Arti Tabayyun
At this time we will discuss papers or material about the meaning of tabayyun which also includes an explanation, complete meaning and meaning

Penafsiran Tabayyun
The meaning of tabayyun in Indonesian is looking for clarity about a situation until it is clear. Instead, in terms of learning and selecting news, not in a hurry- hurry in deciding issues both in legal matters, policies and so on until the problem is clearly clear.
Imam Asy Syaukani rahimahullah said

The nature of tabayyun is a noble morality that is an important principle in protecting the purity of Islamic teachings and harmony in association. Can be examined from the hadith- The hadith of Rasulullah saw which is definitely authentic, among other things, is also the reason why the scholars practice this tabayyun principle.
Similarly in the social life of citizens, one wants to be safe from misunderstandings or enmity, let alone bloodshed between one another because he performs tabayyun well.
Because of that, Allah swt should command the believers to always be tabayyun in experiencing the news that is informed to him so that he does not regret it after that day,” Hi people- believers, when the wicked come to you bring news, until you check it carefully( tabayyun), so that you do not inflict a disaster on a group without recognizing the situation that causes you to regret the act ".

Bahaya meninggalkan tabayyun
1. Accusing good and clean people with lies
A kind of problem concerning the wife of Rasulullaah saw is Aisyah ra. He has been charged
with false accusations by Abdullaah bin Ubai bin Salul, wheels of the hypocrites of Medina.
The content of the accusation is that Aisyah ra had cheated on a man named Shofwan bin Muathal.
Meanwhile, how could Aisyah ra want to carry out the act after Allaah swt glorified her with Islam and made her the wife of Rasulullaah saw.
But because of the intensity of Abdullaah bin Ubai bin Salul spread the lie so that there are some people of Medina who are not tabayyun, correction and careful also spread it
until almost the entire population of Medina was carried away- bring with it almost believe the news.
This accusation made Aisyah ra shake and stress, especially experienced by Rasulullaah saw and his father-in-law. Finally, Allah swt revealed a verse that contains purifying and liberating
Aisyah ra from this heinous accusation [read QS Annuur 11- 12].
2. Raise anxiety and regret
Among the friends who were carried away- brought by the false news spread by Abdullaah bin Ubai bin Salul is among others Misthah bin Atsasah and Hasan bin Tsabit. They face anxiety and deep regret after the revelation came down from heaven that explains
sit the matter.
They feel as if- will only enter Islam just before that day, moreover the anxiety and regret they always felt forever until they met their Rabb[QS AlHujurat 6].
3. The formation of misunderstandings, let alone bloodshed.
Usamah bin Zaid ra spoke: Rasulullaah saw has sent us for a battle, until we arrived at our destination in the morning. We also invaded the enemy.
At that time I and someone from the Ansar pursued an enemy. After we besieged it, the enemy also could not escape. At such times he uttered Laa Ilaaha illallaah.
My friend from Ansar was able to hold himself, instead I immediately stabbed my spear until he died. After I came in Medina, the news is up to Rasulullaah saw. He said:” Hai Usamah, why did you kill him after he said Laa Ilaaha
Illallaah? I answer:” He said it was just to protect himself ". But Rasulullaah saw continued to repeat- repeat the issue, until I felt I had not had time to convert to Islam before (HR.
In Muslim history, The Prophet saw asked Usamah
” Have you dissected his heart?”). This hadith gives a description if the Prophet saw was angry with Usamah bin Zaid ra because he had defeated his enemy who had said Laa
Ilaaha Illallaah, until the Prophet saw asked” Have you thoroughly researched( tabayyun) to the bottom of his heart when he said Laa Ilaaha Illallaah because he was worried about weapons and want to protect themselves…. dst?”.

Pemicu tiada tabayyun
1. In childhood- child.
Someone who lives on the basis of parenting who has no tabayyun attitude, so that the behavior will later absorb into the soul of his child until the conclusion that the child becomes a portrait of his parents is not having tabayyun behavior.
2. Deceived by the eloquence of words.
Sometimes a person's ears when looking at sweet and interesting words then become deceived, meanwhile it is just an appeal and a flower- flower words, until he is negligent and not tabayyun.
Because like that the Prophet said when he felt this indication,” Indeed
you filed a problem with me, and maybe some of you are better at dialogue with reason- his reasons than others, then whoever I decide with the rights of his brother because of his ingenuity plays a word, so that means I already picked it up
for him a piece of embers of hell, until he does not take it "[HR. Bukhari].
3. Ignore the consequences.
One does not realize the danger of not leaving tabayyun. Though the impact is to defame people, self regret etc..
Treatment of tabayyun behavior
- Always increase piety, because one of the virtues of taqwa is that Allaah wants to share Furqan with him, namely the ability to distinguish the haq from vanity, correct from lying[QS AlAnfal 29].
- Befriend people- people with tabayyun behavior. Regarding this, he would like to give many benefits according to critical behavior, full of thought and consideration until he is safe from slipping and wrong steps in taking steps and actions.
- Read, dominate, pondering and practicing sentences- the verse that discusses tabayyun ( for example AlHujurat 6, Annisaa 94).
- Adjust yourself to always be kind to other Muslims( QS. Annuur 12).
” Ya Rabb, open our hearts, calm our souls and minds, give the nature of tabayyun to the servant, so that I can respond to all news that comes to us properly and according to will- Mu ”.
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