of Allah, we believe in you and everything you bring will we believe. Then why are you worried about us? "He replied, because the human heart is indeed in God's fingers, and he has turned his back against his will. (His Majesty Imam Ahmad, Tirmiji and al-Hakim).
That is why Rasulullah, Shalallahu Alaihi wasallam, calling us all, as his people, to read a prayer, as described above.
Contents Ya Muqollibal Qulub
The following are the benefits or content contained in the thoyyiba sentences and prayers, which is part of ya moqollibal qulub. What are the properties or benefits and content of the offer Ya muqollibal qulub? Take a look at the following sections.
1. The heart becomes calm
Peace of mind will be everyone's or everyone's desire. With a calm heart, one can undoubtedly carry out his daily activities well and may even be worthy of worship.
His heart will be protected from Allah from feeling anxious, confusion and despair, because they have obtained the grace of Allah in the form of protection from Him, The Most High is the guardian of his heart from things that disturb or even mislead him.
2. Faith will become stronger
The essence of the prayer Ya Mukollibal qulub is a request or prayer offered to God, so that we always remain as people who are firm in faith and Islam.
As described above, some say that a person's faith is very easy to change (back and forth). Today may be illuminated by the light of faith, that is, obedience, but may have perished in disobedience.
Therefore, when we continuously recite the prayers recited by the Prophet Muhammad, as shown above, may Allah strengthen and strengthen our faith. Amen …
3. Always close to God
A calm heart or Tuma'ninah is a heart that is always close to Allah. In his heart there is no one but Allah. Prayer and mukollibal kulub are the requests of a servant in the hope of receiving grace from Him in the form of peace of mind.
So that was a brief review from about the Meaning of Ya Muqollibal Qulub, hopefully this article can help readers so that they can share with others. thank you hope it is useful.
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