Arti Barakallah Fii Umrik
This time we will discuss a material paper about the meaning of barakallah fii umrik which includes Arabic writing and complete wisdom

Have you ever been given the words "Barakallah Fii Umrik"? So what does this mean and how does Arabic writing and its wisdom in Islamic teachings?
You often hear the word barakallah when someone gets older or birthdays birth. Or have you ever received a congratulation like that.
As we all know, Birthday is a marker in the journey of life. And birthday wishes are really one of the good ways to make a year old person happy and happy.
Okay, quoted by several sources, Below is the writing in Arabic and the meaning of Barakallah fii umrik, as well as the wisdom as follows.
1. Arabic script and its meaning.
Barakallah fii umrik in its Arabic characters is as follows :
بارك الله في عمرك
That means: May God bless you always at your age.
2. Response / balasan do'a untuk Barakallah fii umrik
Prayer, which is often expressed along with birthdays, is a good prayer said by a Muslim.
And the answer to the words "Barakallah fii umrik"” ialah “wa fiika barakallah” if it's for men, atau “wa fiiki barakallah” if it's for women, which means that Allah will also bless you.
The use of “ka” and “ki” similar to how we say "syafakalla"” to a sick man, or "syafakilla", as women say.
3. Wisdom and Law from the words of Barakallah fii umrik
Among the scholars, general rules can apply if something is not contrary to Islamic law, it can be applied. Therefore, the law of saying happy birthday is permissible, or that can be done. Mubah is what, when done, innocent and sinless. next, if not done, innocent and sinless.
So, as long as there is nothing bad in it, those words are harmless. In connection with this information, the scholars conclude with one of the stories narrated by Imam Bukhari. One day, a friend of the Prophet named Kaab bin Malik heard good news from the Prophet about accepting his repentance. Therefore, another friend of Talhah bin Ubaidillah, who knows it, congratulate him.
4. Makna dan Hikmah dari ucapan Barakallah fii umrik
The meaning of Baracalla in him is to pray for someone so that his age is useful and blessed by Almighty God. We know that Muslims, Prophet Muhammad's people did not abandon the teachings of birthday celebrations.
The festival meant lighting candles, as well as parties that have no meaning from being grateful and worshiping Allah SWT.
The Prophet never celebrated his birthday. Neither his wife Khadija nor his other wives celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.
But, Some Hadith stories explain that one of the reasons why the Prophet often fasted on Mondays is because the Prophet was born on that day.
As in one of the hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad, The Prophet once mentioned Barakallah fii umrik to one of his companions.
4. Conclusion
In the greeting of happy birthday, happy birthday, yaumul milad or other happy birthday greetings in arabic is not useful or does not mean having guidance in Islamic teachings and also there are no clear prohibitions.
Even on our own birthday. There is no such thing as a birthday in Islamic teachings. In Islam there is a prayer for long life and good luck. Can be used anytime, and not specifically on birthdays.
The best of all is, We don't do useless celebrations for birthdays, Moreover, it contains elements of munkar and also waste.
Anyway, we want to celebrate our birthday, should consider the reflection and positive impact and should be grateful and apologize asking forgiveness from Allah SWT.
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