The meaning of Istiqomah
This time we will discuss material papers about the meaning of istiqomah which includes explanations, meaning, attitude, way, and a complete example

Istiqomah's explanation
Istiqomah Sentence (the Arabic letters الإستقامة) is a term in Arabic that can usually be interpreted as "standing tall or in sequence.”
Then, if, according to language, The word istiqomah consists of the letters qaf (ﻕ), wa (ﻭ) and mim (م), important, that is, a group of people who stand with firm determination.
other than that, Another explanation also explains that the word istiqomah can be interpreted as an effort or condition of someone who is persistent in his steps on a straight path. (in Islam) which is blessed by Allah SWT.
Then, based on information from the Big Indonesian Dictionary, where the meaning of the word Istiqomah is a firm attitude towards the stand in determining what they believe.
Considering that in the Arabic-Indonesian dictionary, the word istiqomah can also be interpreted as straightforwardness and a decision to hold fast in one's stance..
Meaning of Istikomah According to Khulafaur Rasydin
Then the meaning of the word istiqomah was also conveyed by khulafaur rasyidin, which were the first four caliphs in the continuation of the teachings of Islam after the departure of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
Where four of the companions of the Prophet contributed to the introduction of all their ideas and thoughts into Islam, especially those related to understanding Istiqomah. Where they were asked about the meaning of Istikomah, they also answered as follows:
- According to Abu Bakr al-Siddik: the meaning of the word istiqomah is pure monotheism which means not connecting Allah SWT with anyone, also with anything.
- According to Umar bin al-Khattab: the meaning of the word istiqomah is an obligation to fulfill everything that is ordered and prohibited, and also must not commit fraud. Can obey an order or prohibition, and then don't overturn the facts to something like a weasel in sheep's clothing
- According to Usman ibn Affan: the meaning of the word istiqomah is confirmation of the way of Allah. Then, when you do something, basically, all the blessings of Allah SWT and perform all the acts of worship that He commands
- According to Ali ibn Abi Talib: The meaning of Istiqomah is the commandment to be followed and for all commitments made.
Istiqomah's attitude
The following are some examples of relationships that reflect the nature of Istiqomah, as well as the explanation :
- Do everything that Allah commands sincerely
- Can accept all trials with patience.
- Worship on Time (Prayer) continously
- Do not be deceived by the luxuries of worldly life.
- Always believe in Almighty God.
- Always be biased towards God.
- Follow all orders and stay away from all prohibitions.
The following are the benefits of Istiqomah, the following explanation:
- People associated with Istiqomah will always avoid fear and sadness.
- For someone who istiqamah will always be patient in accepting the test,
- Someone who is Istiqomah will always have guidance in his life journey.
- A person who istiqamah will receive happiness both in this worldly life and in the life to come.
A way to bring out a good sense of Istiqomah
The following is a series of steps that can be applied to growing rsa istiqomah, some of them are as follows:
- Repent
The point is to seriously ask for forgiveness from Allah Subhanahu wataala. and will no longer repeat what has been done.
- Muhasabah
For a Muslim who is given a compelling reason to commit a crime, it will consider this first, and they will always tell themselves that it is not the right thing to do
The dignity and benefits of this Muhasabah is to improve themselves from those who previously often committed disgrace and did bad deeds, and always realizes that he does not have the strength and effort without the will of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala
- Murokobah
This means that he can always feel and believe that Allah Subhanahu wata'ala always sees whatever our actions are because Allah has an all-knowing nature of all the things that his servant does..
The nature of Murokobah who has held the position of makom ikhsan, where the man who places the highest point in obedience and obedience to god and one of the faithful servants of his God is called a true man.
- Mujahadah
The point of Mujahada here is that a Muslim must always try seriously and must understand that the real enemy to fight is his own passion..
- Tadabbur
The meaning of Tadabbur here is by always being able to contemplate all the signs of God’s greatness, always see the magnitude of God's power, who created nature and everything in it.
Example of Istikomah
The following are some examples of growing Istikomah, some of them are as follows.
- That is to always maintain the belief that God is one ( Single ), regardless of the maturity of the trials faced so that whatever it is always surrender to Allah subhanahu wata’ala.
- Always consistent in performing all acts of worship determined by Allah Subhanahu wata'ala, like prayer and hope, even in difficult circumstances.
- Always be sincere in helping others, even if this person has hurt us, then after giving help, never expect anything in return except an answer from Allah Subhanahu wata'ala
- Always pious, and also obey all that God has commanded and be able to stay away from all his prohibitions.
Thus and that is what suhupend can convey about the meaning of istiqomah which hopefully can be useful, thank you.
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