Arti Barakallah Fiikum
This time we will discuss material papers about the meaning of barakallah fiikum which includes Understanding, answers and replies to his prayers are complete
You already know what Barakallah Fiikum is? How do we respond or reply to Barakallah Fiikum? How to use and the right time to say the word Barakallah Fiikum? OK, we will immediately discuss in this article about religious material about the meaning of Barakallah Fiikum and the answer and its full use below in full.
Pengertian Barakallah Fiikum
In Arabic writing Barakallah Fiikum is written as follows :
( بَارَكَ اللهُ فِيْكُم )
the sentence above consists of 3 the word, that is“Blessings ( بَارَكَ ), God ( اللهُ ), andFiikum ( فِيْكُم )”.
“Baraka” has the meaning of blessing, "God” still God (it means still God Almighty), while "fiikum” has your meaning / you.
So if extended or merged all, meaning of barakallahu fiikum (in writing arab; بَارَكَ اللهُ فِيْكُم ) meaning that "May God bless you” / "May God bless you".
Prayer pronunciation “Baarakallah” usually accompanied by the addition of the word "fiika (فيك)”, “Fiiki (فيك)” atau “fiikum (فيكم)”, meaning to you (for men / single), for you (for women / single) and for you ( in this case many people / plural).
Answer / Balasan Do’a Barakallah Fiikum
Regarding the response of people who say the greeting barakallah fiikum depending on who said it and how many people said the greeting. Therefore, the way to be able to answer the speech from Barakallah FiiKum is as follows :
Wa fiika barakallah berarti “Allah memberkahimu” (for men in this single)
Wa fiiki barakallah berarti “Godmemberkahimu” (for women in this single)
Wa fiikum barakallah “SemogaGodbless you all” (plural male and female / more than one or many people)
“Wa Fiihim Baarakallaah”Godbless them all“(plural male and femalefor many people)
In the hadith narrated by Iman An-Nasa’i above from Ummul Mukminin ‘Aisyah R.a, bahwa Balasan ucapan Barakallah Fiikum ialah,
The meaning of the hadith :
"I gave a gift of a lamb to the Prophetshollallahu' alaihi was sallam. Then he was the Messenger of Allahshollallahu' alaihi was sallamordered by saying, “Divide the sheep into two parts to be alms)”.
(So the lamb was delivered by Rosulullah's assistantshollallahu' alaihi was sallam) And it has become a habit of 'Aisyah ra when her maid comes home from doing work like that, he asked, “What do they say?” His service answered, "Baarakallaah Fiikum".
‘Aisyahrodhiyallahu ‘anha also said, “Wa Fiihim Baarakallaah” we have answered their prayers with similar prayers and still for us the reward of the good deeds that we have done.
Penggunaan Do’a Barakallah Fiikum
In Barakallahu Fiikum's speech this is usually used in all situations, because the sentence is a good and good prayer. Below are some examples of the use of barakallahu fiikum that we often use :
- Greetings / Greetings to the newlyweds.
- Congratulations to the couple who have been blessed with a baby
- As a congratulations / an alternative to a spouse or someone who is successful in their work career, for example, being promoted or getting a promotion
- Couple / families who gave us gifts, we can say Barakallah Fiikum, however, it is usually said as a congratulatory message / Greetings to the couple / the family who gave it and added the sentence “Barakallahu fiikum, wa baroka alaikuma ”.
- As a substitute to thank the gifts or services from the crowd.
- As a short prayer for those affected by natural disasters.
- and so on
Thus and this is what suhupend can convey about the meaning of barakallah fiikum, hopefully this is useful, thank you
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