Art Of Marhaban Ya Ramadhan With Lyrics And Video
about the meaning and lyrics of Marhaban ya Ramadan

Arti Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, kata “marhaban” interpreted as "exclamation to welcome or honor guests" (which means welcome).” the same as ahlan wa sahlan which also means "welcome.” Even though they both mean "welcome"” but the usage is different. Scholars do not wear ahlan wa sahlan to welcome the coming of Ramadan, but "marhaban ya Ramadhan".
Ahlan comes from the word ahl which means "family"., while sahlan comes from the word sahl which means easy. Also means "lowland"” because it's easy to pass, not like "hiking road". Ahlan wa sahlan, is an expression of welcome, in the gap there is an implied sentence that is, “(You are in the middle) family and (step foot in) easy lowlands.”
Marhaban is taken from the word rahb which means "broad".” or "space", so that marhaban illustrates that guests are welcomed and received with an open chest, full of joy and prepared for him a large space to do whatever he wants. Marhaban ya Ramadhan means “Welcome Ramadan” means that we welcome it gracefully, full of joy; not by grumbling and deeming his presence "disturbing the peace"” or comfortable atmosphere.
Marhaban Ya Ramadan Lyrics
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
Marhaban Syahros Shiyaam
Nas'alhullohar Rohman
Rohmatan 'Alaad Dawaam
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
Marhaban Syahros Shiyaam
Nas'alhullohar Rohman
Rohmatan 'Alaad Dawaam
Bijahi Rasoolillah
Nas'alhu Husnul Khitaam
Muhammadun Nurulloh
The story of Kullaz Zholam
Hawaita Wasfal Kamaali Ajma Maa Laa Yurrom
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
Marhaban Syahros Shiyaam
Nas'alhullohar Rohman
Rohmatan 'Alaad Dawaam
Ta Anta Habiibulloh
Wa Anta Khoirul Anaam
Fa Anta Syaafii’una
Wa Anta Badrut Tamaam
Nabtaghi Minkas Syafaa’ah And Yaumiz Ziham
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
Marhaban Syahros Shiyaam
Nas'alhullohar Rohman
Rohmatan 'Alaad Dawaam
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
Marhaban Syahros Shiyaam
Nas'alhullohar Rohman
Rohmatan 'Alaad Dawaam
‘Alaika Sholatulloh
Wa Salaamuhut Tamaam
Waa Alika Wa Shohbika
Alaa Marril Ayyaam
Bijaahikum Jamii'an Nas'alhu Husnul Khitaam
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
Marhaban Syahros Shiyaam
Nas'alhullohar Rohman
Rohmatan 'Alaad Dawaam
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
Marhaban Syahros Shiyaam
Nas'alhullohar Rohman
Rohmatan 'Alaad Dawaam
Video Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
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