Morals in terminology, it means the behavior of a person that is driven by a conscious desire to do a good deed. Morality is the plural form of the word khuluk, comes from Arabic which means temperament, behavior, or habits. the following is a complete discussion of morality
Definition of Morals
Moral sentences come from Arabic, namely al-akhlaq. Al-akhlaq is the plural form of khuluq which means habit, habit or manners.
While in terms of the nature found in a person who makes the deeds he did good or bad, good or bad. In essence, morals are a description of a person's inner condition. It is the soul and the true qualities of a person.
Therefore, when one's heart and mind have been pious (good), then he will also be pious himself and his morals. And vice versa when his heart and mind are broken, then he also damaged himself and his morals. The Prophet said in a hadith narrated through al-Nu'man bin Basyir:
“Know that in the body there is a lump of flesh which if it is good, then it is good for the whole body. And when it's bad, then the whole body is bad. It is the heart. ”(Muttafaq ‘alaih)
How to distinguish morals, morals and ethics, namely in ethics, To determine the value of good and bad human actions using measures of reason and ratio
Meanwhile, in morals and morals, norms are used to measure that grow and take place in society (customs and traditions), and in morality use the measure of the Qur'an and Hadith to determine the good and bad.
The Reason for the Formation of Morality
Judging from the source, a person's morals are formed because of two things, namely:
- Congenital : in the sense that Allah Ta’ala has instilled good morals (more or less) in a person since his creation.
- By the way worked, that is someone trying to have good morals.
The proof is the following hadith :
“Narrated from Asyajj Abdul Qais, that he said:
“The Prophet said to me, “Indeed, in you there are two qualities (morals) which is pleasing to God.”
I ask: "What is that, O Messenger of Allah?”
He said: “Meek and embarrassed.”
I'm asking again: "The nature is old or new?”
He said: "It is been a long time.”
I said: “Alhamdulillah who has instilled in me two qualities that are loved by Allah (HR.Nasa-i)
Moral Urgency
Morality has a very important position in Islam. Allah Ta’ala praised the Prophet -shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam for his good morals.
God says :
That means :
"And verily you are truly virtuous.”
(QS. Alqalam ayat 4)
And Allah sent Prophet Muhammad – shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam- nothing but to perfect morals.
Nabi -shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda (hadith from Abu Hurairah)
"Indeed, I was sent to perfect morals.” (HR. Baihaqi)
In one history it is mentioned: It was narrated from Yazid bin Babinus that he said, "We visited Aisyah. We asked: O Ummul Mu’minin, how the character of the Prophet?” Aisyah replied: "His morality is the Qur'an.” Because of that Alloh Ta'ala said: "And verily you are truly virtuous.” (QS. Alqalam: 4) The hadith shows that the Koran is the basic principle of morals.”
Read it too : Meditation
Distribution of Morals
Akhla is divided into two parts, the following is a complete explanation
Good morals (Al-Hamidah)
1. Honest (Ash-Shidqu)
Honest is a desire-driven behavior (intention) good in order not to cause harm to himself and others.
2. Good behavior (Husnul Khuluqi)
Good behavior is a person's psychological reaction to their environment in a commendable way.
3. Shy (Al-Haya’)
Shame is one's morality to abandon a bad and reprehensible deed,so that it can prevent someone from committing sins as well as immoral and able to prevent someone from neglecting the rights of others.
4. Be humble (At-Tawadlu’)Washiyatul mushtofa
Humility is a wise personal trait for someone who is able to position himself on an equal footing with others by not feeling superior to others..
5. Generous (Al-Hilmu)
Generosity is like (easy) giving to others without feeling selfish and just showing off. It is good to be generous regardless of ethnicity, race and religion
6. Patient (Ash-Shobr)
Patience is holding back / restrain everything that befalls us(lust). although in fact the choice of anger or retaliation is capable yet patience is to withstand it
Bad morals (Adz-Dzamimah)
In fact, bad morals are the opposite of the good morals above, but to give an example, it is as below
1. Steal / take what is not his right
2. This document
3. Talking about other people's badness (gossip)
4. Kill
5. All forms of actions that are reprehensible and detrimental to others (other creatures)
Moral Purpose
Moral goals are divided into 2 of sorts, that is: general purpose and specific purpose.
General purpose from morals is to form a Muslim into a person "who has noble morals both physically and mentally.
Firman Alloh Ta’ala:
That means :
“Say it: “My God only forbids heinous acts, either visible or hidden, and acts of sin, violates human rights without the right reasons, (ban) associating Allah with something for which Allah did not send down an argument for it and (ban) fabricate against Allah what you do not know.”
(QS Al a’raf ayat 33)
Specific moral goals is: Get used to being virtuous (akhlaq mahmudah), such as monotheism, imitating the Prophet, forgiving, patient, generous, affection, and so on.
Free from bad morals (akhlaqmadzmumah), such as associating partners with God (polytheism or polytheism), commit a bad heresy, arrogant, envy, bring into conflict, games, etc.
In the end, we can create a Muslim who is good internally, and able to create benefit in the lives of other Muslims and humans in general.
God said:
That means :
"And behold, it is a loss for those who pollute their souls.” (QS. Asysyams verse 10)
Furthermore, of course, it makes morals a character inherent in a Muslim, then make the owner get the pleasure and mercy of God.
The Prophet said (hadith from Abu Hurairah):
"The most that puts people in heaven is taqwa to God and good morals. And the most that puts them in hell is the mouth and genitals.”
Moral Requirements
There is 4 things that must exist if someone is to be said to be moral, That is :
- Good or bad deeds.
- Ability to do an action.
- Awareness of that action
- The mental condition makes it inclined to do good or bad deeds
Such is the discussion of morality, May be useful
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